//! Dataflow analysis results.
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::mir::{BasicBlock, Body, traversal};
use super::{Analysis, ResultsCursor, ResultsVisitor, visit_results};
use crate::framework::cursor::ResultsHandle;
pub type EntryStates<'tcx, A> = IndexVec<BasicBlock, <A as Analysis<'tcx>>::Domain>;
/// A dataflow analysis that has converged to fixpoint. It only holds the domain values at the
/// entry of each basic block. Domain values in other parts of the block are recomputed on the fly
/// by visitors (i.e. `ResultsCursor`, or `ResultsVisitor` impls).
pub struct Results<'tcx, A>
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
pub analysis: A,
pub entry_states: EntryStates<'tcx, A>,
impl<'tcx, A> Results<'tcx, A>
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
/// Creates a `ResultsCursor` that mutably borrows the `Results`, which is appropriate when the
/// `Results` is also used outside the cursor.
pub fn as_results_cursor<'mir>(
&'mir mut self,
body: &'mir Body<'tcx>,
) -> ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, A> {
ResultsCursor::new(body, ResultsHandle::BorrowedMut(self))
/// Creates a `ResultsCursor` that takes ownership of the `Results`.
pub fn into_results_cursor<'mir>(self, body: &'mir Body<'tcx>) -> ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, A> {
ResultsCursor::new(body, ResultsHandle::Owned(self))
/// Gets the dataflow state for the given block.
pub fn entry_set_for_block(&self, block: BasicBlock) -> &A::Domain {
pub fn visit_with<'mir>(
&mut self,
body: &'mir Body<'tcx>,
blocks: impl IntoIterator<Item = BasicBlock>,
vis: &mut impl ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, A>,
) {
visit_results(body, blocks, self, vis)
pub fn visit_reachable_with<'mir>(
&mut self,
body: &'mir Body<'tcx>,
vis: &mut impl ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, A>,
) {
let blocks = traversal::reachable(body);
visit_results(body, blocks.map(|(bb, _)| bb), self, vis)