
1//! Print diagnostics to explain why values are borrowed.
6use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
8use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diag, EmissionGuarantee};
9use rustc_hir as hir;
10use rustc_hir::intravisit::Visitor;
11use rustc_infer::infer::NllRegionVariableOrigin;
12use rustc_middle::middle::resolve_bound_vars::ObjectLifetimeDefault;
13use rustc_middle::mir::{
14    Body, CallSource, CastKind, ConstraintCategory, FakeReadCause, Local, LocalInfo, Location,
15    Operand, Place, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind, TerminatorKind,
17use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::PointerCoercion;
18use rustc_middle::ty::{self, RegionVid, Ty, TyCtxt};
19use rustc_span::{DesugaringKind, Span, kw, sym};
20use rustc_trait_selection::error_reporting::traits::FindExprBySpan;
21use rustc_trait_selection::error_reporting::traits::call_kind::CallKind;
22use tracing::{debug, instrument};
24use super::{RegionName, UseSpans, find_use};
25use crate::borrow_set::BorrowData;
26use crate::constraints::OutlivesConstraint;
27use crate::nll::ConstraintDescription;
28use crate::region_infer::{BlameConstraint, Cause};
29use crate::{MirBorrowckCtxt, WriteKind};
32pub(crate) enum BorrowExplanation<'tcx> {
33    UsedLater(Local, LaterUseKind, Span, Option<Span>),
34    UsedLaterInLoop(LaterUseKind, Span, Option<Span>),
35    UsedLaterWhenDropped {
36        drop_loc: Location,
37        dropped_local: Local,
38        should_note_order: bool,
39    },
40    MustBeValidFor {
41        category: ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
42        from_closure: bool,
43        span: Span,
44        region_name: RegionName,
45        opt_place_desc: Option<String>,
46        path: Vec<OutlivesConstraint<'tcx>>,
47    },
48    Unexplained,
51#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
52pub(crate) enum LaterUseKind {
53    TraitCapture,
54    ClosureCapture,
55    Call,
56    FakeLetRead,
57    Other,
60impl<'tcx> BorrowExplanation<'tcx> {
61    pub(crate) fn is_explained(&self) -> bool {
62        !matches!(self, BorrowExplanation::Unexplained)
63    }
64    pub(crate) fn add_explanation_to_diagnostic<G: EmissionGuarantee>(
65        &self,
66        cx: &MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
67        err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
68        borrow_desc: &str,
69        borrow_span: Option<Span>,
70        multiple_borrow_span: Option<(Span, Span)>,
71    ) {
72        let tcx = cx.infcx.tcx;
73        let body = cx.body;
74        let local_names = &cx.local_names;
76        if let Some(span) = borrow_span {
77            let def_id = body.source.def_id();
78            if let Some(node) = tcx.hir().get_if_local(def_id)
79                && let Some(body_id) = node.body_id()
80            {
81                let body = tcx.hir().body(body_id);
82                let mut expr_finder = FindExprBySpan::new(span, tcx);
83                expr_finder.visit_expr(body.value);
84                if let Some(mut expr) = expr_finder.result {
85                    while let hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, inner)
86                    | hir::ExprKind::Unary(hir::UnOp::Deref, inner)
87                    | hir::ExprKind::Field(inner, _)
88                    | hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(_, inner, _, _)
89                    | hir::ExprKind::Index(inner, _, _) = &expr.kind
90                    {
91                        expr = inner;
92                    }
93                    if let hir::ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, p)) = expr.kind
94                        && let [hir::PathSegment { ident, args: None, .. }] = p.segments
95                        && let hir::def::Res::Local(hir_id) = p.res
96                        && let hir::Node::Pat(pat) = tcx.hir_node(hir_id)
97                    {
98                        err.span_label(pat.span, format!("binding `{ident}` declared here"));
99                    }
100                }
101            }
102        }
103        match *self {
104            BorrowExplanation::UsedLater(
105                dropped_local,
106                later_use_kind,
107                var_or_use_span,
108                path_span,
109            ) => {
110                let message = match later_use_kind {
111                    LaterUseKind::TraitCapture => "captured here by trait object",
112                    LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture => "captured here by closure",
113                    LaterUseKind::Call => "used by call",
114                    LaterUseKind::FakeLetRead => "stored here",
115                    LaterUseKind::Other => "used here",
116                };
117                let local_decl = &body.local_decls[dropped_local];
119                if let &LocalInfo::IfThenRescopeTemp { if_then } = local_decl.local_info()
120                    && let Some((_, hir::Node::Expr(expr))) = tcx.hir().parent_iter(if_then).next()
121                    && let hir::ExprKind::If(cond, conseq, alt) = expr.kind
122                    && let hir::ExprKind::Let(&hir::LetExpr {
123                        span: _,
124                        pat,
125                        init,
126                        // FIXME(#101728): enable rewrite when type ascription is stabilized again
127                        ty: None,
128                        recovered: _,
129                    }) = cond.kind
130                    && pat.span.can_be_used_for_suggestions()
131                    && let Ok(pat) = tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(pat.span)
132                {
133                    suggest_rewrite_if_let(tcx, expr, &pat, init, conseq, alt, err);
134                } else if path_span.is_none_or(|path_span| path_span == var_or_use_span) {
135                    // We can use `var_or_use_span` if either `path_span` is not present, or both
136                    // spans are the same.
137                    if borrow_span.is_none_or(|sp| !sp.overlaps(var_or_use_span)) {
138                        err.span_label(
139                            var_or_use_span,
140                            format!("{borrow_desc}borrow later {message}"),
141                        );
142                    }
143                } else {
144                    // path_span must be `Some` as otherwise the if condition is true
145                    let path_span = path_span.unwrap();
146                    // path_span is only present in the case of closure capture
147                    assert_matches!(later_use_kind, LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture);
148                    if !borrow_span.is_some_and(|sp| sp.overlaps(var_or_use_span)) {
149                        let path_label = "used here by closure";
150                        let capture_kind_label = message;
151                        err.span_label(
152                            var_or_use_span,
153                            format!("{borrow_desc}borrow later {capture_kind_label}"),
154                        );
155                        err.span_label(path_span, path_label);
156                    }
157                }
158            }
159            BorrowExplanation::UsedLaterInLoop(later_use_kind, var_or_use_span, path_span) => {
160                let message = match later_use_kind {
161                    LaterUseKind::TraitCapture => {
162                        "borrow captured here by trait object, in later iteration of loop"
163                    }
164                    LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture => {
165                        "borrow captured here by closure, in later iteration of loop"
166                    }
167                    LaterUseKind::Call => "borrow used by call, in later iteration of loop",
168                    LaterUseKind::FakeLetRead => "borrow later stored here",
169                    LaterUseKind::Other => "borrow used here, in later iteration of loop",
170                };
171                // We can use `var_or_use_span` if either `path_span` is not present, or both spans
172                // are the same.
173                if|path_span| path_span == var_or_use_span).unwrap_or(true) {
174                    err.span_label(var_or_use_span, format!("{borrow_desc}{message}"));
175                } else {
176                    // path_span must be `Some` as otherwise the if condition is true
177                    let path_span = path_span.unwrap();
178                    // path_span is only present in the case of closure capture
179                    assert_matches!(later_use_kind, LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture);
180                    if|sp| !sp.overlaps(var_or_use_span)).unwrap_or(true) {
181                        let path_label = "used here by closure";
182                        let capture_kind_label = message;
183                        err.span_label(
184                            var_or_use_span,
185                            format!("{borrow_desc}borrow later {capture_kind_label}"),
186                        );
187                        err.span_label(path_span, path_label);
188                    }
189                }
190            }
191            BorrowExplanation::UsedLaterWhenDropped {
192                drop_loc,
193                dropped_local,
194                should_note_order,
195            } => {
196                let local_decl = &body.local_decls[dropped_local];
197                let mut ty = local_decl.ty;
198                if local_decl.source_info.span.desugaring_kind() == Some(DesugaringKind::ForLoop) {
199                    if let ty::Adt(adt, args) = local_decl.ty.kind() {
200                        if tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::Option, adt.did()) {
201                            // in for loop desugaring, only look at the `Some(..)` inner type
202                            ty = args.type_at(0);
203                        }
204                    }
205                }
206                let (dtor_desc, type_desc) = match ty.kind() {
207                    // If type is an ADT that implements Drop, then
208                    // simplify output by reporting just the ADT name.
209                    ty::Adt(adt, _args) if adt.has_dtor(tcx) && !adt.is_box() => {
210                        ("`Drop` code", format!("type `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(adt.did())))
211                    }
213                    // Otherwise, just report the whole type (and use
214                    // the intentionally fuzzy phrase "destructor")
215                    ty::Closure(..) => ("destructor", "closure".to_owned()),
216                    ty::Coroutine(..) => ("destructor", "coroutine".to_owned()),
218                    _ => ("destructor", format!("type `{}`", local_decl.ty)),
219                };
221                match local_names[dropped_local] {
222                    Some(local_name) if !local_decl.from_compiler_desugaring() => {
223                        let message = format!(
224                            "{borrow_desc}borrow might be used here, when `{local_name}` is dropped \
225                             and runs the {dtor_desc} for {type_desc}",
226                        );
227                        err.span_label(body.source_info(drop_loc).span, message);
229                        if should_note_order {
230                            err.note(
231                                "values in a scope are dropped \
232                                 in the opposite order they are defined",
233                            );
234                        }
235                    }
236                    _ => {
237                        err.span_label(
238                            local_decl.source_info.span,
239                            format!(
240                                "a temporary with access to the {borrow_desc}borrow \
241                                 is created here ...",
242                            ),
243                        );
244                        let message = format!(
245                            "... and the {borrow_desc}borrow might be used here, \
246                             when that temporary is dropped \
247                             and runs the {dtor_desc} for {type_desc}",
248                        );
249                        err.span_label(body.source_info(drop_loc).span, message);
251                        struct FindLetExpr<'hir> {
252                            span: Span,
253                            result: Option<(Span, &'hir hir::Pat<'hir>, &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>)>,
254                            tcx: TyCtxt<'hir>,
255                        }
257                        impl<'hir> rustc_hir::intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for FindLetExpr<'hir> {
258                            type NestedFilter = rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
259                            fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
260                                self.tcx.hir()
261                            }
262                            fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) {
263                                if let hir::ExprKind::If(cond, _conseq, _alt)
264                                | hir::ExprKind::Loop(
265                                    hir::Block {
266                                        expr:
267                                            Some(&hir::Expr {
268                                                kind: hir::ExprKind::If(cond, _conseq, _alt),
269                                                ..
270                                            }),
271                                        ..
272                                    },
273                                    _,
274                                    hir::LoopSource::While,
275                                    _,
276                                ) = expr.kind
277                                    && let hir::ExprKind::Let(hir::LetExpr {
278                                        init: let_expr_init,
279                                        span: let_expr_span,
280                                        pat: let_expr_pat,
281                                        ..
282                                    }) = cond.kind
283                                    && let_expr_init.span.contains(self.span)
284                                {
285                                    self.result =
286                                        Some((*let_expr_span, let_expr_pat, let_expr_init))
287                                } else {
288                                    hir::intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr);
289                                }
290                            }
291                        }
293                        if let &LocalInfo::IfThenRescopeTemp { if_then } = local_decl.local_info()
294                            && let hir::Node::Expr(expr) = tcx.hir_node(if_then)
295                            && let hir::ExprKind::If(cond, conseq, alt) = expr.kind
296                            && let hir::ExprKind::Let(&hir::LetExpr {
297                                span: _,
298                                pat,
299                                init,
300                                // FIXME(#101728): enable rewrite when type ascription is
301                                // stabilized again.
302                                ty: None,
303                                recovered: _,
304                            }) = cond.kind
305                            && pat.span.can_be_used_for_suggestions()
306                            && let Ok(pat) = tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(pat.span)
307                        {
308                            suggest_rewrite_if_let(tcx, expr, &pat, init, conseq, alt, err);
309                        } else if let Some((old, new)) = multiple_borrow_span
310                            && let def_id = body.source.def_id()
311                            && let Some(node) = tcx.hir().get_if_local(def_id)
312                            && let Some(body_id) = node.body_id()
313                            && let hir_body = tcx.hir().body(body_id)
314                            && let mut expr_finder = (FindLetExpr { span: old, result: None, tcx })
315                            && let Some((let_expr_span, let_expr_pat, let_expr_init)) = {
316                                expr_finder.visit_expr(hir_body.value);
317                                expr_finder.result
318                            }
319                            && !let_expr_span.contains(new)
320                        {
321                            // #133941: The `old` expression is at the conditional part of an
322                            // if/while let expression. Adding a semicolon won't work.
323                            // Instead, try suggesting the `matches!` macro or a temporary.
324                            if let_expr_pat
325                                .walk_short(|pat| !matches!(pat.kind, hir::PatKind::Binding(..)))
326                            {
327                                if let Ok(pat_snippet) =
328                                    tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(let_expr_pat.span)
329                                    && let Ok(init_snippet) =
330                                        tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(let_expr_init.span)
331                                {
332                                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
333                                        let_expr_span,
334                                        "consider using the `matches!` macro",
335                                        format!("matches!({init_snippet}, {pat_snippet})"),
336                                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
337                                    );
338                                } else {
339                                    err.note("consider using the `matches!` macro");
340                                }
341                            }
342                        } else if let LocalInfo::BlockTailTemp(info) = local_decl.local_info() {
343                            if info.tail_result_is_ignored {
344                                // #85581: If the first mutable borrow's scope contains
345                                // the second borrow, this suggestion isn't helpful.
346                                if !multiple_borrow_span.is_some_and(|(old, new)| {
348                                }) {
349                                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
350                                        info.span.shrink_to_hi(),
351                                        "consider adding semicolon after the expression so its \
352                                        temporaries are dropped sooner, before the local variables \
353                                        declared by the block are dropped",
354                                        ";",
355                                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
356                                    );
357                                }
358                            } else {
359                                err.note(
360                                    "the temporary is part of an expression at the end of a \
361                                     block;\nconsider forcing this temporary to be dropped sooner, \
362                                     before the block's local variables are dropped",
363                                );
364                                err.multipart_suggestion(
365                                    "for example, you could save the expression's value in a new \
366                                     local variable `x` and then make `x` be the expression at the \
367                                     end of the block",
368                                    vec![
369                                        (info.span.shrink_to_lo(), "let x = ".to_string()),
370                                        (info.span.shrink_to_hi(), "; x".to_string()),
371                                    ],
372                                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
373                                );
374                            };
375                        }
376                    }
377                }
378            }
379            BorrowExplanation::MustBeValidFor {
380                category,
381                span,
382                ref region_name,
383                ref opt_place_desc,
384                from_closure: _,
385                ref path,
386            } => {
387                region_name.highlight_region_name(err);
389                if let Some(desc) = opt_place_desc {
390                    err.span_label(
391                        span,
392                        format!(
393                            "{}requires that `{desc}` is borrowed for `{region_name}`",
394                            category.description(),
395                        ),
396                    );
397                } else {
398                    err.span_label(
399                        span,
400                        format!(
401                            "{}requires that {borrow_desc}borrow lasts for `{region_name}`",
402                            category.description(),
403                        ),
404                    );
405                };
407                cx.add_placeholder_from_predicate_note(err, &path);
408                cx.add_sized_or_copy_bound_info(err, category, &path);
410                if let ConstraintCategory::Cast {
411                    is_implicit_coercion: true,
412                    unsize_to: Some(unsize_ty),
413                } = category
414                {
415                    self.add_object_lifetime_default_note(tcx, err, unsize_ty);
416                }
417                self.add_lifetime_bound_suggestion_to_diagnostic(err, &category, span, region_name);
418            }
419            _ => {}
420        }
421    }
423    fn add_object_lifetime_default_note<G: EmissionGuarantee>(
424        &self,
425        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
426        err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
427        unsize_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
428    ) {
429        if let ty::Adt(def, args) = unsize_ty.kind() {
430            // We try to elaborate the object lifetime defaults and present those to the user. This
431            // should make it clear where the region constraint is coming from.
432            let generics = tcx.generics_of(def.did());
434            let mut has_dyn = false;
435            let mut failed = false;
437            let elaborated_args =
438                std::iter::zip(*args, &generics.own_params).map(|(arg, param)| {
439                    if let Some(ty::Dynamic(obj, _, ty::Dyn)) = arg.as_type().map(Ty::kind) {
440                        let default = tcx.object_lifetime_default(param.def_id);
442                        let re_static = tcx.lifetimes.re_static;
444                        let implied_region = match default {
445                            // This is not entirely precise.
446                            ObjectLifetimeDefault::Empty => re_static,
447                            ObjectLifetimeDefault::Ambiguous => {
448                                failed = true;
449                                re_static
450                            }
451                            ObjectLifetimeDefault::Param(param_def_id) => {
452                                let index = generics.param_def_id_to_index[&param_def_id] as usize;
453                                args.get(index).and_then(|arg| arg.as_region()).unwrap_or_else(
454                                    || {
455                                        failed = true;
456                                        re_static
457                                    },
458                                )
459                            }
460                            ObjectLifetimeDefault::Static => re_static,
461                        };
463                        has_dyn = true;
465                        Ty::new_dynamic(tcx, obj, implied_region, ty::Dyn).into()
466                    } else {
467                        arg
468                    }
469                });
470            let elaborated_ty = Ty::new_adt(tcx, *def, tcx.mk_args_from_iter(elaborated_args));
472            if has_dyn && !failed {
473                err.note(format!(
474                    "due to object lifetime defaults, `{unsize_ty}` actually means `{elaborated_ty}`"
475                ));
476            }
477        }
478    }
480    fn add_lifetime_bound_suggestion_to_diagnostic<G: EmissionGuarantee>(
481        &self,
482        err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
483        category: &ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
484        span: Span,
485        region_name: &RegionName,
486    ) {
487        if !span.is_desugaring(DesugaringKind::OpaqueTy) {
488            return;
489        }
490        if let ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType = category {
491            let suggestable_name =
492                if region_name.was_named() { } else { kw::UnderscoreLifetime };
494            let msg = format!(
495                "you can add a bound to the {}to make it last less than `'static` and match `{region_name}`",
496                category.description(),
497            );
499            err.span_suggestion_verbose(
500                span.shrink_to_hi(),
501                msg,
502                format!(" + {suggestable_name}"),
503                Applicability::Unspecified,
504            );
505        }
506    }
509fn suggest_rewrite_if_let<G: EmissionGuarantee>(
510    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
511    expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
512    pat: &str,
513    init: &hir::Expr<'_>,
514    conseq: &hir::Expr<'_>,
515    alt: Option<&hir::Expr<'_>>,
516    err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
517) {
518    let source_map = tcx.sess.source_map();
519    err.span_note(
520        source_map.end_point(conseq.span),
521        "lifetimes for temporaries generated in `if let`s have been shortened in Edition 2024 so that they are dropped here instead",
522    );
523    if expr.span.can_be_used_for_suggestions() && conseq.span.can_be_used_for_suggestions() {
524        let needs_block = if let Some(hir::Node::Expr(expr)) =
525            alt.and_then(|alt| tcx.hir().parent_iter(alt.hir_id).next()).map(|(_, node)| node)
526        {
527            matches!(expr.kind, hir::ExprKind::If(..))
528        } else {
529            false
530        };
531        let mut sugg = vec![
532            (
533                expr.span.shrink_to_lo().between(init.span),
534                if needs_block { "{ match ".into() } else { "match ".into() },
535            ),
536            (conseq.span.shrink_to_lo(), format!(" {{ {pat} => ")),
537        ];
538        let expr_end = expr.span.shrink_to_hi();
539        let mut expr_end_code;
540        if let Some(alt) = alt {
541            sugg.push((conseq.span.between(alt.span), " _ => ".into()));
542            expr_end_code = "}".to_string();
543        } else {
544            expr_end_code = " _ => {} }".into();
545        }
546        expr_end_code.push('}');
547        sugg.push((expr_end, expr_end_code));
548        err.multipart_suggestion(
549            "consider rewriting the `if` into `match` which preserves the extended lifetime",
550            sugg,
551            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
552        );
553    }
556impl<'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'_, '_, 'tcx> {
557    fn free_region_constraint_info(
558        &self,
559        borrow_region: RegionVid,
560        outlived_region: RegionVid,
561    ) -> (ConstraintCategory<'tcx>, bool, Span, Option<RegionName>, Vec<OutlivesConstraint<'tcx>>)
562    {
563        let (blame_constraint, path) = self.regioncx.best_blame_constraint(
564            borrow_region,
565            NllRegionVariableOrigin::FreeRegion,
566            |r| self.regioncx.provides_universal_region(r, borrow_region, outlived_region),
567        );
568        let BlameConstraint { category, from_closure, cause, .. } = blame_constraint;
570        let outlived_fr_name = self.give_region_a_name(outlived_region);
572        (category, from_closure, cause.span, outlived_fr_name, path)
573    }
575    /// Returns structured explanation for *why* the borrow contains the
576    /// point from `location`. This is key for the "3-point errors"
577    /// [described in the NLL RFC][d].
578    ///
579    /// # Parameters
580    ///
581    /// - `borrow`: the borrow in question
582    /// - `location`: where the borrow occurs
583    /// - `kind_place`: if Some, this describes the statement that triggered the error.
584    ///   - first half is the kind of write, if any, being performed
585    ///   - second half is the place being accessed
586    ///
587    /// [d]:
588    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
589    pub(crate) fn explain_why_borrow_contains_point(
590        &self,
591        location: Location,
592        borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>,
593        kind_place: Option<(WriteKind, Place<'tcx>)>,
594    ) -> BorrowExplanation<'tcx> {
595        let regioncx = &self.regioncx;
596        let body: &Body<'_> = self.body;
597        let tcx = self.infcx.tcx;
599        let borrow_region_vid = borrow.region;
600        debug!(?borrow_region_vid);
602        let mut region_sub = self.regioncx.find_sub_region_live_at(borrow_region_vid, location);
603        debug!(?region_sub);
605        let mut use_location = location;
606        let mut use_in_later_iteration_of_loop = false;
608        if region_sub == borrow_region_vid {
609            // When `region_sub` is the same as `borrow_region_vid` (the location where the borrow
610            // is issued is the same location that invalidates the reference), this is likely a
611            // loop iteration. In this case, try using the loop terminator location in
612            // `find_sub_region_live_at`.
613            if let Some(loop_terminator_location) =
614                regioncx.find_loop_terminator_location(borrow.region, body)
615            {
616                region_sub = self
617                    .regioncx
618                    .find_sub_region_live_at(borrow_region_vid, loop_terminator_location);
619                debug!("explain_why_borrow_contains_point: region_sub in loop={:?}", region_sub);
620                use_location = loop_terminator_location;
621                use_in_later_iteration_of_loop = true;
622            }
623        }
625        // NLL doesn't consider boring locals for liveness, and wouldn't encounter a
626        // `Cause::LiveVar` for such a local. Polonius can't avoid computing liveness for boring
627        // locals yet, and will encounter them when trying to explain why a borrow contains a given
628        // point.
629        //
630        // We want to focus on relevant live locals in diagnostics, so when polonius is enabled, we
631        // ensure that we don't emit live boring locals as explanations.
632        let is_local_boring = |local| {
633            if let Some(polonius_diagnostics) = self.polonius_diagnostics {
634                polonius_diagnostics.boring_nll_locals.contains(&local)
635            } else {
636                assert!(!tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.polonius.is_next_enabled());
638                // Boring locals are never the cause of a borrow explanation in NLLs.
639                false
640            }
641        };
642        match find_use::find(body, regioncx, tcx, region_sub, use_location) {
643            Some(Cause::LiveVar(local, location)) if !is_local_boring(local) => {
644                let span = body.source_info(location).span;
645                let spans = self
646                    .move_spans(Place::from(local).as_ref(), location)
647                    .or_else(|| self.borrow_spans(span, location));
649                if use_in_later_iteration_of_loop {
650                    let (later_use_kind, var_or_use_span, path_span) =
651                        self.later_use_kind(borrow, spans, use_location);
652                    BorrowExplanation::UsedLaterInLoop(later_use_kind, var_or_use_span, path_span)
653                } else {
654                    // Check if the location represents a `FakeRead`, and adapt the error
655                    // message to the `FakeReadCause` it is from: in particular,
656                    // the ones inserted in optimized `let var = <expr>` patterns.
657                    let (later_use_kind, var_or_use_span, path_span) =
658                        self.later_use_kind(borrow, spans, location);
659                    BorrowExplanation::UsedLater(
660                        borrow.borrowed_place.local,
661                        later_use_kind,
662                        var_or_use_span,
663                        path_span,
664                    )
665                }
666            }
668            Some(Cause::DropVar(local, location)) => {
669                let mut should_note_order = false;
670                if self.local_names[local].is_some()
671                    && let Some((WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop, place)) = kind_place
672                    && let Some(borrowed_local) = place.as_local()
673                    && self.local_names[borrowed_local].is_some()
674                    && local != borrowed_local
675                {
676                    should_note_order = true;
677                }
679                BorrowExplanation::UsedLaterWhenDropped {
680                    drop_loc: location,
681                    dropped_local: local,
682                    should_note_order,
683                }
684            }
686            Some(Cause::LiveVar(..)) | None => {
687                // Here, under NLL: no cause was found. Under polonius: no cause was found, or a
688                // boring local was found, which we ignore like NLLs do to match its diagnostics.
689                if let Some(region) = self.to_error_region_vid(borrow_region_vid) {
690                    let (category, from_closure, span, region_name, path) =
691                        self.free_region_constraint_info(borrow_region_vid, region);
692                    if let Some(region_name) = region_name {
693                        let opt_place_desc = self.describe_place(borrow.borrowed_place.as_ref());
694                        BorrowExplanation::MustBeValidFor {
695                            category,
696                            from_closure,
697                            span,
698                            region_name,
699                            opt_place_desc,
700                            path,
701                        }
702                    } else {
703                        debug!("Could not generate a region name");
704                        BorrowExplanation::Unexplained
705                    }
706                } else {
707                    debug!("Could not generate an error region vid");
708                    BorrowExplanation::Unexplained
709                }
710            }
711        }
712    }
714    /// Determine how the borrow was later used.
715    /// First span returned points to the location of the conflicting use
716    /// Second span if `Some` is returned in the case of closures and points
717    /// to the use of the path
718    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
719    fn later_use_kind(
720        &self,
721        borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>,
722        use_spans: UseSpans<'tcx>,
723        location: Location,
724    ) -> (LaterUseKind, Span, Option<Span>) {
725        match use_spans {
726            UseSpans::ClosureUse { capture_kind_span, path_span, .. } => {
727                // Used in a closure.
728                (LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture, capture_kind_span, Some(path_span))
729            }
730            // In the case that the borrowed value (probably a temporary)
731            // overlaps with the method's receiver, then point at the method.
732            UseSpans::FnSelfUse {
733                var_span: span,
734                kind: CallKind::Normal { desugaring: None, .. },
735                ..
736            } if span
737                .overlaps(self.body.local_decls[borrow.assigned_place.local].source_info.span) =>
738            {
739                if let TerminatorKind::Call { func, call_source: CallSource::Normal, .. } =
740                    &self.body.basic_blocks[location.block].terminator().kind
741                {
742                    // Just point to the function, to reduce the chance of overlapping spans.
743                    let function_span = match func {
744                        Operand::Constant(c) => c.span,
745                        Operand::Copy(place) | Operand::Move(place) => {
746                            if let Some(l) = place.as_local() {
747                                let local_decl = &self.body.local_decls[l];
748                                if self.local_names[l].is_none() {
749                                    local_decl.source_info.span
750                                } else {
751                                    span
752                                }
753                            } else {
754                                span
755                            }
756                        }
757                    };
758                    (LaterUseKind::Call, function_span, None)
759                } else {
760                    (LaterUseKind::Other, span, None)
761                }
762            }
763            UseSpans::PatUse(span)
764            | UseSpans::OtherUse(span)
765            | UseSpans::FnSelfUse { var_span: span, .. } => {
766                let block = &self.body.basic_blocks[location.block];
768                let kind = if let Some(&Statement {
769                    kind: StatementKind::FakeRead(box (FakeReadCause::ForLet(_), place)),
770                    ..
771                }) = block.statements.get(location.statement_index)
772                {
773                    if let Some(l) = place.as_local()
774                        && let local_decl = &self.body.local_decls[l]
775                        && local_decl.ty.is_closure()
776                    {
777                        LaterUseKind::ClosureCapture
778                    } else {
779                        LaterUseKind::FakeLetRead
780                    }
781                } else if self.was_captured_by_trait_object(borrow) {
782                    LaterUseKind::TraitCapture
783                } else if location.statement_index == block.statements.len() {
784                    if let TerminatorKind::Call { func, call_source: CallSource::Normal, .. } =
785                        &block.terminator().kind
786                    {
787                        // Just point to the function, to reduce the chance of overlapping spans.
788                        let function_span = match func {
789                            Operand::Constant(c) => c.span,
790                            Operand::Copy(place) | Operand::Move(place) => {
791                                if let Some(l) = place.as_local() {
792                                    let local_decl = &self.body.local_decls[l];
793                                    if self.local_names[l].is_none() {
794                                        local_decl.source_info.span
795                                    } else {
796                                        span
797                                    }
798                                } else {
799                                    span
800                                }
801                            }
802                        };
803                        return (LaterUseKind::Call, function_span, None);
804                    } else {
805                        LaterUseKind::Other
806                    }
807                } else {
808                    LaterUseKind::Other
809                };
811                (kind, span, None)
812            }
813        }
814    }
816    /// Checks if a borrowed value was captured by a trait object. We do this by
817    /// looking forward in the MIR from the reserve location and checking if we see
818    /// an unsized cast to a trait object on our data.
819    fn was_captured_by_trait_object(&self, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>) -> bool {
820        // Start at the reserve location, find the place that we want to see cast to a trait object.
821        let location = borrow.reserve_location;
822        let block = &self.body[location.block];
823        let stmt = block.statements.get(location.statement_index);
824        debug!("was_captured_by_trait_object: location={:?} stmt={:?}", location, stmt);
826        // We make a `queue` vector that has the locations we want to visit. As of writing, this
827        // will only ever have one item at any given time, but by using a vector, we can pop from
828        // it which simplifies the termination logic.
829        let mut queue = vec![location];
830        let mut target =
831            if let Some(Statement { kind: StatementKind::Assign(box (place, _)), .. }) = stmt {
832                if let Some(local) = place.as_local() {
833                    local
834                } else {
835                    return false;
836                }
837            } else {
838                return false;
839            };
841        debug!("was_captured_by_trait: target={:?} queue={:?}", target, queue);
842        while let Some(current_location) = queue.pop() {
843            debug!("was_captured_by_trait: target={:?}", target);
844            let block = &self.body[current_location.block];
845            // We need to check the current location to find out if it is a terminator.
846            let is_terminator = current_location.statement_index == block.statements.len();
847            if !is_terminator {
848                let stmt = &block.statements[current_location.statement_index];
849                debug!("was_captured_by_trait_object: stmt={:?}", stmt);
851                // The only kind of statement that we care about is assignments...
852                if let StatementKind::Assign(box (place, rvalue)) = &stmt.kind {
853                    let Some(into) = place.local_or_deref_local() else {
854                        // Continue at the next location.
855                        queue.push(current_location.successor_within_block());
856                        continue;
857                    };
859                    match rvalue {
860                        // If we see a use, we should check whether it is our data, and if so
861                        // update the place that we're looking for to that new place.
862                        Rvalue::Use(operand) => match operand {
863                            Operand::Copy(place) | Operand::Move(place) => {
864                                if let Some(from) = place.as_local() {
865                                    if from == target {
866                                        target = into;
867                                    }
868                                }
869                            }
870                            _ => {}
871                        },
872                        // If we see an unsized cast, then if it is our data we should check
873                        // whether it is being cast to a trait object.
874                        Rvalue::Cast(
875                            CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::Unsize, _),
876                            operand,
877                            ty,
878                        ) => {
879                            match operand {
880                                Operand::Copy(place) | Operand::Move(place) => {
881                                    if let Some(from) = place.as_local() {
882                                        if from == target {
883                                            debug!("was_captured_by_trait_object: ty={:?}", ty);
884                                            // Check the type for a trait object.
885                                            return match ty.kind() {
886                                                // `&dyn Trait`
887                                                ty::Ref(_, ty, _) if ty.is_trait() => true,
888                                                // `Box<dyn Trait>`
889                                                _ if ty.boxed_ty().is_some_and(Ty::is_trait) => {
890                                                    true
891                                                }
893                                                // `dyn Trait`
894                                                _ if ty.is_trait() => true,
895                                                // Anything else.
896                                                _ => false,
897                                            };
898                                        }
899                                    }
900                                    return false;
901                                }
902                                _ => return false,
903                            }
904                        }
905                        _ => {}
906                    }
907                }
909                // Continue at the next location.
910                queue.push(current_location.successor_within_block());
911            } else {
912                // The only thing we need to do for terminators is progress to the next block.
913                let terminator = block.terminator();
914                debug!("was_captured_by_trait_object: terminator={:?}", terminator);
916                if let TerminatorKind::Call { destination, target: Some(block), args, .. } =
917                    &terminator.kind
918                {
919                    if let Some(dest) = destination.as_local() {
920                        debug!(
921                            "was_captured_by_trait_object: target={:?} dest={:?} args={:?}",
922                            target, dest, args
923                        );
924                        // Check if one of the arguments to this function is the target place.
925                        let found_target = args.iter().any(|arg| {
926                            if let Operand::Move(place) = arg.node {
927                                if let Some(potential) = place.as_local() {
928                                    potential == target
929                                } else {
930                                    false
931                                }
932                            } else {
933                                false
934                            }
935                        });
937                        // If it is, follow this to the next block and update the target.
938                        if found_target {
939                            target = dest;
940                            queue.push(block.start_location());
941                        }
942                    }
943                }
944            }
946            debug!("was_captured_by_trait: queue={:?}", queue);
947        }
949        // We didn't find anything and ran out of locations to check.
950        false
951    }