use rustc_ast::{self as ast, Generics, ItemKind, MetaItem, VariantData};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_expand::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use rustc_span::{Ident, Span, kw, sym};
use thin_vec::{ThinVec, thin_vec};
use crate::deriving::generic::ty::*;
use crate::deriving::generic::*;
use crate::deriving::path_std;
pub(crate) fn expand_deriving_clone(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
mitem: &MetaItem,
item: &Annotatable,
push: &mut dyn FnMut(Annotatable),
is_const: bool,
) {
// The simple form is `fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }`, possibly with
// some additional `AssertParamIsClone` assertions.
// We can use the simple form if either of the following are true.
// - The type derives Copy and there are no generic parameters. (If we
// used the simple form with generics, we'd have to bound the generics
// with Clone + Copy, and then there'd be no Clone impl at all if the
// user fills in something that is Clone but not Copy. After
// specialization we can remove this no-generics limitation.)
// - The item is a union. (Unions with generic parameters still can derive
// Clone because they require Copy for deriving, Clone alone is not
// enough. Whether Clone is implemented for fields is irrelevant so we
// don't assert it.)
let bounds;
let substructure;
let is_simple;
match item {
Annotatable::Item(annitem) => match &annitem.kind {
ItemKind::Struct(_, Generics { params, .. })
| ItemKind::Enum(_, Generics { params, .. }) => {
let container_id =;
let has_derive_copy = cx.resolver.has_derive_copy(container_id);
if has_derive_copy
&& !params
.any(|param| matches!(param.kind, ast::GenericParamKind::Type { .. }))
bounds = vec![];
is_simple = true;
substructure = combine_substructure(Box::new(|c, s, sub| {
cs_clone_simple("Clone", c, s, sub, false)
} else {
bounds = vec![];
is_simple = false;
substructure =
combine_substructure(Box::new(|c, s, sub| cs_clone("Clone", c, s, sub)));
ItemKind::Union(..) => {
bounds = vec![Path(path_std!(marker::Copy))];
is_simple = true;
substructure = combine_substructure(Box::new(|c, s, sub| {
cs_clone_simple("Clone", c, s, sub, true)
_ => cx.dcx().span_bug(span, "`#[derive(Clone)]` on wrong item kind"),
_ => cx.dcx().span_bug(span, "`#[derive(Clone)]` on trait item or impl item"),
let trait_def = TraitDef {
path: path_std!(clone::Clone),
skip_path_as_bound: false,
needs_copy_as_bound_if_packed: true,
additional_bounds: bounds,
supports_unions: true,
methods: vec![MethodDef {
name: sym::clone,
generics: Bounds::empty(),
explicit_self: true,
nonself_args: Vec::new(),
ret_ty: Self_,
attributes: thin_vec![cx.attr_word(sym::inline, span)],
fieldless_variants_strategy: FieldlessVariantsStrategy::Default,
combine_substructure: substructure,
associated_types: Vec::new(),
trait_def.expand_ext(cx, mitem, item, push, is_simple)
fn cs_clone_simple(
name: &str,
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substr: &Substructure<'_>,
is_union: bool,
) -> BlockOrExpr {
let mut stmts = ThinVec::new();
let mut seen_type_names = FxHashSet::default();
let mut process_variant = |variant: &VariantData| {
for field in variant.fields() {
// This basic redundancy checking only prevents duplication of
// assertions like `AssertParamIsClone<Foo>` where the type is a
// simple name. That's enough to get a lot of cases, though.
if let Some(name) = field.ty.kind.is_simple_path()
&& !seen_type_names.insert(name)
// Already produced an assertion for this type.
// Anonymous structs or unions must be eliminated as they cannot be
// type parameters.
} else {
// let _: AssertParamIsClone<FieldTy>;
super::assert_ty_bounds(cx, &mut stmts, field.ty.clone(), field.span, &[
if is_union {
// Just a single assertion for unions, that the union impls `Copy`.
// let _: AssertParamIsCopy<Self>;
let self_ty = cx.ty_path(cx.path_ident(trait_span, Ident::with_dummy_span(kw::SelfUpper)));
super::assert_ty_bounds(cx, &mut stmts, self_ty, trait_span, &[
} else {
match *substr.fields {
StaticStruct(vdata, ..) => {
StaticEnum(enum_def, ..) => {
for variant in &enum_def.variants {
_ => cx.dcx().span_bug(
format!("unexpected substructure in simple `derive({name})`"),
BlockOrExpr::new_mixed(stmts, Some(cx.expr_deref(trait_span, cx.expr_self(trait_span))))
fn cs_clone(
name: &str,
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substr: &Substructure<'_>,
) -> BlockOrExpr {
let ctor_path;
let all_fields;
let fn_path = cx.std_path(&[sym::clone, sym::Clone, sym::clone]);
let subcall = |cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, field: &FieldInfo| {
let args = thin_vec![field.self_expr.clone()];
cx.expr_call_global(field.span, fn_path.clone(), args)
let vdata;
match substr.fields {
Struct(vdata_, af) => {
ctor_path = cx.path(trait_span, vec![substr.type_ident]);
all_fields = af;
vdata = *vdata_;
EnumMatching(.., variant, af) => {
ctor_path = cx.path(trait_span, vec![substr.type_ident, variant.ident]);
all_fields = af;
vdata = &;
EnumDiscr(..) | AllFieldlessEnum(..) => {
cx.dcx().span_bug(trait_span, format!("enum discriminants in `derive({name})`",))
StaticEnum(..) | StaticStruct(..) => {
cx.dcx().span_bug(trait_span, format!("associated function in `derive({name})`"))
let expr = match *vdata {
VariantData::Struct { .. } => {
let fields = all_fields
.map(|field| {
let Some(ident) = else {
format!("unnamed field in normal struct in `derive({name})`",),
let call = subcall(cx, field);
cx.field_imm(field.span, ident, call)
cx.expr_struct(trait_span, ctor_path, fields)
VariantData::Tuple(..) => {
let subcalls = all_fields.iter().map(|f| subcall(cx, f)).collect();
let path = cx.expr_path(ctor_path);
cx.expr_call(trait_span, path, subcalls)
VariantData::Unit(..) => cx.expr_path(ctor_path),