Primitive Type f64

Expand description

A 64-bit floating-point type (specifically, the “binary64” type defined in IEEE 754-2008).

This type is very similar to f32, but has increased precision by using twice as many bits. Please see the documentation for f32 or Wikipedia on double-precision values for more information.

See also the std::f64::consts module.



impl f64

1.43.0 · source

pub const RADIX: u32 = 2u32

The radix or base of the internal representation of f64.

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pub const MANTISSA_DIGITS: u32 = 53u32

Number of significant digits in base 2.

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pub const DIGITS: u32 = 15u32

Approximate number of significant digits in base 10.

This is the maximum x such that any decimal number with x significant digits can be converted to f64 and back without loss.

Equal to floor(log10 2MANTISSA_DIGITS − 1).

1.43.0 · source

pub const EPSILON: f64 = 2.2204460492503131E-16f64

Machine epsilon value for f64.

This is the difference between 1.0 and the next larger representable number.

Equal to 21 − MANTISSA_DIGITS.

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pub const MIN: f64 = -1.7976931348623157E+308f64

Smallest finite f64 value.

Equal to −MAX.

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pub const MIN_POSITIVE: f64 = 2.2250738585072014E-308f64

Smallest positive normal f64 value.

Equal to 2MIN_EXP − 1.

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pub const MAX: f64 = 1.7976931348623157E+308f64

Largest finite f64 value.


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pub const MIN_EXP: i32 = -1_021i32

One greater than the minimum possible normal power of 2 exponent.

If x = MIN_EXP, then normal numbers ≥ 0.5 × 2x.

1.43.0 · source

pub const MAX_EXP: i32 = 1_024i32

Maximum possible power of 2 exponent.

If x = MAX_EXP, then normal numbers < 1 × 2x.

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pub const MIN_10_EXP: i32 = -307i32

Minimum x for which 10x is normal.

Equal to ceil(log10 MIN_POSITIVE).

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pub const MAX_10_EXP: i32 = 308i32

Maximum x for which 10x is normal.

Equal to floor(log10 MAX).

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pub const NAN: f64 = NaN_f64

Not a Number (NaN).

Note that IEEE 754 doesn’t define just a single NaN value; a plethora of bit patterns are considered to be NaN. Furthermore, the standard makes a difference between a “signaling” and a “quiet” NaN, and allows inspecting its “payload” (the unspecified bits in the bit pattern). This constant isn’t guaranteed to equal to any specific NaN bitpattern, and the stability of its representation over Rust versions and target platforms isn’t guaranteed.

1.43.0 · source

pub const INFINITY: f64 = +Inf_f64

Infinity (∞).

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pub const NEG_INFINITY: f64 = -Inf_f64

Negative infinity (−∞).

1.0.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn is_nan(self) -> bool

Returns true if this value is NaN.

let nan = f64::NAN;
let f = 7.0_f64;

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pub const fn is_infinite(self) -> bool

Returns true if this value is positive infinity or negative infinity, and false otherwise.

let f = 7.0f64;
let inf = f64::INFINITY;
let neg_inf = f64::NEG_INFINITY;
let nan = f64::NAN;


1.0.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn is_finite(self) -> bool

Returns true if this number is neither infinite nor NaN.

let f = 7.0f64;
let inf: f64 = f64::INFINITY;
let neg_inf: f64 = f64::NEG_INFINITY;
let nan: f64 = f64::NAN;


1.53.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn is_subnormal(self) -> bool

Returns true if the number is subnormal.

let min = f64::MIN_POSITIVE; // 2.2250738585072014e-308_f64
let max = f64::MAX;
let lower_than_min = 1.0e-308_f64;
let zero = 0.0_f64;


// Values between `0` and `min` are Subnormal.
1.0.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn is_normal(self) -> bool

Returns true if the number is neither zero, infinite, subnormal, or NaN.

let min = f64::MIN_POSITIVE; // 2.2250738585072014e-308f64
let max = f64::MAX;
let lower_than_min = 1.0e-308_f64;
let zero = 0.0f64;


// Values between `0` and `min` are Subnormal.
1.0.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn classify(self) -> FpCategory

Returns the floating point category of the number. If only one property is going to be tested, it is generally faster to use the specific predicate instead.

use std::num::FpCategory;

let num = 12.4_f64;
let inf = f64::INFINITY;

assert_eq!(num.classify(), FpCategory::Normal);
assert_eq!(inf.classify(), FpCategory::Infinite);
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pub const fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool

Returns true if self has a positive sign, including +0.0, NaNs with positive sign bit and positive infinity.

Note that IEEE 754 doesn’t assign any meaning to the sign bit in case of a NaN, and as Rust doesn’t guarantee that the bit pattern of NaNs are conserved over arithmetic operations, the result of is_sign_positive on a NaN might produce an unexpected or non-portable result. See the specification of NaN bit patterns for more info. Use self.signum() == 1.0 if you need fully portable behavior (will return false for all NaNs).

let f = 7.0_f64;
let g = -7.0_f64;

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pub const fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool

Returns true if self has a negative sign, including -0.0, NaNs with negative sign bit and negative infinity.

Note that IEEE 754 doesn’t assign any meaning to the sign bit in case of a NaN, and as Rust doesn’t guarantee that the bit pattern of NaNs are conserved over arithmetic operations, the result of is_sign_negative on a NaN might produce an unexpected or non-portable result. See the specification of NaN bit patterns for more info. Use self.signum() == -1.0 if you need fully portable behavior (will return false for all NaNs).

let f = 7.0_f64;
let g = -7.0_f64;


pub const fn next_up(self) -> Self

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (float_next_up_down #91399)

Returns the least number greater than self.

Let TINY be the smallest representable positive f64. Then,

  • if self.is_nan(), this returns self;
  • if self is NEG_INFINITY, this returns MIN;
  • if self is -TINY, this returns -0.0;
  • if self is -0.0 or +0.0, this returns TINY;
  • if self is MAX or INFINITY, this returns INFINITY;
  • otherwise the unique least value greater than self is returned.

The identity x.next_up() == -(-x).next_down() holds for all non-NaN x. When x is finite x == x.next_up().next_down() also holds.

// f64::EPSILON is the difference between 1.0 and the next number up.
assert_eq!(1.0f64.next_up(), 1.0 + f64::EPSILON);
// But not for most numbers.
assert!(0.1f64.next_up() < 0.1 + f64::EPSILON);
assert_eq!(9007199254740992f64.next_up(), 9007199254740994.0);

pub const fn next_down(self) -> Self

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (float_next_up_down #91399)

Returns the greatest number less than self.

Let TINY be the smallest representable positive f64. Then,

  • if self.is_nan(), this returns self;
  • if self is INFINITY, this returns MAX;
  • if self is TINY, this returns 0.0;
  • if self is -0.0 or +0.0, this returns -TINY;
  • if self is MIN or NEG_INFINITY, this returns NEG_INFINITY;
  • otherwise the unique greatest value less than self is returned.

The identity x.next_down() == -(-x).next_up() holds for all non-NaN x. When x is finite x == x.next_down().next_up() also holds.

let x = 1.0f64;
// Clamp value into range [0, 1).
let clamped = x.clamp(0.0, 1.0f64.next_down());
assert!(clamped < 1.0);
assert_eq!(clamped.next_up(), 1.0);
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pub fn recip(self) -> f64

Takes the reciprocal (inverse) of a number, 1/x.

let x = 2.0_f64;
let abs_difference = (x.recip() - (1.0 / x)).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
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pub fn to_degrees(self) -> f64

Converts radians to degrees.

let angle = std::f64::consts::PI;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_degrees() - 180.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn to_radians(self) -> f64

Converts degrees to radians.

let angle = 180.0_f64;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_radians() - std::f64::consts::PI).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn max(self, other: f64) -> f64

Returns the maximum of the two numbers, ignoring NaN.

If one of the arguments is NaN, then the other argument is returned. This follows the IEEE 754-2008 semantics for maxNum, except for handling of signaling NaNs; this function handles all NaNs the same way and avoids maxNum’s problems with associativity. This also matches the behavior of libm’s fmax.

let x = 1.0_f64;
let y = 2.0_f64;

assert_eq!(x.max(y), y);
1.0.0 · source

pub fn min(self, other: f64) -> f64

Returns the minimum of the two numbers, ignoring NaN.

If one of the arguments is NaN, then the other argument is returned. This follows the IEEE 754-2008 semantics for minNum, except for handling of signaling NaNs; this function handles all NaNs the same way and avoids minNum’s problems with associativity. This also matches the behavior of libm’s fmin.

let x = 1.0_f64;
let y = 2.0_f64;

assert_eq!(x.min(y), x);

pub fn maximum(self, other: f64) -> f64

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (float_minimum_maximum #91079)

Returns the maximum of the two numbers, propagating NaN.

This returns NaN when either argument is NaN, as opposed to f64::max which only returns NaN when both arguments are NaN.

let x = 1.0_f64;
let y = 2.0_f64;

assert_eq!(x.maximum(y), y);

If one of the arguments is NaN, then NaN is returned. Otherwise this returns the greater of the two numbers. For this operation, -0.0 is considered to be less than +0.0. Note that this follows the semantics specified in IEEE 754-2019.

Also note that “propagation” of NaNs here doesn’t necessarily mean that the bitpattern of a NaN operand is conserved; see the specification of NaN bit patterns for more info.


pub fn minimum(self, other: f64) -> f64

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (float_minimum_maximum #91079)

Returns the minimum of the two numbers, propagating NaN.

This returns NaN when either argument is NaN, as opposed to f64::min which only returns NaN when both arguments are NaN.

let x = 1.0_f64;
let y = 2.0_f64;

assert_eq!(x.minimum(y), x);

If one of the arguments is NaN, then NaN is returned. Otherwise this returns the lesser of the two numbers. For this operation, -0.0 is considered to be less than +0.0. Note that this follows the semantics specified in IEEE 754-2019.

Also note that “propagation” of NaNs here doesn’t necessarily mean that the bitpattern of a NaN operand is conserved; see the specification of NaN bit patterns for more info.


pub fn midpoint(self, other: f64) -> f64

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (num_midpoint #110840)

Calculates the middle point of self and rhs.

This returns NaN when either argument is NaN or if a combination of +inf and -inf is provided as arguments.

assert_eq!(1f64.midpoint(4.0), 2.5);
assert_eq!((-5.5f64).midpoint(8.0), 1.25);
1.44.0 · source

pub unsafe fn to_int_unchecked<Int>(self) -> Int
where Self: FloatToInt<Int>,

Rounds toward zero and converts to any primitive integer type, assuming that the value is finite and fits in that type.

let value = 4.6_f64;
let rounded = unsafe { value.to_int_unchecked::<u16>() };
assert_eq!(rounded, 4);

let value = -128.9_f64;
let rounded = unsafe { value.to_int_unchecked::<i8>() };
assert_eq!(rounded, i8::MIN);

The value must:

  • Not be NaN
  • Not be infinite
  • Be representable in the return type Int, after truncating off its fractional part
1.20.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn to_bits(self) -> u64

Raw transmutation to u64.

This is currently identical to transmute::<f64, u64>(self) on all platforms.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

assert!((1f64).to_bits() != 1f64 as u64); // to_bits() is not casting!
assert_eq!((12.5f64).to_bits(), 0x4029000000000000);
1.20.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn from_bits(v: u64) -> Self

Raw transmutation from u64.

This is currently identical to transmute::<u64, f64>(v) on all platforms. It turns out this is incredibly portable, for two reasons:

  • Floats and Ints have the same endianness on all supported platforms.
  • IEEE 754 very precisely specifies the bit layout of floats.

However there is one caveat: prior to the 2008 version of IEEE 754, how to interpret the NaN signaling bit wasn’t actually specified. Most platforms (notably x86 and ARM) picked the interpretation that was ultimately standardized in 2008, but some didn’t (notably MIPS). As a result, all signaling NaNs on MIPS are quiet NaNs on x86, and vice-versa.

Rather than trying to preserve signaling-ness cross-platform, this implementation favors preserving the exact bits. This means that any payloads encoded in NaNs will be preserved even if the result of this method is sent over the network from an x86 machine to a MIPS one.

If the results of this method are only manipulated by the same architecture that produced them, then there is no portability concern.

If the input isn’t NaN, then there is no portability concern.

If you don’t care about signaling-ness (very likely), then there is no portability concern.

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

let v = f64::from_bits(0x4029000000000000);
assert_eq!(v, 12.5);
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn to_be_bytes(self) -> [u8; 8]

Returns the memory representation of this floating point number as a byte array in big-endian (network) byte order.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let bytes = 12.5f64.to_be_bytes();
assert_eq!(bytes, [0x40, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]);
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn to_le_bytes(self) -> [u8; 8]

Returns the memory representation of this floating point number as a byte array in little-endian byte order.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let bytes = 12.5f64.to_le_bytes();
assert_eq!(bytes, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x40]);
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn to_ne_bytes(self) -> [u8; 8]

Returns the memory representation of this floating point number as a byte array in native byte order.

As the target platform’s native endianness is used, portable code should use to_be_bytes or to_le_bytes, as appropriate, instead.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let bytes = 12.5f64.to_ne_bytes();
    if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
        [0x40, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
    } else {
        [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x40]
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> Self

Creates a floating point value from its representation as a byte array in big endian.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let value = f64::from_be_bytes([0x40, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]);
assert_eq!(value, 12.5);
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> Self

Creates a floating point value from its representation as a byte array in little endian.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let value = f64::from_le_bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x40]);
assert_eq!(value, 12.5);
1.40.0 (const: 1.83.0) · source

pub const fn from_ne_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> Self

Creates a floating point value from its representation as a byte array in native endian.

As the target platform’s native endianness is used, portable code likely wants to use from_be_bytes or from_le_bytes, as appropriate instead.

See from_bits for some discussion of the portability of this operation (there are almost no issues).

let value = f64::from_ne_bytes(if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
    [0x40, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
} else {
    [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x29, 0x40]
assert_eq!(value, 12.5);
1.62.0 · source

pub fn total_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

Returns the ordering between self and other.

Unlike the standard partial comparison between floating point numbers, this comparison always produces an ordering in accordance to the totalOrder predicate as defined in the IEEE 754 (2008 revision) floating point standard. The values are ordered in the following sequence:

  • negative quiet NaN
  • negative signaling NaN
  • negative infinity
  • negative numbers
  • negative subnormal numbers
  • negative zero
  • positive zero
  • positive subnormal numbers
  • positive numbers
  • positive infinity
  • positive signaling NaN
  • positive quiet NaN.

The ordering established by this function does not always agree with the PartialOrd and PartialEq implementations of f64. For example, they consider negative and positive zero equal, while total_cmp doesn’t.

The interpretation of the signaling NaN bit follows the definition in the IEEE 754 standard, which may not match the interpretation by some of the older, non-conformant (e.g. MIPS) hardware implementations.

struct GoodBoy {
    name: String,
    weight: f64,

let mut bois = vec![
    GoodBoy { name: "Pucci".to_owned(), weight: 0.1 },
    GoodBoy { name: "Woofer".to_owned(), weight: 99.0 },
    GoodBoy { name: "Yapper".to_owned(), weight: 10.0 },
    GoodBoy { name: "Chonk".to_owned(), weight: f64::INFINITY },
    GoodBoy { name: "Abs. Unit".to_owned(), weight: f64::NAN },
    GoodBoy { name: "Floaty".to_owned(), weight: -5.0 },

bois.sort_by(|a, b| a.weight.total_cmp(&b.weight));

// `f64::NAN` could be positive or negative, which will affect the sort order.
if f64::NAN.is_sign_negative() {
    assert!(bois.into_iter().map(|b| b.weight)
        .zip([f64::NAN, -5.0, 0.1, 10.0, 99.0, f64::INFINITY].iter())
        .all(|(a, b)| a.to_bits() == b.to_bits()))
} else {
    assert!(bois.into_iter().map(|b| b.weight)
        .zip([-5.0, 0.1, 10.0, 99.0, f64::INFINITY, f64::NAN].iter())
        .all(|(a, b)| a.to_bits() == b.to_bits()))
1.50.0 · source

pub fn clamp(self, min: f64, max: f64) -> f64

Restrict a value to a certain interval unless it is NaN.

Returns max if self is greater than max, and min if self is less than min. Otherwise this returns self.

Note that this function returns NaN if the initial value was NaN as well.


Panics if min > max, min is NaN, or max is NaN.

assert!((-3.0f64).clamp(-2.0, 1.0) == -2.0);
assert!((0.0f64).clamp(-2.0, 1.0) == 0.0);
assert!((2.0f64).clamp(-2.0, 1.0) == 1.0);
assert!((f64::NAN).clamp(-2.0, 1.0).is_nan());

Trait Implementations§

1.6.0 · source§

impl Add<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Add>::Output

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Add<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Add>::Output

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a> Add<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Add>::Output

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, other: f64) -> <f64 as Add<f64>>::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Add for f64


type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, other: f64) -> f64

Performs the + operation. Read more
1.22.0 · source§

impl AddAssign<&f64> for f64


fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &f64)

Performs the += operation. Read more
1.8.0 · source§

impl AddAssign for f64


fn add_assign(&mut self, other: f64)

Performs the += operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Clone for f64


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Debug for f64


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Default for f64


fn default() -> f64

Returns the default value of 0.0

1.6.0 · source§

impl Display for f64


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Div<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Div>::Output

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

fn div(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Div<f64>>::Output

Performs the / operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Div<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Div>::Output

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

fn div(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Div<f64>>::Output

Performs the / operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a> Div<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Div>::Output

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

fn div(self, other: f64) -> <f64 as Div<f64>>::Output

Performs the / operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Div for f64


type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

fn div(self, other: f64) -> f64

Performs the / operation. Read more
1.22.0 · source§

impl DivAssign<&f64> for f64


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: &f64)

Performs the /= operation. Read more
1.8.0 · source§

impl DivAssign for f64


fn div_assign(&mut self, other: f64)

Performs the /= operation. Read more
1.68.0 · source§

impl From<bool> for f64


fn from(small: bool) -> Self

Converts a bool to f64 losslessly. The resulting value is positive 0.0 for false and 1.0 for true values.

let x: f64 = false.into();
assert_eq!(x, 0.0);

let y: f64 = true.into();
assert_eq!(y, 1.0);
1.6.0 · source§

impl From<f16> for f64


fn from(small: f16) -> Self

Converts f16 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<f32> for f64


fn from(small: f32) -> Self

Converts f32 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<f64> for f128


fn from(small: f64) -> Self

Converts f64 to f128 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<i16> for f64


fn from(small: i16) -> Self

Converts i16 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<i32> for f64


fn from(small: i32) -> Self

Converts i32 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<i8> for f64


fn from(small: i8) -> Self

Converts i8 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<u16> for f64


fn from(small: u16) -> Self

Converts u16 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<u32> for f64


fn from(small: u32) -> Self

Converts u32 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl From<u8> for f64


fn from(small: u8) -> Self

Converts u8 to f64 losslessly.

1.6.0 · source§

impl FromStr for f64


fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseFloatError>

Converts a string in base 10 to a float. Accepts an optional decimal exponent.

This function accepts strings such as

  • ‘3.14’
  • ‘-3.14’
  • ‘2.5E10’, or equivalently, ‘2.5e10’
  • ‘2.5E-10’
  • ‘5.’
  • ‘.5’, or, equivalently, ‘0.5’
  • ‘inf’, ‘-inf’, ‘+infinity’, ‘NaN’

Note that alphabetical characters are not case-sensitive.

Leading and trailing whitespace represent an error.


All strings that adhere to the following EBNF grammar when lowercased will result in an Ok being returned:

Float  ::= Sign? ( 'inf' | 'infinity' | 'nan' | Number )
Number ::= ( Digit+ |
             Digit+ '.' Digit* |
             Digit* '.' Digit+ ) Exp?
Exp    ::= 'e' Sign? Digit+
Sign   ::= [+-]
Digit  ::= [0-9]
  • src - A string
§Return value

Err(ParseFloatError) if the string did not represent a valid number. Otherwise, Ok(n) where n is the closest representable floating-point number to the number represented by src (following the same rules for rounding as for the results of primitive operations).


type Err = ParseFloatError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.
1.6.0 · source§

impl LowerExp for f64


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Mul<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Mul>::Output

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

fn mul(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Mul<f64>>::Output

Performs the * operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Mul<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Mul>::Output

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

fn mul(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Mul<f64>>::Output

Performs the * operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a> Mul<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Mul>::Output

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

fn mul(self, other: f64) -> <f64 as Mul<f64>>::Output

Performs the * operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Mul for f64


type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

fn mul(self, other: f64) -> f64

Performs the * operation. Read more
1.22.0 · source§

impl MulAssign<&f64> for f64


fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &f64)

Performs the *= operation. Read more
1.8.0 · source§

impl MulAssign for f64


fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: f64)

Performs the *= operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Neg for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Neg>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> <f64 as Neg>::Output

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Neg for f64


type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn neg(self) -> f64

Performs the unary - operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl PartialEq for f64


fn eq(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.

fn ne(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.
1.6.0 · source§

impl PartialOrd for f64


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &f64) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

fn lt(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

fn le(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

fn ge(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

fn gt(&self, other: &f64) -> bool

Tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.12.0 · source§

impl<'a> Product<&'a f64> for f64


fn product<I: Iterator<Item = &'a Self>>(iter: I) -> Self

Takes an iterator and generates Self from the elements by multiplying the items.
1.12.0 · source§

impl Product for f64


fn product<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self

Takes an iterator and generates Self from the elements by multiplying the items.
1.6.0 · source§

impl Rem<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Rem>::Output

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

fn rem(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Rem<f64>>::Output

Performs the % operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Rem<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Rem>::Output

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

fn rem(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Rem<f64>>::Output

Performs the % operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a> Rem<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Rem>::Output

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

fn rem(self, other: f64) -> <f64 as Rem<f64>>::Output

Performs the % operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Rem for f64

The remainder from the division of two floats.

The remainder has the same sign as the dividend and is computed as: x - (x / y).trunc() * y.


let x: f32 = 50.50;
let y: f32 = 8.125;
let remainder = x - (x / y).trunc() * y;

// The answer to both operations is 1.75
assert_eq!(x % y, remainder);

type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

fn rem(self, other: f64) -> f64

Performs the % operation. Read more
1.22.0 · source§

impl RemAssign<&f64> for f64


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: &f64)

Performs the %= operation. Read more
1.8.0 · source§

impl RemAssign for f64


fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: f64)

Performs the %= operation. Read more

impl SimdElement for f64


type Mask = i64

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (portable_simd #86656)
The mask element type corresponding to this element type.
1.6.0 · source§

impl Sub<&f64> for &f64


type Output = <f64 as Sub>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Sub<f64>>::Output

Performs the - operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Sub<&f64> for f64


type Output = <f64 as Sub>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, other: &f64) -> <f64 as Sub<f64>>::Output

Performs the - operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl<'a> Sub<f64> for &'a f64


type Output = <f64 as Sub>::Output

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, other: f64) -> <f64 as Sub<f64>>::Output

Performs the - operation. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Sub for f64


type Output = f64

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, other: f64) -> f64

Performs the - operation. Read more
1.22.0 · source§

impl SubAssign<&f64> for f64


fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: &f64)

Performs the -= operation. Read more
1.8.0 · source§

impl SubAssign for f64


fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: f64)

Performs the -= operation. Read more
1.12.0 · source§

impl<'a> Sum<&'a f64> for f64


fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = &'a Self>>(iter: I) -> Self

Takes an iterator and generates Self from the elements by “summing up” the items.
1.12.0 · source§

impl Sum for f64


fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self

Takes an iterator and generates Self from the elements by “summing up” the items.
1.6.0 · source§

impl UpperExp for f64


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
1.6.0 · source§

impl Copy for f64


impl FloatToInt<i128> for f64


impl FloatToInt<i16> for f64


impl FloatToInt<i32> for f64


impl FloatToInt<i64> for f64


impl FloatToInt<i8> for f64


impl FloatToInt<isize> for f64


impl FloatToInt<u128> for f64


impl FloatToInt<u16> for f64


impl FloatToInt<u32> for f64


impl FloatToInt<u64> for f64


impl FloatToInt<u8> for f64


impl FloatToInt<usize> for f64


impl SimdCast for f64

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for f64


impl RefUnwindSafe for f64


impl Send for f64


impl Sync for f64


impl Unpin for f64


impl UnwindSafe for f64

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit #126799)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.