
1mod extracted;
2mod make;
3mod markdown;
4mod runner;
5mod rust;
7use std::fs::File;
8use std::io::{self, Write};
9use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
10use std::process::{self, Command, Stdio};
11use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
12use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
13use std::{panic, str};
15pub(crate) use make::DocTestBuilder;
16pub(crate) use markdown::test as test_markdown;
17use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxIndexMap, FxIndexSet};
18use rustc_errors::emitter::HumanReadableErrorType;
19use rustc_errors::{ColorConfig, DiagCtxtHandle};
20use rustc_hir as hir;
21use rustc_hir::CRATE_HIR_ID;
22use rustc_hir::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
23use rustc_interface::interface;
24use rustc_session::config::{self, CrateType, ErrorOutputType, Input};
25use rustc_session::lint;
26use rustc_span::FileName;
27use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
28use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
29use rustc_target::spec::{Target, TargetTuple};
30use tempfile::{Builder as TempFileBuilder, TempDir};
31use tracing::debug;
33use self::rust::HirCollector;
34use crate::config::{Options as RustdocOptions, OutputFormat};
35use crate::html::markdown::{ErrorCodes, Ignore, LangString, MdRelLine};
36use crate::lint::init_lints;
38/// Options that apply to all doctests in a crate or Markdown file (for `rustdoc`).
40pub(crate) struct GlobalTestOptions {
41    /// Name of the crate (for regular `rustdoc`) or Markdown file (for `rustdoc`).
42    pub(crate) crate_name: String,
43    /// Whether to disable the default `extern crate my_crate;` when creating doctests.
44    pub(crate) no_crate_inject: bool,
45    /// Whether inserting extra indent spaces in code block,
46    /// default is `false`, only `true` for generating code link of Rust playground
47    pub(crate) insert_indent_space: bool,
48    /// Additional crate-level attributes to add to doctests.
49    pub(crate) attrs: Vec<String>,
50    /// Path to file containing arguments for the invocation of rustc.
51    pub(crate) args_file: PathBuf,
54/// Function used to split command line arguments just like a shell would.
55fn split_args(args: &str) -> Vec<String> {
56    let mut out = Vec::new();
57    let mut iter = args.chars();
58    let mut current = String::new();
60    while let Some(c) = {
61        if c == '\\' {
62            if let Some(c) = {
63                // If it's escaped, even a quote or a whitespace will be ignored.
64                current.push(c);
65            }
66        } else if c == '"' || c == '\'' {
67            while let Some(new_c) = {
68                if new_c == c {
69                    break;
70                } else if new_c == '\\' {
71                    if let Some(c) = {
72                        // If it's escaped, even a quote will be ignored.
73                        current.push(c);
74                    }
75                } else {
76                    current.push(new_c);
77                }
78            }
79        } else if " \n\t\r".contains(c) {
80            if !current.is_empty() {
81                out.push(current.clone());
82                current.clear();
83            }
84        } else {
85            current.push(c);
86        }
87    }
88    if !current.is_empty() {
89        out.push(current);
90    }
91    out
94pub(crate) fn generate_args_file(file_path: &Path, options: &RustdocOptions) -> Result<(), String> {
95    let mut file = File::create(file_path)
96        .map_err(|error| format!("failed to create args file: {error:?}"))?;
98    // We now put the common arguments into the file we created.
99    let mut content = vec![];
101    for cfg in &options.cfgs {
102        content.push(format!("--cfg={cfg}"));
103    }
104    for check_cfg in &options.check_cfgs {
105        content.push(format!("--check-cfg={check_cfg}"));
106    }
108    for lib_str in &options.lib_strs {
109        content.push(format!("-L{lib_str}"));
110    }
111    for extern_str in &options.extern_strs {
112        content.push(format!("--extern={extern_str}"));
113    }
114    content.push("-Ccodegen-units=1".to_string());
115    for codegen_options_str in &options.codegen_options_strs {
116        content.push(format!("-C{codegen_options_str}"));
117    }
118    for unstable_option_str in &options.unstable_opts_strs {
119        content.push(format!("-Z{unstable_option_str}"));
120    }
122    for compilation_args in &options.doctest_compilation_args {
123        content.extend(split_args(compilation_args));
124    }
126    let content = content.join("\n");
128    file.write_all(content.as_bytes())
129        .map_err(|error| format!("failed to write arguments to temporary file: {error:?}"))?;
130    Ok(())
133fn get_doctest_dir() -> io::Result<TempDir> {
134    TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("rustdoctest").tempdir()
137pub(crate) fn run(dcx: DiagCtxtHandle<'_>, input: Input, options: RustdocOptions) {
138    let invalid_codeblock_attributes_name =;
140    // See core::create_config for what's going on here.
141    let allowed_lints = vec![
142        invalid_codeblock_attributes_name.to_owned(),
145    ];
147    let (lint_opts, lint_caps) = init_lints(allowed_lints, options.lint_opts.clone(), |lint| {
148        if == invalid_codeblock_attributes_name {
149            None
150        } else {
151            Some((lint.name_lower(), lint::Allow))
152        }
153    });
155    debug!(?lint_opts);
157    let crate_types =
158        if options.proc_macro_crate { vec![CrateType::ProcMacro] } else { vec![CrateType::Rlib] };
160    let sessopts = config::Options {
161        maybe_sysroot: options.maybe_sysroot.clone(),
162        search_paths: options.libs.clone(),
163        crate_types,
164        lint_opts,
165        lint_cap: Some(options.lint_cap.unwrap_or(lint::Forbid)),
166        cg: options.codegen_options.clone(),
167        externs: options.externs.clone(),
168        unstable_features: options.unstable_features,
169        actually_rustdoc: true,
170        edition: options.edition,
171        target_triple:,
172        crate_name: options.crate_name.clone(),
173        remap_path_prefix: options.remap_path_prefix.clone(),
174        ..config::Options::default()
175    };
177    let mut cfgs = options.cfgs.clone();
178    cfgs.push("doc".to_owned());
179    cfgs.push("doctest".to_owned());
180    let config = interface::Config {
181        opts: sessopts,
182        crate_cfg: cfgs,
183        crate_check_cfg: options.check_cfgs.clone(),
184        input: input.clone(),
185        output_file: None,
186        output_dir: None,
187        file_loader: None,
188        locale_resources: rustc_driver::DEFAULT_LOCALE_RESOURCES.to_vec(),
189        lint_caps,
190        psess_created: None,
191        hash_untracked_state: None,
192        register_lints: Some(Box::new(crate::lint::register_lints)),
193        override_queries: None,
194        make_codegen_backend: None,
195        registry: rustc_driver::diagnostics_registry(),
196        ice_file: None,
197        using_internal_features: &rustc_driver::USING_INTERNAL_FEATURES,
198        expanded_args: options.expanded_args.clone(),
199    };
201    let externs = options.externs.clone();
202    let json_unused_externs = options.json_unused_externs;
204    let temp_dir = match get_doctest_dir()
205        .map_err(|error| format!("failed to create temporary directory: {error:?}"))
206    {
207        Ok(temp_dir) => temp_dir,
208        Err(error) => return crate::wrap_return(dcx, Err(error)),
209    };
210    let args_path = temp_dir.path().join("rustdoc-cfgs");
211    crate::wrap_return(dcx, generate_args_file(&args_path, &options));
213    let extract_doctests = options.output_format == OutputFormat::Doctest;
214    let result = interface::run_compiler(config, |compiler| {
215        let krate = rustc_interface::passes::parse(&compiler.sess);
217        let collector = rustc_interface::create_and_enter_global_ctxt(compiler, krate, |tcx| {
218            let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE).to_string();
219            let crate_attrs = tcx.hir().attrs(CRATE_HIR_ID);
220            let opts = scrape_test_config(crate_name, crate_attrs, args_path);
221            let enable_per_target_ignores = options.enable_per_target_ignores;
223            let hir_collector = HirCollector::new(
224                ErrorCodes::from(compiler.sess.opts.unstable_features.is_nightly_build()),
225                enable_per_target_ignores,
226                tcx,
227            );
228            let tests = hir_collector.collect_crate();
229            if extract_doctests {
230                let mut collector = extracted::ExtractedDocTests::new();
231                tests.into_iter().for_each(|t| collector.add_test(t, &opts, &options));
233                let stdout = std::io::stdout();
234                let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
235                if let Err(error) = serde_json::ser::to_writer(&mut stdout, &collector) {
236                    eprintln!();
237                    Err(format!("Failed to generate JSON output for doctests: {error:?}"))
238                } else {
239                    Ok(None)
240                }
241            } else {
242                let mut collector = CreateRunnableDocTests::new(options, opts);
243                tests.into_iter().for_each(|t| collector.add_test(t));
245                Ok(Some(collector))
246            }
247        });
248        compiler.sess.dcx().abort_if_errors();
250        collector
251    });
253    let CreateRunnableDocTests {
254        standalone_tests,
255        mergeable_tests,
256        rustdoc_options,
257        opts,
258        unused_extern_reports,
259        compiling_test_count,
260        ..
261    } = match result {
262        Ok(Some(collector)) => collector,
263        Ok(None) => return,
264        Err(error) => {
265            eprintln!("{error}");
266            std::process::exit(1);
267        }
268    };
270    run_tests(opts, &rustdoc_options, &unused_extern_reports, standalone_tests, mergeable_tests);
272    let compiling_test_count = compiling_test_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
274    // Collect and warn about unused externs, but only if we've gotten
275    // reports for each doctest
276    if json_unused_externs.is_enabled() {
277        let unused_extern_reports: Vec<_> =
278            std::mem::take(&mut unused_extern_reports.lock().unwrap());
279        if unused_extern_reports.len() == compiling_test_count {
280            let extern_names =
281                externs.iter().map(|(name, _)| name).collect::<FxIndexSet<&String>>();
282            let mut unused_extern_names = unused_extern_reports
283                .iter()
284                .map(|uexts| uexts.unused_extern_names.iter().collect::<FxIndexSet<&String>>())
285                .fold(extern_names, |uextsa, uextsb| {
286                    uextsa.intersection(&uextsb).copied().collect::<FxIndexSet<&String>>()
287                })
288                .iter()
289                .map(|v| (*v).clone())
290                .collect::<Vec<String>>();
291            unused_extern_names.sort();
292            // Take the most severe lint level
293            let lint_level = unused_extern_reports
294                .iter()
295                .map(|uexts| uexts.lint_level.as_str())
296                .max_by_key(|v| match *v {
297                    "warn" => 1,
298                    "deny" => 2,
299                    "forbid" => 3,
300                    // The allow lint level is not expected,
301                    // as if allow is specified, no message
302                    // is to be emitted.
303                    v => unreachable!("Invalid lint level '{v}'"),
304                })
305                .unwrap_or("warn")
306                .to_string();
307            let uext = UnusedExterns { lint_level, unused_extern_names };
308            let unused_extern_json = serde_json::to_string(&uext).unwrap();
309            eprintln!("{unused_extern_json}");
310        }
311    }
314pub(crate) fn run_tests(
315    opts: GlobalTestOptions,
316    rustdoc_options: &Arc<RustdocOptions>,
317    unused_extern_reports: &Arc<Mutex<Vec<UnusedExterns>>>,
318    mut standalone_tests: Vec<test::TestDescAndFn>,
319    mergeable_tests: FxIndexMap<Edition, Vec<(DocTestBuilder, ScrapedDocTest)>>,
320) {
321    let mut test_args = Vec::with_capacity(rustdoc_options.test_args.len() + 1);
322    test_args.insert(0, "rustdoctest".to_string());
323    test_args.extend_from_slice(&rustdoc_options.test_args);
324    if rustdoc_options.nocapture {
325        test_args.push("--nocapture".to_string());
326    }
328    let mut nb_errors = 0;
329    let mut ran_edition_tests = 0;
330    let target_str =;
332    for (edition, mut doctests) in mergeable_tests {
333        if doctests.is_empty() {
334            continue;
335        }
336        doctests.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)|;
338        let mut tests_runner = runner::DocTestRunner::new();
340        let rustdoc_test_options = IndividualTestOptions::new(
341            rustdoc_options,
342            &Some(format!("merged_doctest_{edition}")),
343            PathBuf::from(format!("doctest_{edition}.rs")),
344        );
346        for (doctest, scraped_test) in &doctests {
347            tests_runner.add_test(doctest, scraped_test, &target_str);
348        }
349        if let Ok(success) = tests_runner.run_merged_tests(
350            rustdoc_test_options,
351            edition,
352            &opts,
353            &test_args,
354            rustdoc_options,
355        ) {
356            ran_edition_tests += 1;
357            if !success {
358                nb_errors += 1;
359            }
360            continue;
361        }
362        // We failed to compile all compatible tests as one so we push them into the
363        // `standalone_tests` doctests.
364        debug!("Failed to compile compatible doctests for edition {} all at once", edition);
365        for (doctest, scraped_test) in doctests {
366            doctest.generate_unique_doctest(
367                &scraped_test.text,
368                scraped_test.langstr.test_harness,
369                &opts,
370                Some(&opts.crate_name),
371            );
372            standalone_tests.push(generate_test_desc_and_fn(
373                doctest,
374                scraped_test,
375                opts.clone(),
376                Arc::clone(rustdoc_options),
377                unused_extern_reports.clone(),
378            ));
379        }
380    }
382    // We need to call `test_main` even if there is no doctest to run to get the output
383    // `running 0 tests...`.
384    if ran_edition_tests == 0 || !standalone_tests.is_empty() {
385        standalone_tests.sort_by(|a, b|;
386        test::test_main(&test_args, standalone_tests, None);
387    }
388    if nb_errors != 0 {
389        // libtest::ERROR_EXIT_CODE is not public but it's the same value.
390        std::process::exit(101);
391    }
394// Look for `#![doc(test(no_crate_inject))]`, used by crates in the std facade.
395fn scrape_test_config(
396    crate_name: String,
397    attrs: &[hir::Attribute],
398    args_file: PathBuf,
399) -> GlobalTestOptions {
400    use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
402    let mut opts = GlobalTestOptions {
403        crate_name,
404        no_crate_inject: false,
405        attrs: Vec::new(),
406        insert_indent_space: false,
407        args_file,
408    };
410    let test_attrs: Vec<_> = attrs
411        .iter()
412        .filter(|a| a.has_name(sym::doc))
413        .flat_map(|a| a.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_default())
414        .filter(|a| a.has_name(sym::test))
415        .collect();
416    let attrs = test_attrs.iter().flat_map(|a| a.meta_item_list().unwrap_or(&[]));
418    for attr in attrs {
419        if attr.has_name(sym::no_crate_inject) {
420            opts.no_crate_inject = true;
421        }
422        if attr.has_name(sym::attr)
423            && let Some(l) = attr.meta_item_list()
424        {
425            for item in l {
426                opts.attrs.push(pprust::meta_list_item_to_string(item));
427            }
428        }
429    }
431    opts
434/// Documentation test failure modes.
435enum TestFailure {
436    /// The test failed to compile.
437    CompileError,
438    /// The test is marked `compile_fail` but compiled successfully.
439    UnexpectedCompilePass,
440    /// The test failed to compile (as expected) but the compiler output did not contain all
441    /// expected error codes.
442    MissingErrorCodes(Vec<String>),
443    /// The test binary was unable to be executed.
444    ExecutionError(io::Error),
445    /// The test binary exited with a non-zero exit code.
446    ///
447    /// This typically means an assertion in the test failed or another form of panic occurred.
448    ExecutionFailure(process::Output),
449    /// The test is marked `should_panic` but the test binary executed successfully.
450    UnexpectedRunPass,
453enum DirState {
454    Temp(tempfile::TempDir),
455    Perm(PathBuf),
458impl DirState {
459    fn path(&self) -> &std::path::Path {
460        match self {
461            DirState::Temp(t) => t.path(),
462            DirState::Perm(p) => p.as_path(),
463        }
464    }
467// NOTE: Keep this in sync with the equivalent structs in rustc
468// and cargo.
469// We could unify this struct the one in rustc but they have different
470// ownership semantics, so doing so would create wasteful allocations.
471#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
472pub(crate) struct UnusedExterns {
473    /// Lint level of the unused_crate_dependencies lint
474    lint_level: String,
475    /// List of unused externs by their names.
476    unused_extern_names: Vec<String>,
479fn add_exe_suffix(input: String, target: &TargetTuple) -> String {
480    let exe_suffix = match target {
481        TargetTuple::TargetTuple(_) => Target::expect_builtin(target).options.exe_suffix,
482        TargetTuple::TargetJson { contents, .. } => {
483            Target::from_json(contents.parse().unwrap()).unwrap().0.options.exe_suffix
484        }
485    };
486    input + &exe_suffix
489fn wrapped_rustc_command(rustc_wrappers: &[PathBuf], rustc_binary: &Path) -> Command {
490    let mut args = rustc_wrappers.iter().map(PathBuf::as_path).chain([rustc_binary]);
492    let exe ="unable to create rustc command");
493    let mut command = Command::new(exe);
494    for arg in args {
495        command.arg(arg);
496    }
498    command
501/// Information needed for running a bundle of doctests.
503/// This data structure contains the "full" test code, including the wrappers
504/// (if multiple doctests are merged), `main` function,
505/// and everything needed to calculate the compiler's command-line arguments.
506/// The `# ` prefix on boring lines has also been stripped.
507pub(crate) struct RunnableDocTest {
508    full_test_code: String,
509    full_test_line_offset: usize,
510    test_opts: IndividualTestOptions,
511    global_opts: GlobalTestOptions,
512    langstr: LangString,
513    line: usize,
514    edition: Edition,
515    no_run: bool,
516    merged_test_code: Option<String>,
519impl RunnableDocTest {
520    fn path_for_merged_doctest_bundle(&self) -> PathBuf {
521        self.test_opts.outdir.path().join(format!("doctest_bundle_{}.rs", self.edition))
522    }
523    fn path_for_merged_doctest_runner(&self) -> PathBuf {
524        self.test_opts.outdir.path().join(format!("doctest_runner_{}.rs", self.edition))
525    }
526    fn is_multiple_tests(&self) -> bool {
527        self.merged_test_code.is_some()
528    }
531/// Execute a `RunnableDoctest`.
533/// This is the function that calculates the compiler command line, invokes the compiler, then
534/// invokes the test or tests in a separate executable (if applicable).
535fn run_test(
536    doctest: RunnableDocTest,
537    rustdoc_options: &RustdocOptions,
538    supports_color: bool,
539    report_unused_externs: impl Fn(UnusedExterns),
540) -> Result<(), TestFailure> {
541    let langstr = &doctest.langstr;
542    // Make sure we emit well-formed executable names for our target.
543    let rust_out = add_exe_suffix("rust_out".to_owned(), &;
544    let output_file = doctest.test_opts.outdir.path().join(rust_out);
546    // Common arguments used for compiling the doctest runner.
547    // On merged doctests, the compiler is invoked twice: once for the test code itself,
548    // and once for the runner wrapper (which needs to use `#![feature]` on stable).
549    let mut compiler_args = vec![];
551    compiler_args.push(format!("@{}", doctest.global_opts.args_file.display()));
553    if let Some(sysroot) = &rustdoc_options.maybe_sysroot {
554        compiler_args.push(format!("--sysroot={}", sysroot.display()));
555    }
557    compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["--edition".to_owned(), doctest.edition.to_string()]);
558    if langstr.test_harness {
559        compiler_args.push("--test".to_owned());
560    }
561    if rustdoc_options.json_unused_externs.is_enabled() && !langstr.compile_fail {
562        compiler_args.push("--error-format=json".to_owned());
563        compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["--json".to_owned(), "unused-externs".to_owned()]);
564        compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["-W".to_owned(), "unused_crate_dependencies".to_owned()]);
565        compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["-Z".to_owned(), "unstable-options".to_owned()]);
566    }
568    if doctest.no_run && !langstr.compile_fail && rustdoc_options.persist_doctests.is_none() {
569        // FIXME: why does this code check if it *shouldn't* persist doctests
570        //        -- shouldn't it be the negation?
571        compiler_args.push("--emit=metadata".to_owned());
572    }
573    compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&[
574        "--target".to_owned(),
575        match & {
576            TargetTuple::TargetTuple(s) => s.clone(),
577            TargetTuple::TargetJson { path_for_rustdoc, .. } => {
578                path_for_rustdoc.to_str().expect("target path must be valid unicode").to_owned()
579            }
580        },
581    ]);
582    if let ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(kind, color_config) = rustdoc_options.error_format {
583        let short = kind.short();
584        let unicode = kind == HumanReadableErrorType::Unicode;
586        if short {
587            compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["--error-format".to_owned(), "short".to_owned()]);
588        }
589        if unicode {
590            compiler_args
591                .extend_from_slice(&["--error-format".to_owned(), "human-unicode".to_owned()]);
592        }
594        match color_config {
595            ColorConfig::Never => {
596                compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["--color".to_owned(), "never".to_owned()]);
597            }
598            ColorConfig::Always => {
599                compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&["--color".to_owned(), "always".to_owned()]);
600            }
601            ColorConfig::Auto => {
602                compiler_args.extend_from_slice(&[
603                    "--color".to_owned(),
604                    if supports_color { "always" } else { "never" }.to_owned(),
605                ]);
606            }
607        }
608    }
610    let rustc_binary = rustdoc_options
611        .test_builder
612        .as_deref()
613        .unwrap_or_else(|| rustc_interface::util::rustc_path().expect("found rustc"));
614    let mut compiler = wrapped_rustc_command(&rustdoc_options.test_builder_wrappers, rustc_binary);
616    compiler.args(&compiler_args);
618    // If this is a merged doctest, we need to write it into a file instead of using stdin
619    // because if the size of the merged doctests is too big, it'll simply break stdin.
620    if doctest.is_multiple_tests() {
621        // It makes the compilation failure much faster if it is for a combined doctest.
622        compiler.arg("--error-format=short");
623        let input_file = doctest.path_for_merged_doctest_bundle();
624        if std::fs::write(&input_file, &doctest.full_test_code).is_err() {
625            // If we cannot write this file for any reason, we leave. All combined tests will be
626            // tested as standalone tests.
627            return Err(TestFailure::CompileError);
628        }
629        if !rustdoc_options.nocapture {
630            // If `nocapture` is disabled, then we don't display rustc's output when compiling
631            // the merged doctests.
632            compiler.stderr(Stdio::null());
633        }
634        // bundled tests are an rlib, loaded by a separate runner executable
635        compiler
636            .arg("--crate-type=lib")
637            .arg("--out-dir")
638            .arg(doctest.test_opts.outdir.path())
639            .arg(input_file);
640    } else {
641        compiler.arg("--crate-type=bin").arg("-o").arg(&output_file);
642        // Setting these environment variables is unneeded if this is a merged doctest.
643        compiler.env("UNSTABLE_RUSTDOC_TEST_PATH", &doctest.test_opts.path);
644        compiler.env(
646            format!("{}", doctest.line as isize - doctest.full_test_line_offset as isize),
647        );
648        compiler.arg("-");
649        compiler.stdin(Stdio::piped());
650        compiler.stderr(Stdio::piped());
651    }
653    debug!("compiler invocation for doctest: {compiler:?}");
655    let mut child = compiler.spawn().expect("Failed to spawn rustc process");
656    let output = if let Some(merged_test_code) = &doctest.merged_test_code {
657        // compile-fail tests never get merged, so this should always pass
658        let status = child.wait().expect("Failed to wait");
660        // the actual test runner is a separate component, built with nightly-only features;
661        // build it now
662        let runner_input_file = doctest.path_for_merged_doctest_runner();
664        let mut runner_compiler =
665            wrapped_rustc_command(&rustdoc_options.test_builder_wrappers, rustc_binary);
666        // the test runner does not contain any user-written code, so this doesn't allow
667        // the user to exploit nightly-only features on stable
668        runner_compiler.env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP", "1");
669        runner_compiler.args(compiler_args);
670        runner_compiler.args(&["--crate-type=bin", "-o"]).arg(&output_file);
671        let mut extern_path = std::ffi::OsString::from(format!(
672            "--extern=doctest_bundle_{edition}=",
673            edition = doctest.edition
674        ));
675        for extern_str in &rustdoc_options.extern_strs {
676            if let Some((_cratename, path)) = extern_str.split_once('=') {
677                // Direct dependencies of the tests themselves are
678                // indirect dependencies of the test runner.
679                // They need to be in the library search path.
680                let dir = Path::new(path)
681                    .parent()
682                    .filter(|x| x.components().count() > 0)
683                    .unwrap_or(Path::new("."));
684                runner_compiler.arg("-L").arg(dir);
685            }
686        }
687        let output_bundle_file = doctest
688            .test_opts
689            .outdir
690            .path()
691            .join(format!("libdoctest_bundle_{edition}.rlib", edition = doctest.edition));
692        extern_path.push(&output_bundle_file);
693        runner_compiler.arg(extern_path);
694        runner_compiler.arg(&runner_input_file);
695        if std::fs::write(&runner_input_file, &merged_test_code).is_err() {
696            // If we cannot write this file for any reason, we leave. All combined tests will be
697            // tested as standalone tests.
698            return Err(TestFailure::CompileError);
699        }
700        if !rustdoc_options.nocapture {
701            // If `nocapture` is disabled, then we don't display rustc's output when compiling
702            // the merged doctests.
703            runner_compiler.stderr(Stdio::null());
704        }
705        runner_compiler.arg("--error-format=short");
706        debug!("compiler invocation for doctest runner: {runner_compiler:?}");
708        let status = if !status.success() {
709            status
710        } else {
711            let mut child_runner = runner_compiler.spawn().expect("Failed to spawn rustc process");
712            child_runner.wait().expect("Failed to wait")
713        };
715        process::Output { status, stdout: Vec::new(), stderr: Vec::new() }
716    } else {
717        let stdin = child.stdin.as_mut().expect("Failed to open stdin");
718        stdin.write_all(doctest.full_test_code.as_bytes()).expect("could write out test sources");
719        child.wait_with_output().expect("Failed to read stdout")
720    };
722    struct Bomb<'a>(&'a str);
723    impl Drop for Bomb<'_> {
724        fn drop(&mut self) {
725            eprint!("{}", self.0);
726        }
727    }
728    let mut out = str::from_utf8(&output.stderr)
729        .unwrap()
730        .lines()
731        .filter(|l| {
732            if let Ok(uext) = serde_json::from_str::<UnusedExterns>(l) {
733                report_unused_externs(uext);
734                false
735            } else {
736                true
737            }
738        })
739        .intersperse_with(|| "\n")
740        .collect::<String>();
742    // Add a \n to the end to properly terminate the last line,
743    // but only if there was output to be printed
744    if !out.is_empty() {
745        out.push('\n');
746    }
748    let _bomb = Bomb(&out);
749    match (output.status.success(), langstr.compile_fail) {
750        (true, true) => {
751            return Err(TestFailure::UnexpectedCompilePass);
752        }
753        (true, false) => {}
754        (false, true) => {
755            if !langstr.error_codes.is_empty() {
756                // We used to check if the output contained "error[{}]: " but since we added the
757                // colored output, we can't anymore because of the color escape characters before
758                // the ":".
759                let missing_codes: Vec<String> = langstr
760                    .error_codes
761                    .iter()
762                    .filter(|err| !out.contains(&format!("error[{err}]")))
763                    .cloned()
764                    .collect();
766                if !missing_codes.is_empty() {
767                    return Err(TestFailure::MissingErrorCodes(missing_codes));
768                }
769            }
770        }
771        (false, false) => {
772            return Err(TestFailure::CompileError);
773        }
774    }
776    if doctest.no_run {
777        return Ok(());
778    }
780    // Run the code!
781    let mut cmd;
783    let output_file = make_maybe_absolute_path(output_file);
784    if let Some(tool) = &rustdoc_options.runtool {
785        let tool = make_maybe_absolute_path(tool.into());
786        cmd = Command::new(tool);
787        cmd.args(&rustdoc_options.runtool_args);
788        cmd.arg(&output_file);
789    } else {
790        cmd = Command::new(&output_file);
791        if doctest.is_multiple_tests() {
792            cmd.env("RUSTDOC_DOCTEST_BIN_PATH", &output_file);
793        }
794    }
795    if let Some(run_directory) = &rustdoc_options.test_run_directory {
796        cmd.current_dir(run_directory);
797    }
799    let result = if doctest.is_multiple_tests() || rustdoc_options.nocapture {
800        cmd.status().map(|status| process::Output {
801            status,
802            stdout: Vec::new(),
803            stderr: Vec::new(),
804        })
805    } else {
806        cmd.output()
807    };
808    match result {
809        Err(e) => return Err(TestFailure::ExecutionError(e)),
810        Ok(out) => {
811            if langstr.should_panic && out.status.success() {
812                return Err(TestFailure::UnexpectedRunPass);
813            } else if !langstr.should_panic && !out.status.success() {
814                return Err(TestFailure::ExecutionFailure(out));
815            }
816        }
817    }
819    Ok(())
822/// Converts a path intended to use as a command to absolute if it is
823/// relative, and not a single component.
825/// This is needed to deal with relative paths interacting with
826/// `Command::current_dir` in a platform-specific way.
827fn make_maybe_absolute_path(path: PathBuf) -> PathBuf {
828    if path.components().count() == 1 {
829        // Look up process via PATH.
830        path
831    } else {
832        std::env::current_dir().map(|c| c.join(&path)).unwrap_or_else(|_| path)
833    }
835struct IndividualTestOptions {
836    outdir: DirState,
837    path: PathBuf,
840impl IndividualTestOptions {
841    fn new(options: &RustdocOptions, test_id: &Option<String>, test_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
842        let outdir = if let Some(ref path) = options.persist_doctests {
843            let mut path = path.clone();
844            path.push(test_id.as_deref().unwrap_or("<doctest>"));
846            if let Err(err) = std::fs::create_dir_all(&path) {
847                eprintln!("Couldn't create directory for doctest executables: {err}");
848                panic::resume_unwind(Box::new(()));
849            }
851            DirState::Perm(path)
852        } else {
853            DirState::Temp(get_doctest_dir().expect("rustdoc needs a tempdir"))
854        };
856        Self { outdir, path: test_path }
857    }
860/// A doctest scraped from the code, ready to be turned into a runnable test.
862/// The pipeline goes: [`clean`] AST -> `ScrapedDoctest` -> `RunnableDoctest`.
863/// [`run_merged_tests`] converts a bunch of scraped doctests to a single runnable doctest,
864/// while [`generate_unique_doctest`] does the standalones.
866/// [`clean`]: crate::clean
867/// [`run_merged_tests`]: crate::doctest::runner::DocTestRunner::run_merged_tests
868/// [`generate_unique_doctest`]: crate::doctest::make::DocTestBuilder::generate_unique_doctest
870pub(crate) struct ScrapedDocTest {
871    filename: FileName,
872    line: usize,
873    langstr: LangString,
874    text: String,
875    name: String,
878impl ScrapedDocTest {
879    fn new(
880        filename: FileName,
881        line: usize,
882        logical_path: Vec<String>,
883        langstr: LangString,
884        text: String,
885    ) -> Self {
886        let mut item_path = logical_path.join("::");
887        item_path.retain(|c| c != ' ');
888        if !item_path.is_empty() {
889            item_path.push(' ');
890        }
891        let name =
892            format!("{} - {item_path}(line {line})", filename.prefer_remapped_unconditionaly());
894        Self { filename, line, langstr, text, name }
895    }
896    fn edition(&self, opts: &RustdocOptions) -> Edition {
897        self.langstr.edition.unwrap_or(opts.edition)
898    }
900    fn no_run(&self, opts: &RustdocOptions) -> bool {
901        self.langstr.no_run || opts.no_run
902    }
903    fn path(&self) -> PathBuf {
904        match &self.filename {
905            FileName::Real(path) => {
906                if let Some(local_path) = path.local_path() {
907                    local_path.to_path_buf()
908                } else {
909                    // Somehow we got the filename from the metadata of another crate, should never happen
910                    unreachable!("doctest from a different crate");
911                }
912            }
913            _ => PathBuf::from(r""),
914        }
915    }
918pub(crate) trait DocTestVisitor {
919    fn visit_test(&mut self, test: String, config: LangString, rel_line: MdRelLine);
920    fn visit_header(&mut self, _name: &str, _level: u32) {}
923struct CreateRunnableDocTests {
924    standalone_tests: Vec<test::TestDescAndFn>,
925    mergeable_tests: FxIndexMap<Edition, Vec<(DocTestBuilder, ScrapedDocTest)>>,
927    rustdoc_options: Arc<RustdocOptions>,
928    opts: GlobalTestOptions,
929    visited_tests: FxHashMap<(String, usize), usize>,
930    unused_extern_reports: Arc<Mutex<Vec<UnusedExterns>>>,
931    compiling_test_count: AtomicUsize,
932    can_merge_doctests: bool,
935impl CreateRunnableDocTests {
936    fn new(rustdoc_options: RustdocOptions, opts: GlobalTestOptions) -> CreateRunnableDocTests {
937        let can_merge_doctests = rustdoc_options.edition >= Edition::Edition2024;
938        CreateRunnableDocTests {
939            standalone_tests: Vec::new(),
940            mergeable_tests: FxIndexMap::default(),
941            rustdoc_options: Arc::new(rustdoc_options),
942            opts,
943            visited_tests: FxHashMap::default(),
944            unused_extern_reports: Default::default(),
945            compiling_test_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
946            can_merge_doctests,
947        }
948    }
950    fn add_test(&mut self, scraped_test: ScrapedDocTest) {
951        // For example `module/` would become `module_file_rs`
952        let file = scraped_test
953            .filename
954            .prefer_local()
955            .to_string_lossy()
956            .chars()
957            .map(|c| if c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() { c } else { '_' })
958            .collect::<String>();
959        let test_id = format!(
960            "{file}_{line}_{number}",
961            file = file,
962            line = scraped_test.line,
963            number = {
964                // Increases the current test number, if this file already
965                // exists or it creates a new entry with a test number of 0.
966                self.visited_tests
967                    .entry((file.clone(), scraped_test.line))
968                    .and_modify(|v| *v += 1)
969                    .or_insert(0)
970            },
971        );
973        let edition = scraped_test.edition(&self.rustdoc_options);
974        let doctest = DocTestBuilder::new(
975            &scraped_test.text,
976            Some(&self.opts.crate_name),
977            edition,
978            self.can_merge_doctests,
979            Some(test_id),
980            Some(&scraped_test.langstr),
981        );
982        let is_standalone = !doctest.can_be_merged
983            || scraped_test.langstr.compile_fail
984            || scraped_test.langstr.test_harness
985            || scraped_test.langstr.standalone_crate
986            || self.rustdoc_options.nocapture
987            || self.rustdoc_options.test_args.iter().any(|arg| arg == "--show-output");
988        if is_standalone {
989            let test_desc = self.generate_test_desc_and_fn(doctest, scraped_test);
990            self.standalone_tests.push(test_desc);
991        } else {
992            self.mergeable_tests.entry(edition).or_default().push((doctest, scraped_test));
993        }
994    }
996    fn generate_test_desc_and_fn(
997        &mut self,
998        test: DocTestBuilder,
999        scraped_test: ScrapedDocTest,
1000    ) -> test::TestDescAndFn {
1001        if !scraped_test.langstr.compile_fail {
1002            self.compiling_test_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
1003        }
1005        generate_test_desc_and_fn(
1006            test,
1007            scraped_test,
1008            self.opts.clone(),
1009            Arc::clone(&self.rustdoc_options),
1010            self.unused_extern_reports.clone(),
1011        )
1012    }
1015fn generate_test_desc_and_fn(
1016    test: DocTestBuilder,
1017    scraped_test: ScrapedDocTest,
1018    opts: GlobalTestOptions,
1019    rustdoc_options: Arc<RustdocOptions>,
1020    unused_externs: Arc<Mutex<Vec<UnusedExterns>>>,
1021) -> test::TestDescAndFn {
1022    let target_str =;
1023    let rustdoc_test_options =
1024        IndividualTestOptions::new(&rustdoc_options, &test.test_id, scraped_test.path());
1026    debug!("creating test {}: {}",, scraped_test.text);
1027    test::TestDescAndFn {
1028        desc: test::TestDesc {
1029            name: test::DynTestName(,
1030            ignore: match scraped_test.langstr.ignore {
1031                Ignore::All => true,
1032                Ignore::None => false,
1033                Ignore::Some(ref ignores) => ignores.iter().any(|s| target_str.contains(s)),
1034            },
1035            ignore_message: None,
1036            source_file: "",
1037            start_line: 0,
1038            start_col: 0,
1039            end_line: 0,
1040            end_col: 0,
1041            // compiler failures are test failures
1042            should_panic: test::ShouldPanic::No,
1043            compile_fail: scraped_test.langstr.compile_fail,
1044            no_run: scraped_test.no_run(&rustdoc_options),
1045            test_type: test::TestType::DocTest,
1046        },
1047        testfn: test::DynTestFn(Box::new(move || {
1048            doctest_run_fn(
1049                rustdoc_test_options,
1050                opts,
1051                test,
1052                scraped_test,
1053                rustdoc_options,
1054                unused_externs,
1055            )
1056        })),
1057    }
1060fn doctest_run_fn(
1061    test_opts: IndividualTestOptions,
1062    global_opts: GlobalTestOptions,
1063    doctest: DocTestBuilder,
1064    scraped_test: ScrapedDocTest,
1065    rustdoc_options: Arc<RustdocOptions>,
1066    unused_externs: Arc<Mutex<Vec<UnusedExterns>>>,
1067) -> Result<(), String> {
1068    let report_unused_externs = |uext| {
1069        unused_externs.lock().unwrap().push(uext);
1070    };
1071    let (full_test_code, full_test_line_offset) = doctest.generate_unique_doctest(
1072        &scraped_test.text,
1073        scraped_test.langstr.test_harness,
1074        &global_opts,
1075        Some(&global_opts.crate_name),
1076    );
1077    let runnable_test = RunnableDocTest {
1078        full_test_code,
1079        full_test_line_offset,
1080        test_opts,
1081        global_opts,
1082        langstr: scraped_test.langstr.clone(),
1083        line: scraped_test.line,
1084        edition: scraped_test.edition(&rustdoc_options),
1085        no_run: scraped_test.no_run(&rustdoc_options),
1086        merged_test_code: None,
1087    };
1088    let res =
1089        run_test(runnable_test, &rustdoc_options, doctest.supports_color, report_unused_externs);
1091    if let Err(err) = res {
1092        match err {
1093            TestFailure::CompileError => {
1094                eprint!("Couldn't compile the test.");
1095            }
1096            TestFailure::UnexpectedCompilePass => {
1097                eprint!("Test compiled successfully, but it's marked `compile_fail`.");
1098            }
1099            TestFailure::UnexpectedRunPass => {
1100                eprint!("Test executable succeeded, but it's marked `should_panic`.");
1101            }
1102            TestFailure::MissingErrorCodes(codes) => {
1103                eprint!("Some expected error codes were not found: {codes:?}");
1104            }
1105            TestFailure::ExecutionError(err) => {
1106                eprint!("Couldn't run the test: {err}");
1107                if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied {
1108                    eprint!(" - maybe your tempdir is mounted with noexec?");
1109                }
1110            }
1111            TestFailure::ExecutionFailure(out) => {
1112                eprintln!("Test executable failed ({reason}).", reason = out.status);
1114                // FIXME(#12309): An unfortunate side-effect of capturing the test
1115                // executable's output is that the relative ordering between the test's
1116                // stdout and stderr is lost. However, this is better than the
1117                // alternative: if the test executable inherited the parent's I/O
1118                // handles the output wouldn't be captured at all, even on success.
1119                //
1120                // The ordering could be preserved if the test process' stderr was
1121                // redirected to stdout, but that functionality does not exist in the
1122                // standard library, so it may not be portable enough.
1123                let stdout = str::from_utf8(&out.stdout).unwrap_or_default();
1124                let stderr = str::from_utf8(&out.stderr).unwrap_or_default();
1126                if !stdout.is_empty() || !stderr.is_empty() {
1127                    eprintln!();
1129                    if !stdout.is_empty() {
1130                        eprintln!("stdout:\n{stdout}");
1131                    }
1133                    if !stderr.is_empty() {
1134                        eprintln!("stderr:\n{stderr}");
1135                    }
1136                }
1137            }
1138        }
1140        panic::resume_unwind(Box::new(()));
1141    }
1142    Ok(())
1145#[cfg(test)] // used in tests
1146impl DocTestVisitor for Vec<usize> {
1147    fn visit_test(&mut self, _test: String, _config: LangString, rel_line: MdRelLine) {
1148        self.push(1 + rel_line.offset());
1149    }
1153mod tests;