
1//! This module contains an unstable quicksort and two partition implementations.
3#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
4use crate::mem;
5use crate::mem::ManuallyDrop;
6#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
7use crate::slice::sort::shared::pivot::choose_pivot;
8#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
9use crate::slice::sort::shared::smallsort::UnstableSmallSortTypeImpl;
10#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
11use crate::slice::sort::unstable::heapsort;
12use crate::{intrinsics, ptr};
14/// Sorts `v` recursively.
16/// If the slice had a predecessor in the original array, it is specified as `ancestor_pivot`.
18/// `limit` is the number of allowed imbalanced partitions before switching to `heapsort`. If zero,
19/// this function will immediately switch to heapsort.
20#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
21pub(crate) fn quicksort<'a, T, F>(
22    mut v: &'a mut [T],
23    mut ancestor_pivot: Option<&'a T>,
24    mut limit: u32,
25    is_less: &mut F,
26) where
27    F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
29    loop {
30        if v.len() <= T::small_sort_threshold() {
31            T::small_sort(v, is_less);
32            return;
33        }
35        // If too many bad pivot choices were made, simply fall back to heapsort in order to
36        // guarantee `O(N x log(N))` worst-case.
37        if limit == 0 {
38            heapsort::heapsort(v, is_less);
39            return;
40        }
42        limit -= 1;
44        // Choose a pivot and try guessing whether the slice is already sorted.
45        let pivot_pos = choose_pivot(v, is_less);
47        // If the chosen pivot is equal to the predecessor, then it's the smallest element in the
48        // slice. Partition the slice into elements equal to and elements greater than the pivot.
49        // This case is usually hit when the slice contains many duplicate elements.
50        if let Some(p) = ancestor_pivot {
51            // SAFETY: We assume choose_pivot yields an in-bounds position.
52            if !is_less(p, unsafe { v.get_unchecked(pivot_pos) }) {
53                let num_lt = partition(v, pivot_pos, &mut |a, b| !is_less(b, a));
55                // Continue sorting elements greater than the pivot. We know that `num_lt` contains
56                // the pivot. So we can continue after `num_lt`.
57                v = &mut v[(num_lt + 1)..];
58                ancestor_pivot = None;
59                continue;
60            }
61        }
63        // Partition the slice.
64        let num_lt = partition(v, pivot_pos, is_less);
65        // SAFETY: partition ensures that `num_lt` will be in-bounds.
66        unsafe { intrinsics::assume(num_lt < v.len()) };
68        // Split the slice into `left`, `pivot`, and `right`.
69        let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(num_lt);
70        let (pivot, right) = right.split_at_mut(1);
71        let pivot = &pivot[0];
73        // Recurse into the left side. We have a fixed recursion limit, testing shows no real
74        // benefit for recursing into the shorter side.
75        quicksort(left, ancestor_pivot, limit, is_less);
77        // Continue with the right side.
78        v = right;
79        ancestor_pivot = Some(pivot);
80    }
83/// Takes the input slice `v` and re-arranges elements such that when the call returns normally
84/// all elements that compare true for `is_less(elem, pivot)` where `pivot == v[pivot_pos]` are
85/// on the left side of `v` followed by the other elements, notionally considered greater or
86/// equal to `pivot`.
88/// Returns the number of elements that are compared true for `is_less(elem, pivot)`.
90/// If `is_less` does not implement a total order the resulting order and return value are
91/// unspecified. All original elements will remain in `v` and any possible modifications via
92/// interior mutability will be observable. Same is true if `is_less` panics or `v.len()`
93/// exceeds `scratch.len()`.
94pub(crate) fn partition<T, F>(v: &mut [T], pivot: usize, is_less: &mut F) -> usize
96    F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
98    let len = v.len();
100    // Allows for panic-free code-gen by proving this property to the compiler.
101    if len == 0 {
102        return 0;
103    }
105    if pivot >= len {
106        intrinsics::abort();
107    }
109    // SAFETY: We checked that `pivot` is in-bounds.
110    unsafe {
111        // Place the pivot at the beginning of slice.
112        v.swap_unchecked(0, pivot);
113    }
114    let (pivot, v_without_pivot) = v.split_at_mut(1);
116    // Assuming that Rust generates noalias LLVM IR we can be sure that a partition function
117    // signature of the form `(v: &mut [T], pivot: &T)` guarantees that pivot and v can't alias.
118    // Having this guarantee is crucial for optimizations. It's possible to copy the pivot value
119    // into a stack value, but this creates issues for types with interior mutability mandating
120    // a drop guard.
121    let pivot = &mut pivot[0];
123    // This construct is used to limit the LLVM IR generated, which saves large amounts of
124    // compile-time by only instantiating the code that is needed. Idea by Frank Steffahn.
125    let num_lt = (const { inst_partition::<T, F>() })(v_without_pivot, pivot, is_less);
127    if num_lt >= len {
128        intrinsics::abort();
129    }
131    // SAFETY: We checked that `num_lt` is in-bounds.
132    unsafe {
133        // Place the pivot between the two partitions.
134        v.swap_unchecked(0, num_lt);
135    }
137    num_lt
140const fn inst_partition<T, F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool>() -> fn(&mut [T], &T, &mut F) -> usize {
141    const MAX_BRANCHLESS_PARTITION_SIZE: usize = 96;
142    if size_of::<T>() <= MAX_BRANCHLESS_PARTITION_SIZE {
143        // Specialize for types that are relatively cheap to copy, where branchless optimizations
144        // have large leverage e.g. `u64` and `String`.
145        cfg_if! {
146            if #[cfg(feature = "optimize_for_size")] {
147                partition_lomuto_branchless_simple::<T, F>
148            } else {
149                partition_lomuto_branchless_cyclic::<T, F>
150            }
151        }
152    } else {
153        partition_hoare_branchy_cyclic::<T, F>
154    }
157/// See [`partition`].
158fn partition_hoare_branchy_cyclic<T, F>(v: &mut [T], pivot: &T, is_less: &mut F) -> usize
160    F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
162    let len = v.len();
164    if len == 0 {
165        return 0;
166    }
168    // Optimized for large types that are expensive to move. Not optimized for integers. Optimized
169    // for small code-gen, assuming that is_less is an expensive operation that generates
170    // substantial amounts of code or a call. And that copying elements will likely be a call to
171    // memcpy. Using 2 `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping` has the chance to be faster than
172    // `ptr::swap_nonoverlapping` because `memcpy` can use wide SIMD based on runtime feature
173    // detection. Benchmarks support this analysis.
175    let mut gap_opt: Option<GapGuard<T>> = None;
177    // SAFETY: The left-to-right scanning loop performs a bounds check, where we know that `left >=
178    // v_base && left < right && right <= v_base.add(len)`. The right-to-left scanning loop performs
179    // a bounds check ensuring that `right` is in-bounds. We checked that `len` is more than zero,
180    // which means that unconditional `right = right.sub(1)` is safe to do. The exit check makes
181    // sure that `left` and `right` never alias, making `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping` safe. The
182    // drop-guard `gap` ensures that should `is_less` panic we always overwrite the duplicate in the
183    // input. `gap.pos` stores the previous value of `right` and starts at `right` and so it too is
184    // in-bounds. We never pass the saved `gap.value` to `is_less` while it is inside the `GapGuard`
185    // thus any changes via interior mutability will be observed.
186    unsafe {
187        let v_base = v.as_mut_ptr();
189        let mut left = v_base;
190        let mut right = v_base.add(len);
192        loop {
193            // Find the first element greater than the pivot.
194            while left < right && is_less(&*left, pivot) {
195                left = left.add(1);
196            }
198            // Find the last element equal to the pivot.
199            loop {
200                right = right.sub(1);
201                if left >= right || is_less(&*right, pivot) {
202                    break;
203                }
204            }
206            if left >= right {
207                break;
208            }
210            // Swap the found pair of out-of-order elements via cyclic permutation.
211            let is_first_swap_pair = gap_opt.is_none();
213            if is_first_swap_pair {
214                gap_opt = Some(GapGuard { pos: right, value: ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(left)) });
215            }
217            let gap = gap_opt.as_mut().unwrap_unchecked();
219            // Single place where we instantiate ptr::copy_nonoverlapping in the partition.
220            if !is_first_swap_pair {
221                ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(left, gap.pos, 1);
222            }
223            gap.pos = right;
224            ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(right, left, 1);
226            left = left.add(1);
227        }
229        left.offset_from_unsigned(v_base)
231        // `gap_opt` goes out of scope and overwrites the last wrong-side element on the right side
232        // with the first wrong-side element of the left side that was initially overwritten by the
233        // first wrong-side element on the right side element.
234    }
237#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
238struct PartitionState<T> {
239    // The current element that is being looked at, scans left to right through slice.
240    right: *mut T,
241    // Counts the number of elements that compared less-than, also works around:
242    //
243    num_lt: usize,
244    // Gap guard that tracks the temporary duplicate in the input.
245    gap: GapGuardRaw<T>,
248#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
249fn partition_lomuto_branchless_cyclic<T, F>(v: &mut [T], pivot: &T, is_less: &mut F) -> usize
251    F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
253    // Novel partition implementation by Lukas Bergdoll and Orson Peters. Branchless Lomuto
254    // partition paired with a cyclic permutation.
255    //
257    let len = v.len();
258    let v_base = v.as_mut_ptr();
260    if len == 0 {
261        return 0;
262    }
264    // SAFETY: We checked that `len` is more than zero, which means that reading `v_base` is safe to
265    // do. From there we have a bounded loop where `v_base.add(i)` is guaranteed in-bounds. `v` and
266    // `pivot` can't alias because of type system rules. The drop-guard `gap` ensures that should
267    // `is_less` panic we always overwrite the duplicate in the input. `gap.pos` stores the previous
268    // value of `right` and starts at `v_base` and so it too is in-bounds. Given `UNROLL_LEN == 2`
269    // after the main loop we either have A) the last element in `v` that has not yet been processed
270    // because `len % 2 != 0`, or B) all elements have been processed except the gap value that was
271    // saved at the beginning with `ptr::read(v_base)`. In the case A) the loop will iterate twice,
272    // first performing loop_body to take care of the last element that didn't fit into the unroll.
273    // After that the behavior is the same as for B) where we use the saved value as `right` to
274    // overwrite the duplicate. If this very last call to `is_less` panics the saved value will be
275    // copied back including all possible changes via interior mutability. If `is_less` does not
276    // panic and the code continues we overwrite the duplicate and do `right = right.add(1)`, this
277    // is safe to do with `&mut *gap.value` because `T` is the same as `[T; 1]` and generating a
278    // pointer one past the allocation is safe.
279    unsafe {
280        let mut loop_body = |state: &mut PartitionState<T>| {
281            let right_is_lt = is_less(&*state.right, pivot);
282            let left = v_base.add(state.num_lt);
284            ptr::copy(left,, 1);
285            ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(state.right, left, 1);
287   = state.right;
288            state.num_lt += right_is_lt as usize;
290            state.right = state.right.add(1);
291        };
293        // Ideally we could just use GapGuard in PartitionState, but the reference that is
294        // materialized with `&mut state` when calling `loop_body` would create a mutable reference
295        // to the parent struct that contains the gap value, invalidating the reference pointer
296        // created from a reference to the gap value in the cleanup loop. This is only an issue
297        // under Stacked Borrows, Tree Borrows accepts the intuitive code using GapGuard as valid.
298        let mut gap_value = ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(v_base));
300        let mut state = PartitionState {
301            num_lt: 0,
302            right: v_base.add(1),
304            gap: GapGuardRaw { pos: v_base, value: &mut *gap_value },
305        };
307        // Manual unrolling that works well on x86, Arm and with opt-level=s without murdering
308        // compile-times. Leaving this to the compiler yields ok to bad results.
309        let unroll_len = const { if size_of::<T>() <= 16 { 2 } else { 1 } };
311        let unroll_end = v_base.add(len - (unroll_len - 1));
312        while state.right < unroll_end {
313            if unroll_len == 2 {
314                loop_body(&mut state);
315                loop_body(&mut state);
316            } else {
317                loop_body(&mut state);
318            }
319        }
321        // Single instantiate `loop_body` for both the unroll cleanup and cyclic permutation
322        // cleanup. Optimizes binary-size and compile-time.
323        let end = v_base.add(len);
324        loop {
325            let is_done = state.right == end;
326            state.right = if is_done { } else { state.right };
328            loop_body(&mut state);
330            if is_done {
331                mem::forget(;
332                break;
333            }
334        }
336        state.num_lt
337    }
340#[cfg(feature = "optimize_for_size")]
341fn partition_lomuto_branchless_simple<T, F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool>(
342    v: &mut [T],
343    pivot: &T,
344    is_less: &mut F,
345) -> usize {
346    let mut left = 0;
348    for right in 0..v.len() {
349        // SAFETY: `left` can at max be incremented by 1 each loop iteration, which implies that
350        // left <= right and that both are in-bounds.
351        unsafe {
352            let right_is_lt = is_less(v.get_unchecked(right), pivot);
353            v.swap_unchecked(left, right);
354            left += right_is_lt as usize;
355        }
356    }
358    left
361struct GapGuard<T> {
362    pos: *mut T,
363    value: ManuallyDrop<T>,
366impl<T> Drop for GapGuard<T> {
367    fn drop(&mut self) {
368        // SAFETY: `self` MUST be constructed in a way that makes copying the gap value into
369        // `self.pos` sound.
370        unsafe {
371            ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&*self.value, self.pos, 1);
372        }
373    }
376/// Ideally this wouldn't be needed and we could just use the regular GapGuard.
377/// See comment in [`partition_lomuto_branchless_cyclic`].
378#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
379struct GapGuardRaw<T> {
380    pos: *mut T,
381    value: *mut T,
384#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
385impl<T> Drop for GapGuardRaw<T> {
386    fn drop(&mut self) {
387        // SAFETY: `self` MUST be constructed in a way that makes copying the gap value into
388        // `self.pos` sound.
389        unsafe {
390            ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.value, self.pos, 1);
391        }
392    }