
1#![unstable(feature = "core_io_borrowed_buf", issue = "117693")]
3use crate::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
4use crate::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
5use crate::{cmp, ptr};
7/// A borrowed byte buffer which is incrementally filled and initialized.
9/// This type is a sort of "double cursor". It tracks three regions in the buffer: a region at the beginning of the
10/// buffer that has been logically filled with data, a region that has been initialized at some point but not yet
11/// logically filled, and a region at the end that is fully uninitialized. The filled region is guaranteed to be a
12/// subset of the initialized region.
14/// In summary, the contents of the buffer can be visualized as:
15/// ```not_rust
16/// [             capacity              ]
17/// [ filled |         unfilled         ]
18/// [    initialized    | uninitialized ]
19/// ```
21/// A `BorrowedBuf` is created around some existing data (or capacity for data) via a unique reference
22/// (`&mut`). The `BorrowedBuf` can be configured (e.g., using `clear` or `set_init`), but cannot be
23/// directly written. To write into the buffer, use `unfilled` to create a `BorrowedCursor`. The cursor
24/// has write-only access to the unfilled portion of the buffer (you can think of it as a
25/// write-only iterator).
27/// The lifetime `'data` is a bound on the lifetime of the underlying data.
28pub struct BorrowedBuf<'data> {
29    /// The buffer's underlying data.
30    buf: &'data mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
31    /// The length of `self.buf` which is known to be filled.
32    filled: usize,
33    /// The length of `self.buf` which is known to be initialized.
34    init: usize,
37impl Debug for BorrowedBuf<'_> {
38    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
39        f.debug_struct("BorrowedBuf")
40            .field("init", &self.init)
41            .field("filled", &self.filled)
42            .field("capacity", &self.capacity())
43            .finish()
44    }
47/// Creates a new `BorrowedBuf` from a fully initialized slice.
48impl<'data> From<&'data mut [u8]> for BorrowedBuf<'data> {
49    #[inline]
50    fn from(slice: &'data mut [u8]) -> BorrowedBuf<'data> {
51        let len = slice.len();
53        BorrowedBuf {
54            // SAFETY: initialized data never becoming uninitialized is an invariant of BorrowedBuf
55            buf: unsafe { (slice as *mut [u8]).as_uninit_slice_mut().unwrap() },
56            filled: 0,
57            init: len,
58        }
59    }
62/// Creates a new `BorrowedBuf` from an uninitialized buffer.
64/// Use `set_init` if part of the buffer is known to be already initialized.
65impl<'data> From<&'data mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]> for BorrowedBuf<'data> {
66    #[inline]
67    fn from(buf: &'data mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> BorrowedBuf<'data> {
68        BorrowedBuf { buf, filled: 0, init: 0 }
69    }
72impl<'data> BorrowedBuf<'data> {
73    /// Returns the total capacity of the buffer.
74    #[inline]
75    pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
76        self.buf.len()
77    }
79    /// Returns the length of the filled part of the buffer.
80    #[inline]
81    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
82        self.filled
83    }
85    /// Returns the length of the initialized part of the buffer.
86    #[inline]
87    pub fn init_len(&self) -> usize {
88        self.init
89    }
91    /// Returns a shared reference to the filled portion of the buffer.
92    #[inline]
93    pub fn filled(&self) -> &[u8] {
94        // SAFETY: We only slice the filled part of the buffer, which is always valid
95        unsafe {
96            let buf = self.buf.get_unchecked(..self.filled);
97            buf.assume_init_ref()
98        }
99    }
101    /// Returns a mutable reference to the filled portion of the buffer.
102    #[inline]
103    pub fn filled_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
104        // SAFETY: We only slice the filled part of the buffer, which is always valid
105        unsafe {
106            let buf = self.buf.get_unchecked_mut(..self.filled);
107            buf.assume_init_mut()
108        }
109    }
111    /// Returns a shared reference to the filled portion of the buffer with its original lifetime.
112    #[inline]
113    pub fn into_filled(self) -> &'data [u8] {
114        // SAFETY: We only slice the filled part of the buffer, which is always valid
115        unsafe {
116            let buf = self.buf.get_unchecked(..self.filled);
117            buf.assume_init_ref()
118        }
119    }
121    /// Returns a mutable reference to the filled portion of the buffer with its original lifetime.
122    #[inline]
123    pub fn into_filled_mut(self) -> &'data mut [u8] {
124        // SAFETY: We only slice the filled part of the buffer, which is always valid
125        unsafe {
126            let buf = self.buf.get_unchecked_mut(..self.filled);
127            buf.assume_init_mut()
128        }
129    }
131    /// Returns a cursor over the unfilled part of the buffer.
132    #[inline]
133    pub fn unfilled<'this>(&'this mut self) -> BorrowedCursor<'this> {
134        BorrowedCursor {
135            start: self.filled,
136            // SAFETY: we never assign into `BorrowedCursor::buf`, so treating its
137            // lifetime covariantly is safe.
138            buf: unsafe {
139                mem::transmute::<&'this mut BorrowedBuf<'data>, &'this mut BorrowedBuf<'this>>(self)
140            },
141        }
142    }
144    /// Clears the buffer, resetting the filled region to empty.
145    ///
146    /// The number of initialized bytes is not changed, and the contents of the buffer are not modified.
147    #[inline]
148    pub fn clear(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
149        self.filled = 0;
150        self
151    }
153    /// Asserts that the first `n` bytes of the buffer are initialized.
154    ///
155    /// `BorrowedBuf` assumes that bytes are never de-initialized, so this method does nothing when called with fewer
156    /// bytes than are already known to be initialized.
157    ///
158    /// # Safety
159    ///
160    /// The caller must ensure that the first `n` unfilled bytes of the buffer have already been initialized.
161    #[inline]
162    pub unsafe fn set_init(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut Self {
163        self.init = cmp::max(self.init, n);
164        self
165    }
168/// A writeable view of the unfilled portion of a [`BorrowedBuf`].
170/// The unfilled portion consists of an initialized and an uninitialized part; see [`BorrowedBuf`]
171/// for details.
173/// Data can be written directly to the cursor by using [`append`](BorrowedCursor::append) or
174/// indirectly by getting a slice of part or all of the cursor and writing into the slice. In the
175/// indirect case, the caller must call [`advance`](BorrowedCursor::advance) after writing to inform
176/// the cursor how many bytes have been written.
178/// Once data is written to the cursor, it becomes part of the filled portion of the underlying
179/// `BorrowedBuf` and can no longer be accessed or re-written by the cursor. I.e., the cursor tracks
180/// the unfilled part of the underlying `BorrowedBuf`.
182/// The lifetime `'a` is a bound on the lifetime of the underlying buffer (which means it is a bound
183/// on the data in that buffer by transitivity).
185pub struct BorrowedCursor<'a> {
186    /// The underlying buffer.
187    // Safety invariant: we treat the type of buf as covariant in the lifetime of `BorrowedBuf` when
188    // we create a `BorrowedCursor`. This is only safe if we never replace `buf` by assigning into
189    // it, so don't do that!
190    buf: &'a mut BorrowedBuf<'a>,
191    /// The length of the filled portion of the underlying buffer at the time of the cursor's
192    /// creation.
193    start: usize,
196impl<'a> BorrowedCursor<'a> {
197    /// Reborrows this cursor by cloning it with a smaller lifetime.
198    ///
199    /// Since a cursor maintains unique access to its underlying buffer, the borrowed cursor is
200    /// not accessible while the new cursor exists.
201    #[inline]
202    pub fn reborrow<'this>(&'this mut self) -> BorrowedCursor<'this> {
203        BorrowedCursor {
204            // SAFETY: we never assign into `BorrowedCursor::buf`, so treating its
205            // lifetime covariantly is safe.
206            buf: unsafe {
207                mem::transmute::<&'this mut BorrowedBuf<'a>, &'this mut BorrowedBuf<'this>>(
208                    self.buf,
209                )
210            },
211            start: self.start,
212        }
213    }
215    /// Returns the available space in the cursor.
216    #[inline]
217    pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
218        self.buf.capacity() - self.buf.filled
219    }
221    /// Returns the number of bytes written to this cursor since it was created from a `BorrowedBuf`.
222    ///
223    /// Note that if this cursor is a reborrowed clone of another, then the count returned is the
224    /// count written via either cursor, not the count since the cursor was reborrowed.
225    #[inline]
226    pub fn written(&self) -> usize {
227        self.buf.filled - self.start
228    }
230    /// Returns a shared reference to the initialized portion of the cursor.
231    #[inline]
232    pub fn init_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
233        // SAFETY: We only slice the initialized part of the buffer, which is always valid
234        unsafe {
235            let buf = self.buf.buf.get_unchecked(self.buf.filled..self.buf.init);
236            buf.assume_init_ref()
237        }
238    }
240    /// Returns a mutable reference to the initialized portion of the cursor.
241    #[inline]
242    pub fn init_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
243        // SAFETY: We only slice the initialized part of the buffer, which is always valid
244        unsafe {
245            let buf = self.buf.buf.get_unchecked_mut(self.buf.filled..self.buf.init);
246            buf.assume_init_mut()
247        }
248    }
250    /// Returns a mutable reference to the uninitialized part of the cursor.
251    ///
252    /// It is safe to uninitialize any of these bytes.
253    #[inline]
254    pub fn uninit_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>] {
255        // SAFETY: always in bounds
256        unsafe { self.buf.buf.get_unchecked_mut(self.buf.init..) }
257    }
259    /// Returns a mutable reference to the whole cursor.
260    ///
261    /// # Safety
262    ///
263    /// The caller must not uninitialize any bytes in the initialized portion of the cursor.
264    #[inline]
265    pub unsafe fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>] {
266        // SAFETY: always in bounds
267        unsafe { self.buf.buf.get_unchecked_mut(self.buf.filled..) }
268    }
270    /// Advances the cursor by asserting that `n` bytes have been filled.
271    ///
272    /// After advancing, the `n` bytes are no longer accessible via the cursor and can only be
273    /// accessed via the underlying buffer. I.e., the buffer's filled portion grows by `n` elements
274    /// and its unfilled portion (and the capacity of this cursor) shrinks by `n` elements.
275    ///
276    /// If less than `n` bytes initialized (by the cursor's point of view), `set_init` should be
277    /// called first.
278    ///
279    /// # Panics
280    ///
281    /// Panics if there are less than `n` bytes initialized.
282    #[inline]
283    pub fn advance(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut Self {
284        let filled = self.buf.filled.strict_add(n);
285        assert!(filled <= self.buf.init);
287        self.buf.filled = filled;
288        self
289    }
291    /// Advances the cursor by asserting that `n` bytes have been filled.
292    ///
293    /// After advancing, the `n` bytes are no longer accessible via the cursor and can only be
294    /// accessed via the underlying buffer. I.e., the buffer's filled portion grows by `n` elements
295    /// and its unfilled portion (and the capacity of this cursor) shrinks by `n` elements.
296    ///
297    /// # Safety
298    ///
299    /// The caller must ensure that the first `n` bytes of the cursor have been properly
300    /// initialised.
301    #[inline]
302    pub unsafe fn advance_unchecked(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut Self {
303        self.buf.filled += n;
304        self.buf.init = cmp::max(self.buf.init, self.buf.filled);
305        self
306    }
308    /// Initializes all bytes in the cursor.
309    #[inline]
310    pub fn ensure_init(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
311        let uninit = self.uninit_mut();
312        // SAFETY: 0 is a valid value for MaybeUninit<u8> and the length matches the allocation
313        // since it is comes from a slice reference.
314        unsafe {
315            ptr::write_bytes(uninit.as_mut_ptr(), 0, uninit.len());
316        }
317        self.buf.init = self.buf.capacity();
319        self
320    }
322    /// Asserts that the first `n` unfilled bytes of the cursor are initialized.
323    ///
324    /// `BorrowedBuf` assumes that bytes are never de-initialized, so this method does nothing when
325    /// called with fewer bytes than are already known to be initialized.
326    ///
327    /// # Safety
328    ///
329    /// The caller must ensure that the first `n` bytes of the buffer have already been initialized.
330    #[inline]
331    pub unsafe fn set_init(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut Self {
332        self.buf.init = cmp::max(self.buf.init, self.buf.filled + n);
333        self
334    }
336    /// Appends data to the cursor, advancing position within its buffer.
337    ///
338    /// # Panics
339    ///
340    /// Panics if `self.capacity()` is less than `buf.len()`.
341    #[inline]
342    pub fn append(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
343        assert!(self.capacity() >= buf.len());
345        // SAFETY: we do not de-initialize any of the elements of the slice
346        unsafe {
347            self.as_mut()[..buf.len()].write_copy_of_slice(buf);
348        }
350        // SAFETY: We just added the entire contents of buf to the filled section.
351        unsafe {
352            self.set_init(buf.len());
353        }
354        self.buf.filled += buf.len();
355    }