use rustc_span::Symbol;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use super::sync::EvalContextExt as _;
use crate::shims::unix::*;
use crate::*;
pub fn is_dyn_sym(_name: &str) -> bool {
impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
fn emulate_foreign_item_inner(
&mut self,
link_name: Symbol,
abi: Abi,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, EmulateItemResult> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
match link_name.as_str() {
"__error" => {
let [] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let errno_place = this.last_error_place()?;
this.write_scalar(errno_place.to_ref(this).to_scalar(), dest)?;
"close$NOCANCEL" => {
let [result] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.close(result)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"stat" | "stat64" | "stat$INODE64" => {
let [path, buf] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.macos_fbsd_stat(path, buf)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"lstat" | "lstat64" | "lstat$INODE64" => {
let [path, buf] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.macos_fbsd_lstat(path, buf)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"fstat" | "fstat64" | "fstat$INODE64" => {
let [fd, buf] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.macos_fbsd_fstat(fd, buf)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"opendir$INODE64" => {
let [name] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.opendir(name)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"readdir_r" | "readdir_r$INODE64" => {
let [dirp, entry, result] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.macos_fbsd_readdir_r(dirp, entry, result)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN" => {
let [path, resolved_path] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.realpath(path, resolved_path)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"_NSGetEnviron" => {
let [] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let environ = this.machine.env_vars.unix().environ();
this.write_pointer(environ, dest)?;
"CCRandomGenerateBytes" => {
let [bytes, count] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let bytes = this.read_pointer(bytes)?;
let count = this.read_target_usize(count)?;
let success = this.eval_libc_i32("kCCSuccess");
this.gen_random(bytes, count)?;
this.write_int(success, dest)?;
"mach_absolute_time" => {
let [] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.mach_absolute_time()?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"mach_timebase_info" => {
let [info] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let result = this.mach_timebase_info(info)?;
this.write_scalar(result, dest)?;
"_NSGetArgc" => {
let [] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
this.write_pointer(this.machine.argc.expect("machine must be initialized"), dest)?;
"_NSGetArgv" => {
let [] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
this.write_pointer(this.machine.argv.expect("machine must be initialized"), dest)?;
"_NSGetExecutablePath" => {
let [buf, bufsize] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let buf_ptr = this.read_pointer(buf)?;
let bufsize = this.deref_pointer(bufsize)?;
let path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
let (written, size_needed) = this.write_path_to_c_str(
if written {
} else {
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(size_needed.try_into().unwrap()), &bufsize)?;
this.write_int(-1, dest)?;
"_tlv_atexit" => {
let [dtor, data] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let dtor = this.read_pointer(dtor)?;
let dtor = this.get_ptr_fn(dtor)?.as_instance()?;
let data = this.read_scalar(data)?;
let active_thread = this.active_thread();
this.machine.tls.add_macos_thread_dtor(active_thread, dtor, data)?;
"pthread_get_stackaddr_np" => {
let [thread] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let stack_addr = Scalar::from_uint(this.machine.stack_addr, this.pointer_size());
this.write_scalar(stack_addr, dest)?;
"pthread_get_stacksize_np" => {
let [thread] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let stack_size = Scalar::from_uint(this.machine.stack_size, this.pointer_size());
this.write_scalar(stack_size, dest)?;
"pthread_setname_np" => {
let [name] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let thread = this.pthread_self()?;
let max_len = this.eval_libc("MAXTHREADNAMESIZE").to_target_usize(this)?;
let res = this.pthread_setname_np(
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
"pthread_getname_np" => {
let [thread, name, len] =
this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
let res = this.pthread_getname_np(
this.write_scalar(res, dest)?;
"os_unfair_lock_lock" => {
let [lock_op] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
"os_unfair_lock_trylock" => {
let [lock_op] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
this.os_unfair_lock_trylock(lock_op, dest)?;
"os_unfair_lock_unlock" => {
let [lock_op] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
"os_unfair_lock_assert_owner" => {
let [lock_op] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
"os_unfair_lock_assert_not_owner" => {
let [lock_op] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::C { unwind: false }, link_name, args)?;
_ => return interp_ok(EmulateItemResult::NotSupported),