

Attributes look like #[outer_attribute] or #![inner_attribute], with the difference between them being where they apply.

  • #[outer_attribute] applies to the item immediately following it. Some examples of items are: a function, a module declaration, a constant, a structure, an enum. Here is an example where attribute #[derive(Debug)] applies to the struct Rectangle:

    fn main() {
    struct Rectangle {
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
  • #![inner_attribute] applies to the enclosing item (typically a module or a crate). In other words, this attribute is interpreted as applying to the entire scope in which it's placed. Here is an example where #![allow(unused_variables)] applies to the whole crate (if placed in main.rs):

    fn main() {
        let x = 3; // This would normally warn about an unused variable.


  • #[attribute = "value"]
  • #[attribute(key = "value")]
  • #[attribute(value)]


#[attribute(value, value2)]

#[attribute(value, value2, value3,
            value4, value5)]