//! Runs rustfmt on the repository.
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender;
use build_helper::ci::CiEnv;
use build_helper::git::get_git_modified_files;
use ignore::WalkBuilder;
use crate::core::builder::Builder;
use crate::utils::exec::command;
use crate::utils::helpers::{self, program_out_of_date, t};
enum RustfmtStatus {
fn rustfmt(
src: &Path,
rustfmt: &Path,
paths: &[PathBuf],
check: bool,
) -> impl FnMut(bool) -> RustfmtStatus {
let mut cmd = Command::new(rustfmt);
// Avoid the submodule config paths from coming into play. We only allow a single global config
// for the workspace for now.
if check {
let mut cmd = cmd.spawn().expect("running rustfmt");
// Poor man's async: return a closure that might wait for rustfmt's completion (depending on
// the value of the `block` argument).
move |block: bool| -> RustfmtStatus {
let status = if !block {
match cmd.try_wait() {
Ok(Some(status)) => Ok(status),
Ok(None) => return RustfmtStatus::InProgress,
Err(err) => Err(err),
} else {
if status.unwrap().success() { RustfmtStatus::Ok } else { RustfmtStatus::Failed }
fn get_rustfmt_version(build: &Builder<'_>) -> Option<(String, PathBuf)> {
let stamp_file = build.out.join("rustfmt.stamp");
let mut cmd = command(build.initial_rustfmt()?);
let output = cmd.allow_failure().run_capture(build);
if output.is_failure() {
return None;
Some((output.stdout(), stamp_file))
/// Return whether the format cache can be reused.
fn verify_rustfmt_version(build: &Builder<'_>) -> bool {
let Some((version, stamp_file)) = get_rustfmt_version(build) else {
return false;
!program_out_of_date(&stamp_file, &version)
/// Updates the last rustfmt version used.
fn update_rustfmt_version(build: &Builder<'_>) {
let Some((version, stamp_file)) = get_rustfmt_version(build) else {
t!(std::fs::write(stamp_file, version))
/// Returns the Rust files modified between the `merge-base` of HEAD and
/// rust-lang/master and what is now on the disk. Does not include removed files.
/// Returns `None` if all files should be formatted.
fn get_modified_rs_files(build: &Builder<'_>) -> Result<Option<Vec<String>>, String> {
if !verify_rustfmt_version(build) {
return Ok(None);
get_git_modified_files(&build.config.git_config(), Some(&build.config.src), &["rs"])
struct RustfmtConfig {
ignore: Vec<String>,
// Prints output describing a collection of paths, with lines such as "formatted modified file
// foo/bar/baz" or "skipped 20 untracked files".
fn print_paths(verb: &str, adjective: Option<&str>, paths: &[String]) {
let len = paths.len();
let adjective =
if let Some(adjective) = adjective { format!("{adjective} ") } else { String::new() };
if len <= 10 {
for path in paths {
println!("fmt: {verb} {adjective}file {path}");
} else {
println!("fmt: {verb} {len} {adjective}files");
pub fn format(build: &Builder<'_>, check: bool, all: bool, paths: &[PathBuf]) {
if !paths.is_empty() {
"fmt error: path arguments are no longer accepted; use `--all` to format everything"
if build.config.dry_run() {
// By default, we only check modified files locally to speed up runtime. Exceptions are if
// `--all` is specified or we are in CI. We check all files in CI to avoid bugs in
// `get_modified_rs_files` letting regressions slip through; we also care about CI time less
// since this is still very fast compared to building the compiler.
let all = all || CiEnv::is_ci();
let mut builder = ignore::types::TypesBuilder::new();
let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
let rustfmt_config = build.src.join("rustfmt.toml");
if !rustfmt_config.exists() {
eprintln!("fmt error: Not running formatting checks; rustfmt.toml does not exist.");
eprintln!("fmt error: This may happen in distributed tarballs.");
let rustfmt_config = t!(std::fs::read_to_string(&rustfmt_config));
let rustfmt_config: RustfmtConfig = t!(toml::from_str(&rustfmt_config));
let mut override_builder = ignore::overrides::OverrideBuilder::new(&build.src);
for ignore in rustfmt_config.ignore {
if ignore.starts_with('!') {
// A `!`-prefixed entry could be added as a whitelisted entry in `override_builder`,
// i.e. strip the `!` prefix. But as soon as whitelisted entries are added, an
// `OverrideBuilder` will only traverse those whitelisted entries, and won't traverse
// any files that aren't explicitly mentioned. No bueno! Maybe there's a way to combine
// explicit whitelisted entries and traversal of unmentioned files, but for now just
// forbid such entries.
eprintln!("fmt error: `!`-prefixed entries are not supported in rustfmt.toml, sorry");
} else {
let git_available =
let mut adjective = None;
if git_available {
let in_working_tree = helpers::git(Some(&build.src))
if in_working_tree {
let untracked_paths_output = helpers::git(Some(&build.src))
let untracked_paths: Vec<_> = untracked_paths_output
|entry| entry.strip_prefix("?? "), // returns None if the prefix doesn't match
.map(|x| x.to_string())
print_paths("skipped", Some("untracked"), &untracked_paths);
for untracked_path in untracked_paths {
// The leading `/` makes it an exact match against the
// repository root, rather than a glob. Without that, if you
// have `foo.rs` in the repository root it will also match
// against anything like `compiler/rustc_foo/src/foo.rs`,
// preventing the latter from being formatted.
if !all {
adjective = Some("modified");
match get_modified_rs_files(build) {
Ok(Some(files)) => {
if files.is_empty() {
println!("fmt info: No modified files detected for formatting.");
for file in files {
Ok(None) => {}
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("fmt warning: Something went wrong running git commands:");
eprintln!("fmt warning: {err}");
eprintln!("fmt warning: Falling back to formatting all files.");
} else {
eprintln!("fmt: warning: Not in git tree. Skipping git-aware format checks");
} else {
eprintln!("fmt: warning: Could not find usable git. Skipping git-aware format checks");
let override_ = override_builder.build().unwrap(); // `override` is a reserved keyword
let rustfmt_path = build.initial_rustfmt().unwrap_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("fmt error: `x fmt` is not supported on this channel");
assert!(rustfmt_path.exists(), "{}", rustfmt_path.display());
let src = build.src.clone();
let (tx, rx): (SyncSender<PathBuf>, _) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(128);
let walker = WalkBuilder::new(src.clone()).types(matcher).overrides(override_).build_parallel();
// There is a lot of blocking involved in spawning a child process and reading files to format.
// Spawn more processes than available concurrency to keep the CPU busy.
let max_processes = build.jobs() as usize * 2;
// Spawn child processes on a separate thread so we can batch entries we have received from
// ignore.
let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut result = Ok(());
let mut children = VecDeque::new();
while let Ok(path) = rx.recv() {
// Try getting more paths from the channel to amortize the overhead of spawning
// processes.
let paths: Vec<_> = rx.try_iter().take(63).chain(std::iter::once(path)).collect();
let child = rustfmt(&src, &rustfmt_path, paths.as_slice(), check);
// Poll completion before waiting.
for i in (0..children.len()).rev() {
match children[i](false) {
RustfmtStatus::InProgress => {}
RustfmtStatus::Failed => {
result = Err(());
RustfmtStatus::Ok => {
if children.len() >= max_processes {
// Await oldest child.
match children.pop_front().unwrap()(true) {
RustfmtStatus::InProgress | RustfmtStatus::Ok => {}
RustfmtStatus::Failed => result = Err(()),
// Await remaining children.
for mut child in children {
match child(true) {
RustfmtStatus::InProgress | RustfmtStatus::Ok => {}
RustfmtStatus::Failed => result = Err(()),
let formatted_paths = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
let formatted_paths_ref = &formatted_paths;
walker.run(|| {
let tx = tx.clone();
Box::new(move |entry| {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir();
let entry = t!(entry);
if entry.file_type().is_some_and(|t| t.is_file()) {
// `into_path` produces an absolute path. Try to strip `cwd` to get a shorter
// relative path.
let mut path = entry.clone().into_path();
if let Ok(cwd) = cwd {
if let Ok(path2) = path.strip_prefix(cwd) {
path = path2.to_path_buf();
let mut paths = formatted_paths.into_inner().unwrap();
print_paths(if check { "checked" } else { "formatted" }, adjective, &paths);
let result = thread.join().unwrap();
if result.is_err() {
if !check {