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use super::sealed::Sealed;
use crate::simd::{cmp::SimdPartialEq, num::SimdUint, LaneCount, Mask, Simd, SupportedLaneCount};
/// Operations on SIMD vectors of mutable pointers.
pub trait SimdMutPtr: Copy + Sealed {
/// Vector of `usize` with the same number of elements.
type Usize;
/// Vector of `isize` with the same number of elements.
type Isize;
/// Vector of const pointers with the same number of elements.
type CastPtr<T>;
/// Vector of constant pointers to the same type.
type ConstPtr;
/// Mask type used for manipulating this SIMD vector type.
type Mask;
/// Returns `true` for each element that is null.
fn is_null(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Casts to a pointer of another type.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::cast`] on each element.
fn cast<T>(self) -> Self::CastPtr<T>;
/// Changes constness without changing the type.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::cast_const`] on each element.
fn cast_const(self) -> Self::ConstPtr;
/// Gets the "address" portion of the pointer.
/// This method discards pointer semantic metadata, so the result cannot be
/// directly cast into a valid pointer.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::addr`] on each element.
fn addr(self) -> Self::Usize;
/// Creates a new pointer with the given address.
/// This performs the same operation as a cast, but copies the *address-space* and
/// *provenance* of `self` to the new pointer.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::with_addr`] on each element.
fn with_addr(self, addr: Self::Usize) -> Self;
/// Exposes the "provenance" part of the pointer for future use in
/// [`Self::with_exposed_provenance`] and returns the "address" portion.
fn expose_provenance(self) -> Self::Usize;
/// Converts an address back to a pointer, picking up a previously "exposed" provenance.
/// Equivalent to calling [`core::ptr::with_exposed_provenance_mut`] on each element.
fn with_exposed_provenance(addr: Self::Usize) -> Self;
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::wrapping_offset`] on each element.
fn wrapping_offset(self, offset: Self::Isize) -> Self;
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::wrapping_add`] on each element.
fn wrapping_add(self, count: Self::Usize) -> Self;
/// Calculates the offset from a pointer using wrapping arithmetic.
/// Equivalent to calling [`pointer::wrapping_sub`] on each element.
fn wrapping_sub(self, count: Self::Usize) -> Self;
impl<T, const N: usize> Sealed for Simd<*mut T, N> where LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount {}
impl<T, const N: usize> SimdMutPtr for Simd<*mut T, N>
LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
type Usize = Simd<usize, N>;
type Isize = Simd<isize, N>;
type CastPtr<U> = Simd<*mut U, N>;
type ConstPtr = Simd<*const T, N>;
type Mask = Mask<isize, N>;
fn is_null(self) -> Self::Mask {
fn cast<U>(self) -> Self::CastPtr<U> {
// SimdElement currently requires zero-sized metadata, so this should never fail.
// If this ever changes, `simd_cast_ptr` should produce a post-mono error.
use core::ptr::Pointee;
assert_eq!(size_of::<<T as Pointee>::Metadata>(), 0);
assert_eq!(size_of::<<U as Pointee>::Metadata>(), 0);
// Safety: pointers can be cast
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_cast_ptr(self) }
fn cast_const(self) -> Self::ConstPtr {
// Safety: pointers can be cast
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_cast_ptr(self) }
fn addr(self) -> Self::Usize {
// FIXME(strict_provenance_magic): I am magic and should be a compiler intrinsic.
// SAFETY: Pointer-to-integer transmutes are valid (if you are okay with losing the
// provenance).
unsafe { core::mem::transmute_copy(&self) }
fn with_addr(self, addr: Self::Usize) -> Self {
// FIXME(strict_provenance_magic): I am magic and should be a compiler intrinsic.
// In the mean-time, this operation is defined to be "as if" it was
// a wrapping_offset, so we can emulate it as such. This should properly
// restore pointer provenance even under today's compiler.
.wrapping_offset(addr.cast::<isize>() - self.addr().cast::<isize>())
fn expose_provenance(self) -> Self::Usize {
// Safety: `self` is a pointer vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_expose_provenance(self) }
fn with_exposed_provenance(addr: Self::Usize) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` is a pointer vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_with_exposed_provenance(addr) }
fn wrapping_offset(self, count: Self::Isize) -> Self {
// Safety: simd_arith_offset takes a vector of pointers and a vector of offsets
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_arith_offset(self, count) }
fn wrapping_add(self, count: Self::Usize) -> Self {
fn wrapping_sub(self, count: Self::Usize) -> Self {