and armv7-unknown-trusty
Tier: 3
Trusty is a secure Operating System that provides a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) for Android.
Target maintainers
- Nicole LeGare (@randomPoison)
- Andrei Homescu (@ahomescu)
- Chris Wailes (chriswailes@google.com)
- As a fallback trusty-dev-team@google.com can be contacted
These targets are cross-compiled. They have no special requirements for the host.
Trusty targets have partial support for the standard library: alloc
is fully
supported and std
has limited support that excludes things like filesystem
access, network I/O, and spawning processes/threads. File descriptors are
supported for the purpose of IPC.
Trusty uses the ELF file format.
Building the target
The targets can be built by enabling them for a rustc
build, for example:
build-stage = 1
target = ["aarch64-unknown-trusty", "armv7-unknown-trusty"]
Building Rust programs
There is currently no supported way to build a Trusty app with Cargo. You can follow the Trusty build instructions to build the Trusty kernel along with any Rust apps that are setup in the project.
See the Trusty build instructions for information on how to build Rust code within the main Trusty project. The main project also includes infrastructure for testing Rust applications within a QEMU emulator.
Cross-compilation toolchains and C code
See the Trusty build instructions for information on how C code is built within Trusty.