Cargo Specifics - Checking Conditional Configurations

This document is intended to summarize the principal ways Cargo interacts with the unexpected_cfgs lint and --check-cfg flag. It is not intended to provide individual details, for that refer to the --check-cfg documentation and to the Cargo book.

Cargo feature

See the [features] section in the Cargo book for more details.

With the [features] table, Cargo provides a mechanism to express conditional compilation and optional dependencies. Cargo automatically declares corresponding cfgs for every feature as expected.


serde = ["dep:serde"]
my_feature = []

check-cfg in [lints.rust] table

See the [lints] section in the Cargo book for more details.

When using a statically known custom config (i.e., not dependent on a build-script), Cargo provides the custom lint config check-cfg under [lints.rust.unexpected_cfgs].

It can be used to set custom static --check-cfg args, it is mainly useful when the list of expected cfgs is known in advance.


unexpected_cfgs = { level = "warn", check-cfg = ['cfg(has_foo)'] }

cargo::rustc-check-cfg for

See the cargo::rustc-check-cfg section in the Cargo book for more details.

When setting a custom config with cargo::rustc-cfg, Cargo provides the corollary instruction: cargo::rustc-check-cfg to expect custom configs.

fn main() {
    //        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ new with Cargo 1.80
    if has_foo() {