1use std::{ascii, fmt, str};
5use rustc_lexer::unescape::{
6 MixedUnit, Mode, byte_from_char, unescape_byte, unescape_char, unescape_mixed, unescape_unicode,
8use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol, kw, sym};
9use tracing::debug;
11use crate::ast::{self, LitKind, MetaItemLit, StrStyle};
12use crate::token::{self, Token};
14pub fn escape_string_symbol(symbol: Symbol) -> Symbol {
17 let s = symbol.as_str();
18 let escaped = s.escape_default().to_string();
19 if s == escaped { symbol } else { Symbol::intern(&escaped) }
22pub fn escape_char_symbol(ch: char) -> Symbol {
24 let s: String = ch.escape_default().map(Into::<char>::into).collect();
25 Symbol::intern(&s)
28pub fn escape_byte_str_symbol(bytes: &[u8]) -> Symbol {
30 let s = bytes.escape_ascii().to_string();
31 Symbol::intern(&s)
35pub enum LitError {
36 InvalidSuffix(Symbol),
37 InvalidIntSuffix(Symbol),
38 InvalidFloatSuffix(Symbol),
39 NonDecimalFloat(u32), IntTooLarge(u32), }
43impl LitKind {
44 pub fn from_token_lit(lit: token::Lit) -> Result<LitKind, LitError> {
46 let token::Lit { kind, symbol, suffix } = lit;
47 if let Some(suffix) = suffix
48 && !kind.may_have_suffix()
49 {
50 return Err(LitError::InvalidSuffix(suffix));
51 }
53 Ok(match kind {
57 token::Bool => {
58 assert!(symbol.is_bool_lit());
59 LitKind::Bool(symbol == kw::True)
60 }
61 token::Byte => {
62 return unescape_byte(symbol.as_str())
63 .map(LitKind::Byte)
64 .map_err(|_| panic!("failed to unescape byte literal"));
65 }
66 token::Char => {
67 return unescape_char(symbol.as_str())
68 .map(LitKind::Char)
69 .map_err(|_| panic!("failed to unescape char literal"));
70 }
72 token::Integer => return integer_lit(symbol, suffix),
75 token::Float => return float_lit(symbol, suffix),
77 token::Str => {
78 let s = symbol.as_str();
83 let symbol = if s.contains('\\') {
86 let mut buf = String::with_capacity(s.len());
87 unescape_unicode(
91 s,
92 Mode::Str,
93 &mut #[inline(always)]
94 |_, c| match c {
95 Ok(c) => buf.push(c),
96 Err(err) => {
97 assert!(!err.is_fatal(), "failed to unescape string literal")
98 }
99 },
100 );
101 Symbol::intern(&buf)
102 } else {
103 symbol
104 };
105 LitKind::Str(symbol, ast::StrStyle::Cooked)
106 }
107 token::StrRaw(n) => {
108 LitKind::Str(symbol, ast::StrStyle::Raw(n))
110 }
111 token::ByteStr => {
112 let s = symbol.as_str();
113 let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(s.len());
114 unescape_unicode(s, Mode::ByteStr, &mut |_, c| match c {
115 Ok(c) => buf.push(byte_from_char(c)),
116 Err(err) => {
117 assert!(!err.is_fatal(), "failed to unescape string literal")
118 }
119 });
120 LitKind::ByteStr(buf.into(), StrStyle::Cooked)
121 }
122 token::ByteStrRaw(n) => {
123 let buf = symbol.as_str().to_owned().into_bytes();
126 LitKind::ByteStr(buf.into(), StrStyle::Raw(n))
127 }
128 token::CStr => {
129 let s = symbol.as_str();
130 let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(s.len());
131 unescape_mixed(s, Mode::CStr, &mut |_span, c| match c {
132 Ok(MixedUnit::Char(c)) => {
133 buf.extend_from_slice(c.encode_utf8(&mut [0; 4]).as_bytes())
134 }
135 Ok(MixedUnit::HighByte(b)) => buf.push(b),
136 Err(err) => {
137 assert!(!err.is_fatal(), "failed to unescape C string literal")
138 }
139 });
140 buf.push(0);
141 LitKind::CStr(buf.into(), StrStyle::Cooked)
142 }
143 token::CStrRaw(n) => {
144 let mut buf = symbol.as_str().to_owned().into_bytes();
148 buf.push(0);
149 LitKind::CStr(buf.into(), StrStyle::Raw(n))
150 }
151 token::Err(guar) => LitKind::Err(guar),
152 })
153 }
156impl fmt::Display for LitKind {
157 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
158 match *self {
159 LitKind::Byte(b) => {
160 let b: String = ascii::escape_default(b).map(Into::<char>::into).collect();
161 write!(f, "b'{b}'")?;
162 }
163 LitKind::Char(ch) => write!(f, "'{}'", escape_char_symbol(ch))?,
164 LitKind::Str(sym, StrStyle::Cooked) => write!(f, "\"{}\"", escape_string_symbol(sym))?,
165 LitKind::Str(sym, StrStyle::Raw(n)) => write!(
166 f,
167 "r{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}",
168 delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),
169 string = sym
170 )?,
171 LitKind::ByteStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Cooked) => {
172 write!(f, "b\"{}\"", escape_byte_str_symbol(bytes))?
173 }
174 LitKind::ByteStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Raw(n)) => {
175 let symbol = str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
177 write!(
178 f,
179 "br{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}",
180 delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),
181 string = symbol
182 )?;
183 }
184 LitKind::CStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Cooked) => {
185 write!(f, "c\"{}\"", escape_byte_str_symbol(bytes))?
186 }
187 LitKind::CStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Raw(n)) => {
188 let symbol = str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
190 write!(f, "cr{delim}\"{symbol}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),)?;
191 }
192 LitKind::Int(n, ty) => {
193 write!(f, "{n}")?;
194 match ty {
195 ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ty) => write!(f, "{}", ty.name())?,
196 ast::LitIntType::Signed(ty) => write!(f, "{}", ty.name())?,
197 ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed => {}
198 }
199 }
200 LitKind::Float(symbol, ty) => {
201 write!(f, "{symbol}")?;
202 match ty {
203 ast::LitFloatType::Suffixed(ty) => write!(f, "{}", ty.name())?,
204 ast::LitFloatType::Unsuffixed => {}
205 }
206 }
207 LitKind::Bool(b) => write!(f, "{}", if b { "true" } else { "false" })?,
208 LitKind::Err(_) => {
209 write!(f, "<bad-literal>")?;
212 }
213 }
215 Ok(())
216 }
219impl MetaItemLit {
220 pub fn from_token_lit(token_lit: token::Lit, span: Span) -> Result<MetaItemLit, LitError> {
222 Ok(MetaItemLit {
223 symbol: token_lit.symbol,
224 suffix: token_lit.suffix,
225 kind: LitKind::from_token_lit(token_lit)?,
226 span,
227 })
228 }
230 pub fn as_token_lit(&self) -> token::Lit {
232 let kind = match self.kind {
233 LitKind::Bool(_) => token::Bool,
234 LitKind::Str(_, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) => token::Str,
235 LitKind::Str(_, ast::StrStyle::Raw(n)) => token::StrRaw(n),
236 LitKind::ByteStr(_, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) => token::ByteStr,
237 LitKind::ByteStr(_, ast::StrStyle::Raw(n)) => token::ByteStrRaw(n),
238 LitKind::CStr(_, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) => token::CStr,
239 LitKind::CStr(_, ast::StrStyle::Raw(n)) => token::CStrRaw(n),
240 LitKind::Byte(_) => token::Byte,
241 LitKind::Char(_) => token::Char,
242 LitKind::Int(..) => token::Integer,
243 LitKind::Float(..) => token::Float,
244 LitKind::Err(guar) => token::Err(guar),
245 };
247 token::Lit::new(kind, self.symbol, self.suffix)
248 }
250 pub fn from_token(token: &Token) -> Option<MetaItemLit> {
252 token::Lit::from_token(token)
253 .and_then(|token_lit| MetaItemLit::from_token_lit(token_lit, token.span).ok())
254 }
257fn strip_underscores(symbol: Symbol) -> Symbol {
258 let s = symbol.as_str();
260 if s.contains('_') {
261 let mut s = s.to_string();
262 s.retain(|c| c != '_');
263 return Symbol::intern(&s);
264 }
265 symbol
268fn filtered_float_lit(
269 symbol: Symbol,
270 suffix: Option<Symbol>,
271 base: u32,
272) -> Result<LitKind, LitError> {
273 debug!("filtered_float_lit: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", symbol, suffix, base);
274 if base != 10 {
275 return Err(LitError::NonDecimalFloat(base));
276 }
277 Ok(match suffix {
278 Some(suffix) => LitKind::Float(
279 symbol,
280 ast::LitFloatType::Suffixed(match suffix {
281 sym::f16 => ast::FloatTy::F16,
282 sym::f32 => ast::FloatTy::F32,
283 sym::f64 => ast::FloatTy::F64,
284 sym::f128 => ast::FloatTy::F128,
285 _ => return Err(LitError::InvalidFloatSuffix(suffix)),
286 }),
287 ),
288 None => LitKind::Float(symbol, ast::LitFloatType::Unsuffixed),
289 })
292fn float_lit(symbol: Symbol, suffix: Option<Symbol>) -> Result<LitKind, LitError> {
293 debug!("float_lit: {:?}, {:?}", symbol, suffix);
294 filtered_float_lit(strip_underscores(symbol), suffix, 10)
297fn integer_lit(symbol: Symbol, suffix: Option<Symbol>) -> Result<LitKind, LitError> {
298 debug!("integer_lit: {:?}, {:?}", symbol, suffix);
299 let symbol = strip_underscores(symbol);
300 let s = symbol.as_str();
302 let base = match s.as_bytes() {
303 [b'0', b'x', ..] => 16,
304 [b'0', b'o', ..] => 8,
305 [b'0', b'b', ..] => 2,
306 _ => 10,
307 };
309 let ty = match suffix {
310 Some(suf) => match suf {
311 sym::isize => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::Isize),
312 sym::i8 => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::I8),
313 sym::i16 => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::I16),
314 sym::i32 => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::I32),
315 sym::i64 => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::I64),
316 sym::i128 => ast::LitIntType::Signed(ast::IntTy::I128),
317 sym::usize => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::Usize),
318 sym::u8 => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U8),
319 sym::u16 => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U16),
320 sym::u32 => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U32),
321 sym::u64 => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U64),
322 sym::u128 => ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(ast::UintTy::U128),
323 _ if suf.as_str().starts_with('f') => return filtered_float_lit(symbol, suffix, base),
326 _ => return Err(LitError::InvalidIntSuffix(suf)),
327 },
328 _ => ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed,
329 };
331 let s = &s[if base != 10 { 2 } else { 0 }..];
332 u128::from_str_radix(s, base)
333 .map(|i| LitKind::Int(i.into(), ty))
334 .map_err(|_| LitError::IntTooLarge(base))