//! Validates syntax inside Rust code blocks (\`\`\`rust).
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lock, Lrc};
use rustc_errors::emitter::Emitter;
use rustc_errors::registry::Registry;
use rustc_errors::translation::{Translate, to_fluent_args};
use rustc_errors::{Applicability, DiagCtxt, DiagInner, LazyFallbackBundle};
use rustc_parse::{source_str_to_stream, unwrap_or_emit_fatal};
use rustc_resolve::rustdoc::source_span_for_markdown_range;
use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
use rustc_span::hygiene::{AstPass, ExpnData, ExpnKind, LocalExpnId, Transparency};
use rustc_span::source_map::{FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, FileName, InnerSpan};
use crate::clean;
use crate::core::DocContext;
use crate::html::markdown::{self, RustCodeBlock};
pub(crate) fn visit_item(cx: &DocContext<'_>, item: &clean::Item, dox: &str) {
if let Some(def_id) = item.item_id.as_local_def_id() {
let sp = item.attr_span(cx.tcx);
let extra = crate::html::markdown::ExtraInfo::new(cx.tcx, def_id, sp);
for code_block in markdown::rust_code_blocks(dox, &extra) {
check_rust_syntax(cx, item, dox, code_block);
fn check_rust_syntax(
cx: &DocContext<'_>,
item: &clean::Item,
dox: &str,
code_block: RustCodeBlock,
) {
let buffer = Lrc::new(Lock::new(Buffer::default()));
let fallback_bundle = rustc_errors::fallback_fluent_bundle(
let emitter = BufferEmitter { buffer: Lrc::clone(&buffer), fallback_bundle };
let sm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
let dcx = DiagCtxt::new(Box::new(emitter)).disable_warnings();
let source = dox[code_block.code].to_owned();
let psess = ParseSess::with_dcx(dcx, sm);
let edition = code_block.lang_string.edition.unwrap_or_else(|| cx.tcx.sess.edition());
let expn_data =
ExpnData::default(ExpnKind::AstPass(AstPass::TestHarness), DUMMY_SP, edition, None, None);
let expn_id = cx.tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|hcx| LocalExpnId::fresh(expn_data, hcx));
let span = DUMMY_SP.apply_mark(expn_id.to_expn_id(), Transparency::Transparent);
let is_empty = rustc_driver::catch_fatal_errors(|| {
let buffer = buffer.borrow();
if !buffer.has_errors && !is_empty {
// No errors in a non-empty program.
let Some(local_id) = item.item_id.as_def_id().and_then(|x| x.as_local()) else {
// We don't need to check the syntax for other crates so returning
// without doing anything should not be a problem.
let empty_block = code_block.lang_string == Default::default() && code_block.is_fenced;
let is_ignore = code_block.lang_string.ignore != markdown::Ignore::None;
// The span and whether it is precise or not.
let (sp, precise_span) = match source_span_for_markdown_range(
) {
Some(sp) => (sp, true),
None => (item.attr_span(cx.tcx), false),
let msg = if buffer.has_errors {
"could not parse code block as Rust code"
} else {
"Rust code block is empty"
// Finally build and emit the completed diagnostic.
// All points of divergence have been handled earlier so this can be
// done the same way whether the span is precise or not.
let hir_id = cx.tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(local_id);
cx.tcx.node_span_lint(crate::lint::INVALID_RUST_CODEBLOCKS, hir_id, sp, |lint| {
let explanation = if is_ignore {
"`ignore` code blocks require valid Rust code for syntax highlighting; \
mark blocks that do not contain Rust code as text"
} else {
"mark blocks that do not contain Rust code as text"
if precise_span {
if is_ignore {
// giving an accurate suggestion is hard because `ignore` might not have come first in the list.
// just give a `help` instead.
sp.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(0, 3)),
format!("{explanation}: ```text"),
} else if empty_block {
sp.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(0, 3)).shrink_to_hi(),
} else if empty_block || is_ignore {
lint.help(format!("{explanation}: ```text"));
// FIXME(#67563): Provide more context for these errors by displaying the spans inline.
for message in buffer.messages.iter() {
struct Buffer {
messages: Vec<String>,
has_errors: bool,
struct BufferEmitter {
buffer: Lrc<Lock<Buffer>>,
fallback_bundle: LazyFallbackBundle,
impl Translate for BufferEmitter {
fn fluent_bundle(&self) -> Option<&rustc_errors::FluentBundle> {
fn fallback_fluent_bundle(&self) -> &rustc_errors::FluentBundle {
impl Emitter for BufferEmitter {
fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, diag: DiagInner, _registry: &Registry) {
let mut buffer = self.buffer.borrow_mut();
let fluent_args = to_fluent_args(diag.args.iter());
let translated_main_message = self
.translate_message(&diag.messages[0].0, &fluent_args)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{e}"));
buffer.messages.push(format!("error from rustc: {translated_main_message}"));
if diag.is_error() {
buffer.has_errors = true;
fn source_map(&self) -> Option<&SourceMap> {