1#![allow(unused_imports, unused_macros)] // items are used by the macro
3use crate::cell::UnsafeCell;
4use crate::future::{Future, poll_fn};
5use crate::mem;
6use crate::pin::Pin;
7use crate::task::{Context, Poll, ready};
9/// Polls multiple futures simultaneously, returning a tuple
10/// of all results once complete.
12/// While `join!(a, b).await` is similar to `(a.await, b.await)`,
13/// `join!` polls both futures concurrently and is therefore more efficient.
15/// # Examples
17/// ```
18/// #![feature(future_join)]
20/// use std::future::join;
22/// async fn one() -> usize { 1 }
23/// async fn two() -> usize { 2 }
25/// # let _ = async {
26/// let x = join!(one(), two()).await;
27/// assert_eq!(x, (1, 2));
28/// # };
29/// ```
31/// `join!` is variadic, so you can pass any number of futures:
33/// ```
34/// #![feature(future_join)]
36/// use std::future::join;
38/// async fn one() -> usize { 1 }
39/// async fn two() -> usize { 2 }
40/// async fn three() -> usize { 3 }
42/// # let _ = async {
43/// let x = join!(one(), two(), three()).await;
44/// assert_eq!(x, (1, 2, 3));
45/// # };
46/// ```
47#[unstable(feature = "future_join", issue = "91642")]
48pub macro join( $($fut:expr),+ $(,)? ) {
49 // Funnel through an internal macro not to leak implementation details.
50 join_internal! {
51 current_position: []
52 futures_and_positions: []
53 munching: [ $($fut)+ ]
54 }
57// FIXME(danielhenrymantilla): a private macro should need no stability guarantee.
58#[unstable(feature = "future_join", issue = "91642")]
59/// To be able to *name* the i-th future in the tuple (say we want the .4-th),
60/// the following trick will be used: `let (_, _, _, _, it, ..) = tuple;`
61/// In order to do that, we need to generate a `i`-long repetition of `_`,
62/// for each i-th fut. Hence the recursive muncher approach.
63macro join_internal {
64 // Recursion step: map each future with its "position" (underscore count).
65 (
66 // Accumulate a token for each future that has been expanded: "_ _ _".
67 current_position: [
68 $($underscores:tt)*
69 ]
70 // Accumulate Futures and their positions in the tuple: `_0th () _1st ( _ ) …`.
71 futures_and_positions: [
72 $($acc:tt)*
73 ]
74 // Munch one future.
75 munching: [
76 $current:tt
77 $($rest:tt)*
78 ]
79 ) => (
80 join_internal! {
81 current_position: [
82 $($underscores)*
83 _
84 ]
85 futures_and_positions: [
86 $($acc)*
87 $current ( $($underscores)* )
88 ]
89 munching: [
90 $($rest)*
91 ]
92 }
93 ),
95 // End of recursion: generate the output future.
96 (
97 current_position: $_:tt
98 futures_and_positions: [
99 $(
100 $fut_expr:tt ( $($pos:tt)* )
101 )*
102 ]
103 // Nothing left to munch.
104 munching: []
105 ) => (
106 match ( $( MaybeDone::Future($fut_expr), )* ) { futures => async {
107 let mut futures = futures;
108 // SAFETY: this is `pin_mut!`.
109 let mut futures = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut futures) };
110 poll_fn(move |cx| {
111 let mut done = true;
112 // For each `fut`, pin-project to it, and poll it.
113 $(
114 // SAFETY: pinning projection
115 let fut = unsafe {
116 futures.as_mut().map_unchecked_mut(|it| {
117 let ( $($pos,)* fut, .. ) = it;
118 fut
119 })
120 };
121 // Despite how tempting it may be to `let () = ready!(fut.poll(cx));`
122 // doing so would defeat the point of `join!`: to start polling eagerly all
123 // of the futures, to allow parallelizing the waits.
124 done &= fut.poll(cx).is_ready();
125 )*
126 if !done {
127 return Poll::Pending;
128 }
129 // All ready; time to extract all the outputs.
131 // SAFETY: `.take_output()` does not break the `Pin` invariants for that `fut`.
132 let futures = unsafe {
133 futures.as_mut().get_unchecked_mut()
134 };
135 Poll::Ready(
136 ($(
137 {
138 let ( $($pos,)* fut, .. ) = &mut *futures;
139 fut.take_output().unwrap()
140 }
141 ),*) // <- no trailing comma since we don't want 1-tuples.
142 )
143 }).await
144 }}
145 ),
148/// Future used by `join!` that stores it's output to
149/// be later taken and doesn't panic when polled after ready.
151/// This type is public in a private module for use by the macro.
153#[unstable(feature = "future_join", issue = "91642")]
154pub enum MaybeDone<F: Future> {
155 Future(F),
156 Done(F::Output),
157 Taken,
160#[unstable(feature = "future_join", issue = "91642")]
161impl<F: Future> MaybeDone<F> {
162 pub fn take_output(&mut self) -> Option<F::Output> {
163 match *self {
164 MaybeDone::Done(_) => match mem::replace(self, Self::Taken) {
165 MaybeDone::Done(val) => Some(val),
166 _ => unreachable!(),
167 },
168 _ => None,
169 }
170 }
173#[unstable(feature = "future_join", issue = "91642")]
174impl<F: Future> Future for MaybeDone<F> {
175 type Output = ();
177 fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
178 // SAFETY: pinning in structural for `f`
179 unsafe {
180 // Do not mix match ergonomics with unsafe.
181 match *self.as_mut().get_unchecked_mut() {
182 MaybeDone::Future(ref mut f) => {
183 let val = ready!(Pin::new_unchecked(f).poll(cx));
184 self.set(Self::Done(val));
185 }
186 MaybeDone::Done(_) => {}
187 MaybeDone::Taken => unreachable!(),
188 }
189 }
191 Poll::Ready(())
192 }