pub trait Interner:
+ Copy
+ IrPrint<AliasTy<Self>>
+ IrPrint<AliasTerm<Self>>
+ IrPrint<TraitRef<Self>>
+ IrPrint<TraitPredicate<Self>>
+ IrPrint<HostEffectPredicate<Self>>
+ IrPrint<ExistentialTraitRef<Self>>
+ IrPrint<ExistentialProjection<Self>>
+ IrPrint<ProjectionPredicate<Self>>
+ IrPrint<NormalizesTo<Self>>
+ IrPrint<SubtypePredicate<Self>>
+ IrPrint<CoercePredicate<Self>>
+ IrPrint<FnSig<Self>> {
Show 117 associated items
type DefId: DefId<Self>;
type LocalDefId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Into<Self::DefId> + TypeFoldable<Self>;
type Span: Span<Self>;
type GenericArgs: GenericArgs<Self>;
type GenericArgsSlice: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::GenericArg>;
type GenericArg: GenericArg<Self>;
type Term: Term<Self>;
type BoundVarKinds: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::BoundVarKind> + Default;
type BoundVarKind: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type PredefinedOpaques: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<Self> + Deref<Target = PredefinedOpaquesData<Self>>;
type DefiningOpaqueTypes: Copy + Debug + Hash + Default + Eq + TypeVisitable<Self> + SliceLike<Item = Self::LocalDefId>;
type CanonicalVars: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = CanonicalVarInfo<Self>> + Default;
type ExternalConstraints: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<Self> + Deref<Target = ExternalConstraintsData<Self>>;
type DepNodeIndex;
type Tracked<T: Debug + Clone>: Debug;
type Ty: Ty<Self>;
type Tys: Tys<Self>;
type FnInputTys: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::Ty> + TypeVisitable<Self>;
type ParamTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike;
type BoundTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>;
type PlaceholderTy: PlaceholderLike;
type ErrorGuaranteed: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundExistentialPredicates: BoundExistentialPredicates<Self>;
type AllocId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type Pat: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Relate<Self>;
type Safety: Safety<Self>;
type Abi: Abi<Self>;
type Const: Const<Self>;
type PlaceholderConst: PlaceholderLike;
type ParamConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike;
type BoundConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>;
type ValueConst: ValueConst<Self>;
type ExprConst: ExprConst<Self>;
type ValTree: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type Region: Region<Self>;
type EarlyParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike;
type LateParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>;
type PlaceholderRegion: PlaceholderLike;
type ParamEnv: ParamEnv<Self>;
type Predicate: Predicate<Self>;
type Clause: Clause<Self>;
type Clauses: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeSuperVisitable<Self> + Flags;
type GenericsOf: GenericsOf<Self>;
type VariancesOf: Copy + Debug + SliceLike<Item = Variance>;
type AdtDef: AdtDef<Self>;
type Features: Features<Self>;
type UnsizingParams: Deref<Target = DenseBitSet<u32>>;
// Required methods
fn mk_predefined_opaques_in_body(
data: PredefinedOpaquesData<Self>,
) -> Self::PredefinedOpaques;
fn mk_canonical_var_infos(
infos: &[CanonicalVarInfo<Self>],
) -> Self::CanonicalVars;
fn mk_external_constraints(
data: ExternalConstraintsData<Self>,
) -> Self::ExternalConstraints;
fn mk_tracked<T>(
data: T,
dep_node: Self::DepNodeIndex,
) -> Self::Tracked<T>
where T: Debug + Clone;
fn get_tracked<T>(self, tracked: &Self::Tracked<T>) -> T
where T: Debug + Clone;
fn with_cached_task<T>(
task: impl FnOnce() -> T,
) -> (T, Self::DepNodeIndex);
fn with_global_cache<R>(
f: impl FnOnce(&mut GlobalCache<Self>) -> R,
) -> R;
fn evaluation_is_concurrent(&self) -> bool;
fn expand_abstract_consts<T>(self, t: T) -> T
where T: TypeFoldable<Self>;
fn generics_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::GenericsOf;
fn variances_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::VariancesOf;
fn opt_alias_variances(
kind: impl Into<AliasTermKind>,
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> Option<Self::VariancesOf>;
fn type_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> EarlyBinder<Self, Self::Ty>;
fn adt_def(self, adt_def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::AdtDef;
fn alias_ty_kind(self, alias: AliasTy<Self>) -> AliasTyKind;
fn alias_term_kind(self, alias: AliasTerm<Self>) -> AliasTermKind;
fn trait_ref_and_own_args_for_alias(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: Self::GenericArgs,
) -> (TraitRef<Self>, Self::GenericArgsSlice);
fn mk_args(self, args: &[Self::GenericArg]) -> Self::GenericArgs;
fn mk_args_from_iter<I, T>(
args: I,
) -> <T as CollectAndApply<Self::GenericArg, Self::GenericArgs>>::Output
where I: Iterator<Item = T>,
T: CollectAndApply<Self::GenericArg, Self::GenericArgs>;
fn check_args_compatible(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: Self::GenericArgs,
) -> bool;
fn debug_assert_args_compatible(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: Self::GenericArgs,
fn debug_assert_existential_args_compatible(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: Self::GenericArgs,
fn mk_type_list_from_iter<I, T>(
args: I,
) -> <T as CollectAndApply<Self::Ty, Self::Tys>>::Output
where I: Iterator<Item = T>,
T: CollectAndApply<Self::Ty, Self::Tys>;
fn parent(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::DefId;
fn recursion_limit(self) -> usize;
fn features(self) -> Self::Features;
fn bound_coroutine_hidden_types(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = EarlyBinder<Self, Binder<Self, Self::Ty>>>;
fn fn_sig(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, Binder<Self, FnSig<Self>>>;
fn coroutine_movability(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Movability;
fn coroutine_for_closure(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::DefId;
fn generics_require_sized_self(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn item_bounds(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>;
fn item_self_bounds(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>;
fn item_non_self_bounds(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>;
fn predicates_of(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>;
fn own_predicates_of(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>;
fn explicit_super_predicates_of(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = (Self::Clause, Self::Span)>>;
fn explicit_implied_predicates_of(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = (Self::Clause, Self::Span)>>;
fn impl_is_const(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn fn_is_const(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn alias_has_const_conditions(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn const_conditions(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Binder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>>>;
fn explicit_implied_const_bounds(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Binder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>>>;
fn has_target_features(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn require_lang_item(self, lang_item: TraitSolverLangItem) -> Self::DefId;
fn is_lang_item(
def_id: Self::DefId,
lang_item: TraitSolverLangItem,
) -> bool;
fn as_lang_item(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Option<TraitSolverLangItem>;
fn associated_type_def_ids(
def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::DefId>;
fn for_each_relevant_impl(
trait_def_id: Self::DefId,
self_ty: Self::Ty,
f: impl FnMut(Self::DefId),
fn has_item_definition(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn impl_is_default(self, impl_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn impl_trait_ref(
impl_def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> EarlyBinder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>;
fn impl_polarity(self, impl_def_id: Self::DefId) -> ImplPolarity;
fn trait_is_auto(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn trait_is_alias(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn trait_is_dyn_compatible(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn trait_is_fundamental(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn trait_may_be_implemented_via_object(
trait_def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> bool;
fn trait_is_unsafe(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn is_impl_trait_in_trait(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn delay_bug(self, msg: impl ToString) -> Self::ErrorGuaranteed;
fn is_general_coroutine(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn coroutine_is_async(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn coroutine_is_gen(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn coroutine_is_async_gen(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool;
fn unsizing_params_for_adt(
adt_def_id: Self::DefId,
) -> Self::UnsizingParams;
fn find_const_ty_from_env(
param_env: Self::ParamEnv,
placeholder: Self::PlaceholderConst,
) -> Self::Ty;
fn anonymize_bound_vars<T>(self, binder: Binder<Self, T>) -> Binder<Self, T>
where T: TypeFoldable<Self>;
fn opaque_types_defined_by(
defining_anchor: Self::LocalDefId,
) -> Self::DefiningOpaqueTypes;
Required Associated Types§
type DefId: DefId<Self>
type LocalDefId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Into<Self::DefId> + TypeFoldable<Self>
type Span: Span<Self>
type GenericArgs: GenericArgs<Self>
type GenericArgsSlice: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::GenericArg>
type GenericArg: GenericArg<Self>
type Term: Term<Self>
type BoundVarKinds: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::BoundVarKind> + Default
type BoundVarKind: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq
type PredefinedOpaques: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<Self> + Deref<Target = PredefinedOpaquesData<Self>>
type DefiningOpaqueTypes: Copy + Debug + Hash + Default + Eq + TypeVisitable<Self> + SliceLike<Item = Self::LocalDefId>
type CanonicalVars: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = CanonicalVarInfo<Self>> + Default
type ExternalConstraints: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<Self> + Deref<Target = ExternalConstraintsData<Self>>
type DepNodeIndex
type Tracked<T: Debug + Clone>: Debug
type Ty: Ty<Self>
type Tys: Tys<Self>
type FnInputTys: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = Self::Ty> + TypeVisitable<Self>
type ParamTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike
type BoundTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>
type PlaceholderTy: PlaceholderLike
type ErrorGuaranteed: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq
type BoundExistentialPredicates: BoundExistentialPredicates<Self>
type AllocId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq
type Pat: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Relate<Self>
type Safety: Safety<Self>
type Abi: Abi<Self>
type Const: Const<Self>
type PlaceholderConst: PlaceholderLike
type ParamConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike
type BoundConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>
type ValueConst: ValueConst<Self>
type ExprConst: ExprConst<Self>
type ValTree: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq
type Region: Region<Self>
type EarlyParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + ParamLike
type LateParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq
type BoundRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + BoundVarLike<Self>
type PlaceholderRegion: PlaceholderLike
type ParamEnv: ParamEnv<Self>
type Predicate: Predicate<Self>
type Clause: Clause<Self>
type Clauses: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeSuperVisitable<Self> + Flags
type GenericsOf: GenericsOf<Self>
type VariancesOf: Copy + Debug + SliceLike<Item = Variance>
type AdtDef: AdtDef<Self>
type Features: Features<Self>
type UnsizingParams: Deref<Target = DenseBitSet<u32>>
Required Methods§
fn mk_predefined_opaques_in_body( self, data: PredefinedOpaquesData<Self>, ) -> Self::PredefinedOpaques
fn mk_canonical_var_infos( self, infos: &[CanonicalVarInfo<Self>], ) -> Self::CanonicalVars
fn mk_external_constraints( self, data: ExternalConstraintsData<Self>, ) -> Self::ExternalConstraints
fn mk_tracked<T>( self, data: T, dep_node: Self::DepNodeIndex, ) -> Self::Tracked<T>
fn get_tracked<T>(self, tracked: &Self::Tracked<T>) -> T
fn with_cached_task<T>( self, task: impl FnOnce() -> T, ) -> (T, Self::DepNodeIndex)
fn with_global_cache<R>(self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut GlobalCache<Self>) -> R) -> R
fn evaluation_is_concurrent(&self) -> bool
fn expand_abstract_consts<T>(self, t: T) -> Twhere
T: TypeFoldable<Self>,
fn generics_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::GenericsOf
fn variances_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::VariancesOf
fn opt_alias_variances( self, kind: impl Into<AliasTermKind>, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> Option<Self::VariancesOf>
fn type_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> EarlyBinder<Self, Self::Ty>
fn adt_def(self, adt_def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::AdtDef
fn alias_ty_kind(self, alias: AliasTy<Self>) -> AliasTyKind
fn alias_term_kind(self, alias: AliasTerm<Self>) -> AliasTermKind
fn trait_ref_and_own_args_for_alias( self, def_id: Self::DefId, args: Self::GenericArgs, ) -> (TraitRef<Self>, Self::GenericArgsSlice)
fn mk_args(self, args: &[Self::GenericArg]) -> Self::GenericArgs
fn mk_args_from_iter<I, T>( self, args: I, ) -> <T as CollectAndApply<Self::GenericArg, Self::GenericArgs>>::Output
fn check_args_compatible( self, def_id: Self::DefId, args: Self::GenericArgs, ) -> bool
fn debug_assert_args_compatible( self, def_id: Self::DefId, args: Self::GenericArgs, )
Sourcefn debug_assert_existential_args_compatible(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: Self::GenericArgs,
fn debug_assert_existential_args_compatible( self, def_id: Self::DefId, args: Self::GenericArgs, )
Assert that the args from an ExistentialTraitRef
or ExistentialProjection
are compatible with the DefId
fn mk_type_list_from_iter<I, T>( self, args: I, ) -> <T as CollectAndApply<Self::Ty, Self::Tys>>::Output
fn parent(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::DefId
fn recursion_limit(self) -> usize
fn features(self) -> Self::Features
fn fn_sig( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, Binder<Self, FnSig<Self>>>
fn coroutine_movability(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Movability
fn coroutine_for_closure(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::DefId
fn generics_require_sized_self(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn item_bounds( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>
fn item_self_bounds( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>
fn item_non_self_bounds( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>
fn predicates_of( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>
fn own_predicates_of( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Clause>>
fn explicit_super_predicates_of( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = (Self::Clause, Self::Span)>>
fn explicit_implied_predicates_of( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = (Self::Clause, Self::Span)>>
fn impl_is_const(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn fn_is_const(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn alias_has_const_conditions(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn const_conditions( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Binder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>>>
fn explicit_implied_const_bounds( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, impl IntoIterator<Item = Binder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>>>
fn has_target_features(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn require_lang_item(self, lang_item: TraitSolverLangItem) -> Self::DefId
fn is_lang_item( self, def_id: Self::DefId, lang_item: TraitSolverLangItem, ) -> bool
fn as_lang_item(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Option<TraitSolverLangItem>
fn associated_type_def_ids( self, def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::DefId>
fn for_each_relevant_impl( self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId, self_ty: Self::Ty, f: impl FnMut(Self::DefId), )
fn has_item_definition(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn impl_is_default(self, impl_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn impl_trait_ref( self, impl_def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> EarlyBinder<Self, TraitRef<Self>>
fn impl_polarity(self, impl_def_id: Self::DefId) -> ImplPolarity
fn trait_is_auto(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn trait_is_alias(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn trait_is_dyn_compatible(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn trait_is_fundamental(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn trait_may_be_implemented_via_object(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
Sourcefn trait_is_unsafe(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn trait_is_unsafe(self, trait_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
Returns true
if this is an unsafe trait
fn is_impl_trait_in_trait(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn delay_bug(self, msg: impl ToString) -> Self::ErrorGuaranteed
fn is_general_coroutine(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn coroutine_is_async(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn coroutine_is_gen(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn coroutine_is_async_gen(self, coroutine_def_id: Self::DefId) -> bool
fn unsizing_params_for_adt( self, adt_def_id: Self::DefId, ) -> Self::UnsizingParams
fn find_const_ty_from_env( self, param_env: Self::ParamEnv, placeholder: Self::PlaceholderConst, ) -> Self::Ty
fn anonymize_bound_vars<T>(self, binder: Binder<Self, T>) -> Binder<Self, T>where
T: TypeFoldable<Self>,
fn opaque_types_defined_by( self, defining_anchor: Self::LocalDefId, ) -> Self::DefiningOpaqueTypes
Dyn Compatibility§
This trait is not dyn compatible.
In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
Implementations on Foreign Types§
Source§impl<'tcx> Interner for TyCtxt<'tcx>
impl<'tcx> Interner for TyCtxt<'tcx>
Source§fn debug_assert_existential_args_compatible(
def_id: DefId,
args: &'tcx RawList<(), GenericArg<'tcx>>,
fn debug_assert_existential_args_compatible( self, def_id: DefId, args: &'tcx RawList<(), GenericArg<'tcx>>, )
Assert that the args from an ExistentialTraitRef
or ExistentialProjection
are compatible with the DefId
. Since we’re missing a Self
type, stick on
a dummy self type and forward to debug_assert_args_compatible