
1//! Temporal quantification.
3//! # Examples
5//! There are multiple ways to create a new [`Duration`]:
7//! ```
8//! # use std::time::Duration;
9//! let five_seconds = Duration::from_secs(5);
10//! assert_eq!(five_seconds, Duration::from_millis(5_000));
11//! assert_eq!(five_seconds, Duration::from_micros(5_000_000));
12//! assert_eq!(five_seconds, Duration::from_nanos(5_000_000_000));
14//! let ten_seconds = Duration::from_secs(10);
15//! let seven_nanos = Duration::from_nanos(7);
16//! let total = ten_seconds + seven_nanos;
17//! assert_eq!(total, Duration::new(10, 7));
18//! ```
20//! Using [`Instant`] to calculate how long a function took to run:
22//! ```ignore (incomplete)
23//! let now = Instant::now();
25//! // Calling a slow function, it may take a while
26//! slow_function();
28//! let elapsed_time = now.elapsed();
29//! println!("Running slow_function() took {} seconds.", elapsed_time.as_secs());
30//! ```
32#![stable(feature = "time", since = "1.3.0")]
34#[stable(feature = "time", since = "1.3.0")]
35pub use core::time::Duration;
36#[stable(feature = "duration_checked_float", since = "1.66.0")]
37pub use core::time::TryFromFloatSecsError;
39use crate::error::Error;
40use crate::fmt;
41use crate::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign};
42use crate::sys::time;
43use crate::sys_common::{FromInner, IntoInner};
45/// A measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock.
46/// Opaque and useful only with [`Duration`].
48/// Instants are always guaranteed, barring [platform bugs], to be no less than any previously
49/// measured instant when created, and are often useful for tasks such as measuring
50/// benchmarks or timing how long an operation takes.
52/// Note, however, that instants are **not** guaranteed to be **steady**. In other
53/// words, each tick of the underlying clock might not be the same length (e.g.
54/// some seconds may be longer than others). An instant may jump forwards or
55/// experience time dilation (slow down or speed up), but it will never go
56/// backwards.
57/// As part of this non-guarantee it is also not specified whether system suspends count as
58/// elapsed time or not. The behavior varies across platforms and Rust versions.
60/// Instants are opaque types that can only be compared to one another. There is
61/// no method to get "the number of seconds" from an instant. Instead, it only
62/// allows measuring the duration between two instants (or comparing two
63/// instants).
65/// The size of an `Instant` struct may vary depending on the target operating
66/// system.
68/// Example:
70/// ```no_run
71/// use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
72/// use std::thread::sleep;
74/// fn main() {
75///    let now = Instant::now();
77///    // we sleep for 2 seconds
78///    sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));
79///    // it prints '2'
80///    println!("{}", now.elapsed().as_secs());
81/// }
82/// ```
84/// [platform bugs]: Instant#monotonicity
86/// # OS-specific behaviors
88/// An `Instant` is a wrapper around system-specific types and it may behave
89/// differently depending on the underlying operating system. For example,
90/// the following snippet is fine on Linux but panics on macOS:
92/// ```no_run
93/// use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
95/// let now = Instant::now();
96/// let max_seconds = u64::MAX / 1_000_000_000;
97/// let duration = Duration::new(max_seconds, 0);
98/// println!("{:?}", now + duration);
99/// ```
101/// # Underlying System calls
103/// The following system calls are [currently] being used by `now()` to find out
104/// the current time:
106/// |  Platform |               System call                                            |
107/// |-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
108/// | SGX       | [`insecure_time` usercall]. More information on [timekeeping in SGX] |
109/// | UNIX      | [clock_gettime (Monotonic Clock)]                                    |
110/// | Darwin    | [clock_gettime (Monotonic Clock)]                                    |
111/// | VXWorks   | [clock_gettime (Monotonic Clock)]                                    |
112/// | SOLID     | `get_tim`                                                            |
113/// | WASI      | [__wasi_clock_time_get (Monotonic Clock)]                            |
114/// | Windows   | [QueryPerformanceCounter]                                            |
116/// [currently]: crate::io#platform-specific-behavior
117/// [QueryPerformanceCounter]:
118/// [`insecure_time` usercall]:
119/// [timekeeping in SGX]:
120/// [__wasi_clock_time_get (Monotonic Clock)]:
121/// [clock_gettime (Monotonic Clock)]:
123/// **Disclaimer:** These system calls might change over time.
125/// > Note: mathematical operations like [`add`] may panic if the underlying
126/// > structure cannot represent the new point in time.
128/// [`add`]: Instant::add
130/// ## Monotonicity
132/// On all platforms `Instant` will try to use an OS API that guarantees monotonic behavior
133/// if available, which is the case for all [tier 1] platforms.
134/// In practice such guarantees are – under rare circumstances – broken by hardware, virtualization
135/// or operating system bugs. To work around these bugs and platforms not offering monotonic clocks
136/// [`duration_since`], [`elapsed`] and [`sub`] saturate to zero. In older Rust versions this
137/// lead to a panic instead. [`checked_duration_since`] can be used to detect and handle situations
138/// where monotonicity is violated, or `Instant`s are subtracted in the wrong order.
140/// This workaround obscures programming errors where earlier and later instants are accidentally
141/// swapped. For this reason future Rust versions may reintroduce panics.
143/// [tier 1]:
144/// [`duration_since`]: Instant::duration_since
145/// [`elapsed`]: Instant::elapsed
146/// [`sub`]: Instant::sub
147/// [`checked_duration_since`]: Instant::checked_duration_since
149#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
150#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
151#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "Instant")]
152pub struct Instant(time::Instant);
154/// A measurement of the system clock, useful for talking to
155/// external entities like the file system or other processes.
157/// Distinct from the [`Instant`] type, this time measurement **is not
158/// monotonic**. This means that you can save a file to the file system, then
159/// save another file to the file system, **and the second file has a
160/// `SystemTime` measurement earlier than the first**. In other words, an
161/// operation that happens after another operation in real time may have an
162/// earlier `SystemTime`!
164/// Consequently, comparing two `SystemTime` instances to learn about the
165/// duration between them returns a [`Result`] instead of an infallible [`Duration`]
166/// to indicate that this sort of time drift may happen and needs to be handled.
168/// Although a `SystemTime` cannot be directly inspected, the [`UNIX_EPOCH`]
169/// constant is provided in this module as an anchor in time to learn
170/// information about a `SystemTime`. By calculating the duration from this
171/// fixed point in time, a `SystemTime` can be converted to a human-readable time,
172/// or perhaps some other string representation.
174/// The size of a `SystemTime` struct may vary depending on the target operating
175/// system.
177/// A `SystemTime` does not count leap seconds.
178/// `SystemTime::now()`'s behavior around a leap second
179/// is the same as the operating system's wall clock.
180/// The precise behavior near a leap second
181/// (e.g. whether the clock appears to run slow or fast, or stop, or jump)
182/// depends on platform and configuration,
183/// so should not be relied on.
185/// Example:
187/// ```no_run
188/// use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
189/// use std::thread::sleep;
191/// fn main() {
192///    let now = SystemTime::now();
194///    // we sleep for 2 seconds
195///    sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));
196///    match now.elapsed() {
197///        Ok(elapsed) => {
198///            // it prints '2'
199///            println!("{}", elapsed.as_secs());
200///        }
201///        Err(e) => {
202///            // an error occurred!
203///            println!("Error: {e:?}");
204///        }
205///    }
206/// }
207/// ```
209/// # Platform-specific behavior
211/// The precision of `SystemTime` can depend on the underlying OS-specific time format.
212/// For example, on Windows the time is represented in 100 nanosecond intervals whereas Linux
213/// can represent nanosecond intervals.
215/// The following system calls are [currently] being used by `now()` to find out
216/// the current time:
218/// |  Platform |               System call                                            |
219/// |-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
220/// | SGX       | [`insecure_time` usercall]. More information on [timekeeping in SGX] |
221/// | UNIX      | [clock_gettime (Realtime Clock)]                                     |
222/// | Darwin    | [clock_gettime (Realtime Clock)]                                     |
223/// | VXWorks   | [clock_gettime (Realtime Clock)]                                     |
224/// | SOLID     | `SOLID_RTC_ReadTime`                                                 |
225/// | WASI      | [__wasi_clock_time_get (Realtime Clock)]                             |
226/// | Windows   | [GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime] / [GetSystemTimeAsFileTime]         |
228/// [currently]: crate::io#platform-specific-behavior
229/// [`insecure_time` usercall]:
230/// [timekeeping in SGX]:
231/// [clock_gettime (Realtime Clock)]:
232/// [__wasi_clock_time_get (Realtime Clock)]:
233/// [GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime]:
234/// [GetSystemTimeAsFileTime]:
236/// **Disclaimer:** These system calls might change over time.
238/// > Note: mathematical operations like [`add`] may panic if the underlying
239/// > structure cannot represent the new point in time.
241/// [`add`]: SystemTime::add
242#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
243#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
244pub struct SystemTime(time::SystemTime);
246/// An error returned from the `duration_since` and `elapsed` methods on
247/// `SystemTime`, used to learn how far in the opposite direction a system time
248/// lies.
250/// # Examples
252/// ```no_run
253/// use std::thread::sleep;
254/// use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
256/// let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
257/// sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
258/// let new_sys_time = SystemTime::now();
259/// match sys_time.duration_since(new_sys_time) {
260///     Ok(_) => {}
261///     Err(e) => println!("SystemTimeError difference: {:?}", e.duration()),
262/// }
263/// ```
264#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
265#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
266pub struct SystemTimeError(Duration);
268impl Instant {
269    /// Returns an instant corresponding to "now".
270    ///
271    /// # Examples
272    ///
273    /// ```
274    /// use std::time::Instant;
275    ///
276    /// let now = Instant::now();
277    /// ```
278    #[must_use]
279    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
280    #[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "instant_now")]
281    pub fn now() -> Instant {
282        Instant(time::Instant::now())
283    }
285    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one,
286    /// or zero duration if that instant is later than this one.
287    ///
288    /// # Panics
289    ///
290    /// Previous Rust versions panicked when `earlier` was later than `self`. Currently this
291    /// method saturates. Future versions may reintroduce the panic in some circumstances.
292    /// See [Monotonicity].
293    ///
294    /// [Monotonicity]: Instant#monotonicity
295    ///
296    /// # Examples
297    ///
298    /// ```no_run
299    /// use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
300    /// use std::thread::sleep;
301    ///
302    /// let now = Instant::now();
303    /// sleep(Duration::new(1, 0));
304    /// let new_now = Instant::now();
305    /// println!("{:?}", new_now.duration_since(now));
306    /// println!("{:?}", now.duration_since(new_now)); // 0ns
307    /// ```
308    #[must_use]
309    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
310    pub fn duration_since(&self, earlier: Instant) -> Duration {
311        self.checked_duration_since(earlier).unwrap_or_default()
312    }
314    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one,
315    /// or None if that instant is later than this one.
316    ///
317    /// Due to [monotonicity bugs], even under correct logical ordering of the passed `Instant`s,
318    /// this method can return `None`.
319    ///
320    /// [monotonicity bugs]: Instant#monotonicity
321    ///
322    /// # Examples
323    ///
324    /// ```no_run
325    /// use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
326    /// use std::thread::sleep;
327    ///
328    /// let now = Instant::now();
329    /// sleep(Duration::new(1, 0));
330    /// let new_now = Instant::now();
331    /// println!("{:?}", new_now.checked_duration_since(now));
332    /// println!("{:?}", now.checked_duration_since(new_now)); // None
333    /// ```
334    #[must_use]
335    #[stable(feature = "checked_duration_since", since = "1.39.0")]
336    pub fn checked_duration_since(&self, earlier: Instant) -> Option<Duration> {
337        self.0.checked_sub_instant(&earlier.0)
338    }
340    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one,
341    /// or zero duration if that instant is later than this one.
342    ///
343    /// # Examples
344    ///
345    /// ```no_run
346    /// use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
347    /// use std::thread::sleep;
348    ///
349    /// let now = Instant::now();
350    /// sleep(Duration::new(1, 0));
351    /// let new_now = Instant::now();
352    /// println!("{:?}", new_now.saturating_duration_since(now));
353    /// println!("{:?}", now.saturating_duration_since(new_now)); // 0ns
354    /// ```
355    #[must_use]
356    #[stable(feature = "checked_duration_since", since = "1.39.0")]
357    pub fn saturating_duration_since(&self, earlier: Instant) -> Duration {
358        self.checked_duration_since(earlier).unwrap_or_default()
359    }
361    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed since this instant.
362    ///
363    /// # Panics
364    ///
365    /// Previous Rust versions panicked when the current time was earlier than self. Currently this
366    /// method returns a Duration of zero in that case. Future versions may reintroduce the panic.
367    /// See [Monotonicity].
368    ///
369    /// [Monotonicity]: Instant#monotonicity
370    ///
371    /// # Examples
372    ///
373    /// ```no_run
374    /// use std::thread::sleep;
375    /// use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
376    ///
377    /// let instant = Instant::now();
378    /// let three_secs = Duration::from_secs(3);
379    /// sleep(three_secs);
380    /// assert!(instant.elapsed() >= three_secs);
381    /// ```
382    #[must_use]
383    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
384    pub fn elapsed(&self) -> Duration {
385        Instant::now() - *self
386    }
388    /// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self + duration` if `t` can be represented as
389    /// `Instant` (which means it's inside the bounds of the underlying data structure), `None`
390    /// otherwise.
391    #[stable(feature = "time_checked_add", since = "1.34.0")]
392    pub fn checked_add(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
393        self.0.checked_add_duration(&duration).map(Instant)
394    }
396    /// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self - duration` if `t` can be represented as
397    /// `Instant` (which means it's inside the bounds of the underlying data structure), `None`
398    /// otherwise.
399    #[stable(feature = "time_checked_add", since = "1.34.0")]
400    pub fn checked_sub(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<Instant> {
401        self.0.checked_sub_duration(&duration).map(Instant)
402    }
405#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
406impl Add<Duration> for Instant {
407    type Output = Instant;
409    /// # Panics
410    ///
411    /// This function may panic if the resulting point in time cannot be represented by the
412    /// underlying data structure. See [`Instant::checked_add`] for a version without panic.
413    fn add(self, other: Duration) -> Instant {
414        self.checked_add(other).expect("overflow when adding duration to instant")
415    }
418#[stable(feature = "time_augmented_assignment", since = "1.9.0")]
419impl AddAssign<Duration> for Instant {
420    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Duration) {
421        *self = *self + other;
422    }
425#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
426impl Sub<Duration> for Instant {
427    type Output = Instant;
429    fn sub(self, other: Duration) -> Instant {
430        self.checked_sub(other).expect("overflow when subtracting duration from instant")
431    }
434#[stable(feature = "time_augmented_assignment", since = "1.9.0")]
435impl SubAssign<Duration> for Instant {
436    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Duration) {
437        *self = *self - other;
438    }
441#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
442impl Sub<Instant> for Instant {
443    type Output = Duration;
445    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one,
446    /// or zero duration if that instant is later than this one.
447    ///
448    /// # Panics
449    ///
450    /// Previous Rust versions panicked when `other` was later than `self`. Currently this
451    /// method saturates. Future versions may reintroduce the panic in some circumstances.
452    /// See [Monotonicity].
453    ///
454    /// [Monotonicity]: Instant#monotonicity
455    fn sub(self, other: Instant) -> Duration {
456        self.duration_since(other)
457    }
460#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
461impl fmt::Debug for Instant {
462    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
463        self.0.fmt(f)
464    }
467impl SystemTime {
468    /// An anchor in time which can be used to create new `SystemTime` instances or
469    /// learn about where in time a `SystemTime` lies.
470    //
471    // NOTE! this documentation is duplicated, here and in std::time::UNIX_EPOCH.
472    // The two copies are not quite identical, because of the difference in naming.
473    ///
474    /// This constant is defined to be "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" on all systems with
475    /// respect to the system clock. Using `duration_since` on an existing
476    /// `SystemTime` instance can tell how far away from this point in time a
477    /// measurement lies, and using `UNIX_EPOCH + duration` can be used to create a
478    /// `SystemTime` instance to represent another fixed point in time.
479    ///
480    /// `duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs()` returns
481    /// the number of non-leap seconds since the start of 1970 UTC.
482    /// This is a POSIX `time_t` (as a `u64`),
483    /// and is the same time representation as used in many Internet protocols.
484    ///
485    /// # Examples
486    ///
487    /// ```no_run
488    /// use std::time::SystemTime;
489    ///
490    /// match SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
491    ///     Ok(n) => println!("1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC was {} seconds ago!", n.as_secs()),
492    ///     Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"),
493    /// }
494    /// ```
495    #[stable(feature = "assoc_unix_epoch", since = "1.28.0")]
496    pub const UNIX_EPOCH: SystemTime = UNIX_EPOCH;
498    /// Returns the system time corresponding to "now".
499    ///
500    /// # Examples
501    ///
502    /// ```
503    /// use std::time::SystemTime;
504    ///
505    /// let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
506    /// ```
507    #[must_use]
508    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
509    pub fn now() -> SystemTime {
510        SystemTime(time::SystemTime::now())
511    }
513    /// Returns the amount of time elapsed from an earlier point in time.
514    ///
515    /// This function may fail because measurements taken earlier are not
516    /// guaranteed to always be before later measurements (due to anomalies such
517    /// as the system clock being adjusted either forwards or backwards).
518    /// [`Instant`] can be used to measure elapsed time without this risk of failure.
519    ///
520    /// If successful, <code>[Ok]\([Duration])</code> is returned where the duration represents
521    /// the amount of time elapsed from the specified measurement to this one.
522    ///
523    /// Returns an [`Err`] if `earlier` is later than `self`, and the error
524    /// contains how far from `self` the time is.
525    ///
526    /// # Examples
527    ///
528    /// ```no_run
529    /// use std::time::SystemTime;
530    ///
531    /// let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
532    /// let new_sys_time = SystemTime::now();
533    /// let difference = new_sys_time.duration_since(sys_time)
534    ///     .expect("Clock may have gone backwards");
535    /// println!("{difference:?}");
536    /// ```
537    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
538    pub fn duration_since(&self, earlier: SystemTime) -> Result<Duration, SystemTimeError> {
539        self.0.sub_time(&earlier.0).map_err(SystemTimeError)
540    }
542    /// Returns the difference from this system time to the
543    /// current clock time.
544    ///
545    /// This function may fail as the underlying system clock is susceptible to
546    /// drift and updates (e.g., the system clock could go backwards), so this
547    /// function might not always succeed. If successful, <code>[Ok]\([Duration])</code> is
548    /// returned where the duration represents the amount of time elapsed from
549    /// this time measurement to the current time.
550    ///
551    /// To measure elapsed time reliably, use [`Instant`] instead.
552    ///
553    /// Returns an [`Err`] if `self` is later than the current system time, and
554    /// the error contains how far from the current system time `self` is.
555    ///
556    /// # Examples
557    ///
558    /// ```no_run
559    /// use std::thread::sleep;
560    /// use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
561    ///
562    /// let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
563    /// let one_sec = Duration::from_secs(1);
564    /// sleep(one_sec);
565    /// assert!(sys_time.elapsed().unwrap() >= one_sec);
566    /// ```
567    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
568    pub fn elapsed(&self) -> Result<Duration, SystemTimeError> {
569        SystemTime::now().duration_since(*self)
570    }
572    /// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self + duration` if `t` can be represented as
573    /// `SystemTime` (which means it's inside the bounds of the underlying data structure), `None`
574    /// otherwise.
575    #[stable(feature = "time_checked_add", since = "1.34.0")]
576    pub fn checked_add(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<SystemTime> {
577        self.0.checked_add_duration(&duration).map(SystemTime)
578    }
580    /// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self - duration` if `t` can be represented as
581    /// `SystemTime` (which means it's inside the bounds of the underlying data structure), `None`
582    /// otherwise.
583    #[stable(feature = "time_checked_add", since = "1.34.0")]
584    pub fn checked_sub(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<SystemTime> {
585        self.0.checked_sub_duration(&duration).map(SystemTime)
586    }
589#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
590impl Add<Duration> for SystemTime {
591    type Output = SystemTime;
593    /// # Panics
594    ///
595    /// This function may panic if the resulting point in time cannot be represented by the
596    /// underlying data structure. See [`SystemTime::checked_add`] for a version without panic.
597    fn add(self, dur: Duration) -> SystemTime {
598        self.checked_add(dur).expect("overflow when adding duration to instant")
599    }
602#[stable(feature = "time_augmented_assignment", since = "1.9.0")]
603impl AddAssign<Duration> for SystemTime {
604    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Duration) {
605        *self = *self + other;
606    }
609#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
610impl Sub<Duration> for SystemTime {
611    type Output = SystemTime;
613    fn sub(self, dur: Duration) -> SystemTime {
614        self.checked_sub(dur).expect("overflow when subtracting duration from instant")
615    }
618#[stable(feature = "time_augmented_assignment", since = "1.9.0")]
619impl SubAssign<Duration> for SystemTime {
620    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Duration) {
621        *self = *self - other;
622    }
625#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
626impl fmt::Debug for SystemTime {
627    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
628        self.0.fmt(f)
629    }
632/// An anchor in time which can be used to create new `SystemTime` instances or
633/// learn about where in time a `SystemTime` lies.
635// NOTE! this documentation is duplicated, here and in SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.
636// The two copies are not quite identical, because of the difference in naming.
638/// This constant is defined to be "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" on all systems with
639/// respect to the system clock. Using `duration_since` on an existing
640/// [`SystemTime`] instance can tell how far away from this point in time a
641/// measurement lies, and using `UNIX_EPOCH + duration` can be used to create a
642/// [`SystemTime`] instance to represent another fixed point in time.
644/// `duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs()` returns
645/// the number of non-leap seconds since the start of 1970 UTC.
646/// This is a POSIX `time_t` (as a `u64`),
647/// and is the same time representation as used in many Internet protocols.
649/// # Examples
651/// ```no_run
652/// use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
654/// match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) {
655///     Ok(n) => println!("1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC was {} seconds ago!", n.as_secs()),
656///     Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"),
657/// }
658/// ```
659#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
660pub const UNIX_EPOCH: SystemTime = SystemTime(time::UNIX_EPOCH);
662impl SystemTimeError {
663    /// Returns the positive duration which represents how far forward the
664    /// second system time was from the first.
665    ///
666    /// A `SystemTimeError` is returned from the [`SystemTime::duration_since`]
667    /// and [`SystemTime::elapsed`] methods whenever the second system time
668    /// represents a point later in time than the `self` of the method call.
669    ///
670    /// # Examples
671    ///
672    /// ```no_run
673    /// use std::thread::sleep;
674    /// use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
675    ///
676    /// let sys_time = SystemTime::now();
677    /// sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
678    /// let new_sys_time = SystemTime::now();
679    /// match sys_time.duration_since(new_sys_time) {
680    ///     Ok(_) => {}
681    ///     Err(e) => println!("SystemTimeError difference: {:?}", e.duration()),
682    /// }
683    /// ```
684    #[must_use]
685    #[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
686    pub fn duration(&self) -> Duration {
687        self.0
688    }
691#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
692impl Error for SystemTimeError {
693    #[allow(deprecated)]
694    fn description(&self) -> &str {
695        "other time was not earlier than self"
696    }
699#[stable(feature = "time2", since = "1.8.0")]
700impl fmt::Display for SystemTimeError {
701    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
702        write!(f, "second time provided was later than self")
703    }
706impl FromInner<time::SystemTime> for SystemTime {
707    fn from_inner(time: time::SystemTime) -> SystemTime {
708        SystemTime(time)
709    }
712impl IntoInner<time::SystemTime> for SystemTime {
713    fn into_inner(self) -> time::SystemTime {
714        self.0
715    }