1use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
2use std::num::NonZero;
3use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
5use serde::Serialize;
7use crate::compiler_interface::with;
8use crate::mir::FieldIdx;
9use crate::target::{MachineInfo, MachineSize as Size};
10use crate::ty::{Align, IndexedVal, Ty, VariantIdx};
11use crate::{Error, Opaque, error};
13/// A function ABI definition.
14#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
15pub struct FnAbi {
16 /// The types of each argument.
17 pub args: Vec<ArgAbi>,
19 /// The expected return type.
20 pub ret: ArgAbi,
22 /// The count of non-variadic arguments.
23 ///
24 /// Should only be different from `args.len()` when a function is a C variadic function.
25 pub fixed_count: u32,
27 /// The ABI convention.
28 pub conv: CallConvention,
30 /// Whether this is a variadic C function,
31 pub c_variadic: bool,
34/// Information about the ABI of a function's argument, or return value.
35#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
36pub struct ArgAbi {
37 pub ty: Ty,
38 pub layout: Layout,
39 pub mode: PassMode,
42/// How a function argument should be passed in to the target function.
43#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
44pub enum PassMode {
45 /// Ignore the argument.
46 ///
47 /// The argument is either uninhabited or a ZST.
48 Ignore,
49 /// Pass the argument directly.
50 ///
51 /// The argument has a layout abi of `Scalar` or `Vector`.
52 Direct(Opaque),
53 /// Pass a pair's elements directly in two arguments.
54 ///
55 /// The argument has a layout abi of `ScalarPair`.
56 Pair(Opaque, Opaque),
57 /// Pass the argument after casting it.
58 Cast { pad_i32: bool, cast: Opaque },
59 /// Pass the argument indirectly via a hidden pointer.
60 Indirect { attrs: Opaque, meta_attrs: Opaque, on_stack: bool },
63/// The layout of a type, alongside the type itself.
64#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
65pub struct TyAndLayout {
66 pub ty: Ty,
67 pub layout: Layout,
70/// The layout of a type in memory.
71#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
72pub struct LayoutShape {
73 /// The fields location within the layout
74 pub fields: FieldsShape,
76 /// Encodes information about multi-variant layouts.
77 /// Even with `Multiple` variants, a layout still has its own fields! Those are then
78 /// shared between all variants.
79 ///
80 /// To access all fields of this layout, both `fields` and the fields of the active variant
81 /// must be taken into account.
82 pub variants: VariantsShape,
84 /// The `abi` defines how this data is passed between functions.
85 pub abi: ValueAbi,
87 /// The ABI mandated alignment in bytes.
88 pub abi_align: Align,
90 /// The size of this layout in bytes.
91 pub size: Size,
94impl LayoutShape {
95 /// Returns `true` if the layout corresponds to an unsized type.
96 #[inline]
97 pub fn is_unsized(&self) -> bool {
98 self.abi.is_unsized()
99 }
101 #[inline]
102 pub fn is_sized(&self) -> bool {
103 !self.abi.is_unsized()
104 }
106 /// Returns `true` if the type is sized and a 1-ZST (meaning it has size 0 and alignment 1).
107 pub fn is_1zst(&self) -> bool {
108 self.is_sized() && self.size.bits() == 0 && self.abi_align == 1
109 }
112#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
113pub struct Layout(usize);
115impl Layout {
116 pub fn shape(self) -> LayoutShape {
117 with(|cx| cx.layout_shape(self))
118 }
121impl IndexedVal for Layout {
122 fn to_val(index: usize) -> Self {
123 Layout(index)
124 }
125 fn to_index(&self) -> usize {
126 self.0
127 }
130/// Describes how the fields of a type are shaped in memory.
131#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
132pub enum FieldsShape {
133 /// Scalar primitives and `!`, which never have fields.
134 Primitive,
136 /// All fields start at no offset. The `usize` is the field count.
137 Union(NonZero<usize>),
139 /// Array/vector-like placement, with all fields of identical types.
140 Array { stride: Size, count: u64 },
142 /// Struct-like placement, with precomputed offsets.
143 ///
144 /// Fields are guaranteed to not overlap, but note that gaps
145 /// before, between and after all the fields are NOT always
146 /// padding, and as such their contents may not be discarded.
147 /// For example, enum variants leave a gap at the start,
148 /// where the discriminant field in the enum layout goes.
149 Arbitrary {
150 /// Offsets for the first byte of each field,
151 /// ordered to match the source definition order.
152 /// I.e.: It follows the same order as [crate::ty::VariantDef::fields()].
153 /// This vector does not go in increasing order.
154 offsets: Vec<Size>,
155 },
158impl FieldsShape {
159 pub fn fields_by_offset_order(&self) -> Vec<FieldIdx> {
160 match self {
161 FieldsShape::Primitive => vec![],
162 FieldsShape::Union(_) | FieldsShape::Array { .. } => (0..self.count()).collect(),
163 FieldsShape::Arbitrary { offsets, .. } => {
164 let mut indices = (0..offsets.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
165 indices.sort_by_key(|idx| offsets[*idx]);
166 indices
167 }
168 }
169 }
171 pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
172 match self {
173 FieldsShape::Primitive => 0,
174 FieldsShape::Union(count) => count.get(),
175 FieldsShape::Array { count, .. } => *count as usize,
176 FieldsShape::Arbitrary { offsets, .. } => offsets.len(),
177 }
178 }
181#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
182pub enum VariantsShape {
183 /// A type with no valid variants. Must be uninhabited.
184 Empty,
186 /// Single enum variants, structs/tuples, unions, and all non-ADTs.
187 Single { index: VariantIdx },
189 /// Enum-likes with more than one inhabited variant: each variant comes with
190 /// a *discriminant* (usually the same as the variant index but the user can
191 /// assign explicit discriminant values). That discriminant is encoded
192 /// as a *tag* on the machine. The layout of each variant is
193 /// a struct, and they all have space reserved for the tag.
194 /// For enums, the tag is the sole field of the layout.
195 Multiple {
196 tag: Scalar,
197 tag_encoding: TagEncoding,
198 tag_field: usize,
199 variants: Vec<LayoutShape>,
200 },
203#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
204pub enum TagEncoding {
205 /// The tag directly stores the discriminant, but possibly with a smaller layout
206 /// (so converting the tag to the discriminant can require sign extension).
207 Direct,
209 /// Niche (values invalid for a type) encoding the discriminant:
210 /// Discriminant and variant index coincide.
211 /// The variant `untagged_variant` contains a niche at an arbitrary
212 /// offset (field `tag_field` of the enum), which for a variant with
213 /// discriminant `d` is set to
214 /// `(d - niche_variants.start).wrapping_add(niche_start)`.
215 ///
216 /// For example, `Option<(usize, &T)>` is represented such that
217 /// `None` has a null pointer for the second tuple field, and
218 /// `Some` is the identity function (with a non-null reference).
219 Niche {
220 untagged_variant: VariantIdx,
221 niche_variants: RangeInclusive<VariantIdx>,
222 niche_start: u128,
223 },
226/// Describes how values of the type are passed by target ABIs,
227/// in terms of categories of C types there are ABI rules for.
228#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
229pub enum ValueAbi {
230 Uninhabited,
231 Scalar(Scalar),
232 ScalarPair(Scalar, Scalar),
233 Vector {
234 element: Scalar,
235 count: u64,
236 },
237 Aggregate {
238 /// If true, the size is exact, otherwise it's only a lower bound.
239 sized: bool,
240 },
243impl ValueAbi {
244 /// Returns `true` if the layout corresponds to an unsized type.
245 pub fn is_unsized(&self) -> bool {
246 match *self {
247 ValueAbi::Uninhabited
248 | ValueAbi::Scalar(_)
249 | ValueAbi::ScalarPair(..)
250 | ValueAbi::Vector { .. } => false,
251 ValueAbi::Aggregate { sized } => !sized,
252 }
253 }
256/// Information about one scalar component of a Rust type.
257#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
258pub enum Scalar {
259 Initialized {
260 /// The primitive type used to represent this value.
261 value: Primitive,
262 /// The range that represents valid values.
263 /// The range must be valid for the `primitive` size.
264 valid_range: WrappingRange,
265 },
266 Union {
267 /// Unions never have niches, so there is no `valid_range`.
268 /// Even for unions, we need to use the correct registers for the kind of
269 /// values inside the union, so we keep the `Primitive` type around.
270 /// It is also used to compute the size of the scalar.
271 value: Primitive,
272 },
275impl Scalar {
276 pub fn has_niche(&self, target: &MachineInfo) -> bool {
277 match self {
278 Scalar::Initialized { value, valid_range } => {
279 !valid_range.is_full(value.size(target)).unwrap()
280 }
281 Scalar::Union { .. } => false,
282 }
283 }
286/// Fundamental unit of memory access and layout.
287#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
288pub enum Primitive {
289 /// The `bool` is the signedness of the `Integer` type.
290 ///
291 /// One would think we would not care about such details this low down,
292 /// but some ABIs are described in terms of C types and ISAs where the
293 /// integer arithmetic is done on {sign,zero}-extended registers, e.g.
294 /// a negative integer passed by zero-extension will appear positive in
295 /// the callee, and most operations on it will produce the wrong values.
296 Int {
297 length: IntegerLength,
298 signed: bool,
299 },
300 Float {
301 length: FloatLength,
302 },
303 Pointer(AddressSpace),
306impl Primitive {
307 pub fn size(self, target: &MachineInfo) -> Size {
308 match self {
309 Primitive::Int { length, .. } => Size::from_bits(length.bits()),
310 Primitive::Float { length } => Size::from_bits(length.bits()),
311 Primitive::Pointer(_) => target.pointer_width,
312 }
313 }
316/// Enum representing the existing integer lengths.
317#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
318pub enum IntegerLength {
319 I8,
320 I16,
321 I32,
322 I64,
323 I128,
326/// Enum representing the existing float lengths.
327#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug, Serialize)]
328pub enum FloatLength {
329 F16,
330 F32,
331 F64,
332 F128,
335impl IntegerLength {
336 pub fn bits(self) -> usize {
337 match self {
338 IntegerLength::I8 => 8,
339 IntegerLength::I16 => 16,
340 IntegerLength::I32 => 32,
341 IntegerLength::I64 => 64,
342 IntegerLength::I128 => 128,
343 }
344 }
347impl FloatLength {
348 pub fn bits(self) -> usize {
349 match self {
350 FloatLength::F16 => 16,
351 FloatLength::F32 => 32,
352 FloatLength::F64 => 64,
353 FloatLength::F128 => 128,
354 }
355 }
358/// An identifier that specifies the address space that some operation
359/// should operate on. Special address spaces have an effect on code generation,
360/// depending on the target and the address spaces it implements.
361#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Serialize)]
362pub struct AddressSpace(pub u32);
364impl AddressSpace {
365 /// The default address space, corresponding to data space.
366 pub const DATA: Self = AddressSpace(0);
369/// Inclusive wrap-around range of valid values (bitwise representation), that is, if
370/// start > end, it represents `start..=MAX`, followed by `0..=end`.
372/// That is, for an i8 primitive, a range of `254..=2` means following
373/// sequence:
375/// 254 (-2), 255 (-1), 0, 1, 2
376#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
377pub struct WrappingRange {
378 pub start: u128,
379 pub end: u128,
382impl WrappingRange {
383 /// Returns `true` if `size` completely fills the range.
384 #[inline]
385 pub fn is_full(&self, size: Size) -> Result<bool, Error> {
386 let Some(max_value) = size.unsigned_int_max() else {
387 return Err(error!("Expected size <= 128 bits, but found {} instead", size.bits()));
388 };
389 if self.start <= max_value && self.end <= max_value {
390 Ok(self.start == (self.end.wrapping_add(1) & max_value))
391 } else {
392 Err(error!("Range `{self:?}` out of bounds for size `{}` bits.", size.bits()))
393 }
394 }
396 /// Returns `true` if `v` is contained in the range.
397 #[inline(always)]
398 pub fn contains(&self, v: u128) -> bool {
399 if self.wraps_around() {
400 self.start <= v || v <= self.end
401 } else {
402 self.start <= v && v <= self.end
403 }
404 }
406 /// Returns `true` if the range wraps around.
407 /// I.e., the range represents the union of `self.start..=MAX` and `0..=self.end`.
408 /// Returns `false` if this is a non-wrapping range, i.e.: `self.start..=self.end`.
409 #[inline]
410 pub fn wraps_around(&self) -> bool {
411 self.start > self.end
412 }
415impl Debug for WrappingRange {
416 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
417 if self.start > self.end {
418 write!(fmt, "(..={}) | ({}..)", self.end, self.start)?;
419 } else {
420 write!(fmt, "{}..={}", self.start, self.end)?;
421 }
422 Ok(())
423 }
426/// General language calling conventions.
427#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize)]
428pub enum CallConvention {
429 C,
430 Rust,
432 Cold,
433 PreserveMost,
434 PreserveAll,
436 // Target-specific calling conventions.
437 ArmAapcs,
438 CCmseNonSecureCall,
439 CCmseNonSecureEntry,
441 Msp430Intr,
443 PtxKernel,
445 GpuKernel,
447 X86Fastcall,
448 X86Intr,
449 X86Stdcall,
450 X86ThisCall,
451 X86VectorCall,
453 X86_64SysV,
454 X86_64Win64,
456 AvrInterrupt,
457 AvrNonBlockingInterrupt,
459 RiscvInterrupt,