use rustc_abi::{BackendRepr, VariantIdx};
use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::{EvalToValTreeResult, GlobalId, ReportedErrorInfo};
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{LayoutCx, LayoutOf, TyAndLayout};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, ScalarInt, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_middle::{bug, mir};
use rustc_span::DUMMY_SP;
use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
use super::eval_queries::{mk_eval_cx_to_read_const_val, op_to_const};
use super::machine::CompileTimeInterpCx;
use super::{VALTREE_MAX_NODES, ValTreeCreationError, ValTreeCreationResult};
use crate::const_eval::CanAccessMutGlobal;
use crate::errors::MaxNumNodesInConstErr;
use crate::interpret::{
ImmTy, Immediate, InternKind, MPlaceTy, MemPlaceMeta, MemoryKind, PlaceTy, Projectable, Scalar,
#[instrument(skip(ecx), level = "debug")]
fn branches<'tcx>(
ecx: &CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
n: usize,
variant: Option<VariantIdx>,
num_nodes: &mut usize,
) -> ValTreeCreationResult<'tcx> {
let place = match variant {
Some(variant) => ecx.project_downcast(place, variant).unwrap(),
None => place.clone(),
let variant =|variant| Some(ty::ValTree::Leaf(ScalarInt::from(variant.as_u32()))));
debug!(?place, ?variant);
let mut fields = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for i in 0..n {
let field = ecx.project_field(&place, i).unwrap();
let valtree = const_to_valtree_inner(ecx, &field, num_nodes)?;
let branches = variant
.expect("should have already checked for errors in ValTree creation");
if branches.len() == 0 {
*num_nodes += 1;
#[instrument(skip(ecx), level = "debug")]
fn slice_branches<'tcx>(
ecx: &CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
num_nodes: &mut usize,
) -> ValTreeCreationResult<'tcx> {
let n = place.len(ecx).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("expected to use len of place {place:?}"));
let mut elems = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
for i in 0..n {
let place_elem = ecx.project_index(place, i).unwrap();
let valtree = const_to_valtree_inner(ecx, &place_elem, num_nodes)?;
#[instrument(skip(ecx), level = "debug")]
fn const_to_valtree_inner<'tcx>(
ecx: &CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
num_nodes: &mut usize,
) -> ValTreeCreationResult<'tcx> {
let ty = place.layout.ty;
debug!("ty kind: {:?}", ty.kind());
if *num_nodes >= VALTREE_MAX_NODES {
return Err(ValTreeCreationError::NodesOverflow);
match ty.kind() {
ty::FnDef(..) => {
*num_nodes += 1;
ty::Bool | ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_) | ty::Char => {
let val = ecx.read_immediate(place).unwrap();
let val = val.to_scalar_int().unwrap();
*num_nodes += 1;
ty::Pat(base, ..) => {
let mut place = place.clone();
place.layout = ecx.layout_of(*base).unwrap();
ensure_sufficient_stack(|| const_to_valtree_inner(ecx, &place, num_nodes))
ty::RawPtr(_, _) => {
let val = ecx.read_immediate(place).unwrap();
if matches!(val.layout.backend_repr, BackendRepr::ScalarPair(..)) {
return Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty));
let val = val.to_scalar();
let Ok(val) = val.try_to_scalar_int() else {
return Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty));
ty::FnPtr(..) => Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty)),
ty::Ref(_, _, _) => {
let derefd_place = ecx.deref_pointer(place).unwrap();
const_to_valtree_inner(ecx, &derefd_place, num_nodes)
ty::Str | ty::Slice(_) | ty::Array(_, _) => {
slice_branches(ecx, place, num_nodes)
ty::Dynamic(..) => Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty)),
ty::Tuple(elem_tys) => {
branches(ecx, place, elem_tys.len(), None, num_nodes)
ty::Adt(def, _) => {
if def.is_union() {
return Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty));
} else if def.variants().is_empty() {
bug!("uninhabited types should have errored and never gotten converted to valtree")
let variant = ecx.read_discriminant(place).unwrap();
branches(ecx, place, def.variant(variant).fields.len(), def.is_enum().then_some(variant), num_nodes)
| ty::Error(_)
| ty::Foreign(..)
| ty::Infer(ty::FreshIntTy(_))
| ty::Infer(ty::FreshFloatTy(_))
| ty::Alias(..)
| ty::Param(_)
| ty::Bound(..)
| ty::Placeholder(..)
| ty::Infer(_)
| ty::Closure(..)
| ty::CoroutineClosure(..)
| ty::Coroutine(..)
| ty::CoroutineWitness(..)
| ty::UnsafeBinder(_) => Err(ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty)),
fn reconstruct_place_meta<'tcx>(
layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
valtree: ty::ValTree<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> MemPlaceMeta {
if layout.is_sized() {
return MemPlaceMeta::None;
let mut last_valtree = valtree;
let tail = tcx.struct_tail_raw(
|ty| ty,
|| {
let branches = last_valtree.unwrap_branch();
last_valtree = *branches.last().unwrap();
debug!(?branches, ?last_valtree);
match tail.kind() {
ty::Slice(..) | ty::Str => {}
_ => bug!("unsized tail of a valtree must be Slice or Str"),
let num_elems = last_valtree.unwrap_branch().len();
MemPlaceMeta::Meta(Scalar::from_target_usize(num_elems as u64, &tcx))
#[instrument(skip(ecx), level = "debug", ret)]
fn create_valtree_place<'tcx>(
ecx: &mut CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
valtree: ty::ValTree<'tcx>,
) -> MPlaceTy<'tcx> {
let meta = reconstruct_place_meta(layout, valtree, ecx.tcx.tcx);
ecx.allocate_dyn(layout, MemoryKind::Stack, meta).unwrap()
pub(crate) fn eval_to_valtree<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
cid: GlobalId<'tcx>,
) -> EvalToValTreeResult<'tcx> {
debug_assert_eq!(typing_env.typing_mode, ty::TypingMode::PostAnalysis);
let const_alloc = tcx.eval_to_allocation_raw(typing_env.as_query_input(cid))?;
let ecx = mk_eval_cx_to_read_const_val(
let place = ecx.raw_const_to_mplace(const_alloc).unwrap();
let mut num_nodes = 0;
let valtree_result = const_to_valtree_inner(&ecx, &place, &mut num_nodes);
match valtree_result {
Ok(valtree) => Ok(Ok(valtree)),
Err(err) => {
let did = cid.instance.def_id();
let global_const_id = cid.display(tcx);
let span = tcx.hir().span_if_local(did);
match err {
ValTreeCreationError::NodesOverflow => {
let handled =
tcx.dcx().emit_err(MaxNumNodesInConstErr { span, global_const_id });
ValTreeCreationError::NonSupportedType(ty) => Ok(Err(ty)),
#[instrument(skip(tcx), level = "debug", ret)]
pub fn valtree_to_const_value<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
valtree: ty::ValTree<'tcx>,
) -> mir::ConstValue<'tcx> {
match *ty.kind() {
ty::FnDef(..) => {
ty::Bool | ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_) | ty::Char | ty::RawPtr(_, _) => {
match valtree {
ty::ValTree::Leaf(scalar_int) => mir::ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::Int(scalar_int)),
ty::ValTree::Branch(_) => bug!(
"ValTrees for Bool, Int, Uint, Float, Char or RawPtr should have the form ValTree::Leaf"
ty::Pat(ty, _) => valtree_to_const_value(tcx, typing_env, ty, valtree),
ty::Ref(_, inner_ty, _) => {
let mut ecx =
mk_eval_cx_to_read_const_val(tcx, DUMMY_SP, typing_env, CanAccessMutGlobal::No);
let imm = valtree_to_ref(&mut ecx, valtree, inner_ty);
let imm =
ImmTy::from_immediate(imm, tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ty)).unwrap());
op_to_const(&ecx, &imm.into(), false)
ty::Tuple(_) | ty::Array(_, _) | ty::Adt(..) => {
let layout = tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ty)).unwrap();
if layout.is_zst() {
return mir::ConstValue::ZeroSized;
if layout.backend_repr.is_scalar()
&& (matches!(ty.kind(), ty::Tuple(_))
|| matches!(ty.kind(), ty::Adt(def, _) if def.is_struct()))
let branches = valtree.unwrap_branch();
for (i, &inner_valtree) in branches.iter().enumerate() {
let field = layout.field(&LayoutCx::new(tcx, typing_env), i);
if !field.is_zst() {
return valtree_to_const_value(tcx, typing_env, field.ty, inner_valtree);
bug!("could not find non-ZST field during in {layout:#?}");
let mut ecx =
mk_eval_cx_to_read_const_val(tcx, DUMMY_SP, typing_env, CanAccessMutGlobal::No);
let place = create_valtree_place(&mut ecx, layout, valtree);
valtree_into_mplace(&mut ecx, &place, valtree);
dump_place(&ecx, &place);
intern_const_alloc_recursive(&mut ecx, InternKind::Constant, &place).unwrap();
op_to_const(&ecx, &place.into(), false)
| ty::Error(_)
| ty::Foreign(..)
| ty::Infer(ty::FreshIntTy(_))
| ty::Infer(ty::FreshFloatTy(_))
| ty::Alias(..)
| ty::Param(_)
| ty::Bound(..)
| ty::Placeholder(..)
| ty::Infer(_)
| ty::Closure(..)
| ty::CoroutineClosure(..)
| ty::Coroutine(..)
| ty::CoroutineWitness(..)
| ty::FnPtr(..)
| ty::Str
| ty::Slice(_)
| ty::Dynamic(..)
| ty::UnsafeBinder(_) => {
bug!("no ValTree should have been created for type {:?}", ty.kind())
fn valtree_to_ref<'tcx>(
ecx: &mut CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
valtree: ty::ValTree<'tcx>,
pointee_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Immediate {
let pointee_place = create_valtree_place(ecx, ecx.layout_of(pointee_ty).unwrap(), valtree);
valtree_into_mplace(ecx, &pointee_place, valtree);
dump_place(ecx, &pointee_place);
intern_const_alloc_recursive(ecx, InternKind::Constant, &pointee_place).unwrap();
#[instrument(skip(ecx), level = "debug")]
fn valtree_into_mplace<'tcx>(
ecx: &mut CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>,
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
valtree: ty::ValTree<'tcx>,
) {
let ty = place.layout.ty;
match ty.kind() {
ty::FnDef(_, _) => {
ty::Bool | ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_) | ty::Char | ty::RawPtr(..) => {
let scalar_int = valtree.unwrap_leaf();
debug!("writing trivial valtree {:?} to place {:?}", scalar_int, place);
ecx.write_immediate(Immediate::Scalar(scalar_int.into()), place).unwrap();
ty::Ref(_, inner_ty, _) => {
let imm = valtree_to_ref(ecx, valtree, *inner_ty);
ecx.write_immediate(imm, place).unwrap();
ty::Adt(_, _) | ty::Tuple(_) | ty::Array(_, _) | ty::Str | ty::Slice(_) => {
let branches = valtree.unwrap_branch();
let (place_adjusted, branches, variant_idx) = match ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(def, _) if def.is_enum() => {
let scalar_int = branches[0].unwrap_leaf();
let variant_idx = VariantIdx::from_u32(scalar_int.to_u32());
let variant = def.variant(variant_idx);
ecx.project_downcast(place, variant_idx).unwrap(),
_ => (place.clone(), branches, None),
debug!(?place_adjusted, ?branches);
for (i, inner_valtree) in branches.iter().enumerate() {
debug!(?i, ?inner_valtree);
let place_inner = match ty.kind() {
ty::Str | ty::Slice(_) | ty::Array(..) => {
ecx.project_index(place, i as u64).unwrap()
_ => ecx.project_field(&place_adjusted, i).unwrap(),
valtree_into_mplace(ecx, &place_inner, *inner_valtree);
dump_place(ecx, &place_inner);
debug!("dump of place_adjusted:");
dump_place(ecx, &place_adjusted);
if let Some(variant_idx) = variant_idx {
ecx.write_discriminant(variant_idx, place).unwrap();
debug!("dump of place after writing discriminant:");
dump_place(ecx, place);
_ => bug!("shouldn't have created a ValTree for {:?}", ty),
fn dump_place<'tcx>(ecx: &CompileTimeInterpCx<'tcx>, place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>) {
trace!("{:?}", ecx.dump_place(&PlaceTy::from(place.clone())));