1//! HTML escaping.
3//! This module contains one unit struct, which can be used to HTML-escape a
4//! string of text (for use in a format string).
6use std::fmt;
8use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
10/// Wrapper struct which will emit the HTML-escaped version of the contained
11/// string when passed to a format string.
12pub(crate) struct Escape<'a>(pub &'a str);
14impl fmt::Display for Escape<'_> {
15 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
16 // Because the internet is always right, turns out there's not that many
17 // characters to escape:
18 let Escape(s) = *self;
19 let pile_o_bits = s;
20 let mut last = 0;
21 for (i, ch) in s.char_indices() {
22 let s = match ch {
23 '>' => ">",
24 '<' => "<",
25 '&' => "&",
26 '\'' => "'",
27 '"' => """,
28 _ => continue,
29 };
30 fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..i])?;
31 fmt.write_str(s)?;
32 // NOTE: we only expect single byte characters here - which is fine as long as we
33 // only match single byte characters
34 last = i + 1;
35 }
37 if last < s.len() {
38 fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..])?;
39 }
40 Ok(())
41 }
44/// Wrapper struct which will emit the HTML-escaped version of the contained
45/// string when passed to a format string.
47/// This is only safe to use for text nodes. If you need your output to be
48/// safely contained in an attribute, use [`Escape`]. If you don't know the
49/// difference, use [`Escape`].
50pub(crate) struct EscapeBodyText<'a>(pub &'a str);
52impl fmt::Display for EscapeBodyText<'_> {
53 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
54 // Because the internet is always right, turns out there's not that many
55 // characters to escape:
56 let EscapeBodyText(s) = *self;
57 let pile_o_bits = s;
58 let mut last = 0;
59 for (i, ch) in s.char_indices() {
60 let s = match ch {
61 '>' => ">",
62 '<' => "<",
63 '&' => "&",
64 _ => continue,
65 };
66 fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..i])?;
67 fmt.write_str(s)?;
68 // NOTE: we only expect single byte characters here - which is fine as long as we
69 // only match single byte characters
70 last = i + 1;
71 }
73 if last < s.len() {
74 fmt.write_str(&pile_o_bits[last..])?;
75 }
76 Ok(())
77 }
80/// Wrapper struct which will emit the HTML-escaped version of the contained
81/// string when passed to a format string. This function also word-breaks
82/// CamelCase and snake_case word names.
84/// This is only safe to use for text nodes. If you need your output to be
85/// safely contained in an attribute, use [`Escape`]. If you don't know the
86/// difference, use [`Escape`].
87pub(crate) struct EscapeBodyTextWithWbr<'a>(pub &'a str);
89impl fmt::Display for EscapeBodyTextWithWbr<'_> {
90 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
91 let EscapeBodyTextWithWbr(text) = *self;
92 if text.len() < 8 {
93 return EscapeBodyText(text).fmt(fmt);
94 }
95 let mut last = 0;
96 let mut it = text.grapheme_indices(true).peekable();
97 let _ =; // don't insert wbr before first char
98 while let Some((i, s)) = {
99 let pk = it.peek();
100 if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()) {
101 // don't need "First <wbr>Second"; the space is enough
102 EscapeBodyText(&text[last..i]).fmt(fmt)?;
103 last = i;
104 continue;
105 }
106 let is_uppercase = || s.chars().any(|c| c.is_uppercase());
107 let next_is_uppercase = || pk.is_none_or(|(_, t)| t.chars().any(|c| c.is_uppercase()));
108 let next_is_underscore = || pk.is_none_or(|(_, t)| t.contains('_'));
109 let next_is_colon = || pk.is_none_or(|(_, t)| t.contains(':'));
110 // Check for CamelCase.
111 //
112 // `i - last > 3` avoids turning FmRadio into Fm<wbr>Radio, which is technically
113 // correct, but needlessly bloated.
114 //
115 // is_uppercase && !next_is_uppercase checks for camelCase. HTTPSProxy,
116 // for example, should become HTTPS<wbr>Proxy.
117 //
118 // !next_is_underscore avoids turning TEST_RUN into TEST<wbr>_<wbr>RUN, which is also
119 // needlessly bloated.
120 if i - last > 3 && is_uppercase() && !next_is_uppercase() && !next_is_underscore() {
121 EscapeBodyText(&text[last..i]).fmt(fmt)?;
122 fmt.write_str("<wbr>")?;
123 last = i;
124 } else if (s.contains(':') && !next_is_colon())
125 || (s.contains('_') && !next_is_underscore())
126 {
127 EscapeBodyText(&text[last..i + 1]).fmt(fmt)?;
128 fmt.write_str("<wbr>")?;
129 last = i + 1;
130 }
131 }
132 if last < text.len() {
133 EscapeBodyText(&text[last..]).fmt(fmt)?;
134 }
135 Ok(())
136 }
140mod tests;