pub struct TypeckResults<'tcx> {
Show 24 fields pub hir_owner: OwnerId, type_dependent_defs: ItemLocalMap<Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>>, field_indices: ItemLocalMap<FieldIdx>, node_types: ItemLocalMap<Ty<'tcx>>, node_args: ItemLocalMap<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>, user_provided_types: ItemLocalMap<CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>, pub user_provided_sigs: LocalDefIdMap<CanonicalPolyFnSig<'tcx>>, adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>>, pat_binding_modes: ItemLocalMap<BindingMode>, pat_adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>, closure_kind_origins: ItemLocalMap<(Span, Place<'tcx>)>, liberated_fn_sigs: ItemLocalMap<FnSig<'tcx>>, fru_field_types: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>, coercion_casts: ItemLocalSet, pub used_trait_imports: UnordSet<LocalDefId>, pub tainted_by_errors: Option<ErrorGuaranteed>, pub concrete_opaque_types: FxIndexMap<OpaqueTypeKey<'tcx>, OpaqueHiddenType<'tcx>>, pub closure_min_captures: MinCaptureInformationMap<'tcx>, pub closure_fake_reads: LocalDefIdMap<Vec<(Place<'tcx>, FakeReadCause, HirId)>>, pub rvalue_scopes: RvalueScopes, pub coroutine_interior_predicates: LocalDefIdMap<Vec<(Predicate<'tcx>, ObligationCause<'tcx>)>>, pub treat_byte_string_as_slice: ItemLocalSet, pub closure_size_eval: LocalDefIdMap<ClosureSizeProfileData<'tcx>>, offset_of_data: ItemLocalMap<(Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)>,


§hir_owner: OwnerId

The HirId::owner all ItemLocalIds in this table are relative to.

§type_dependent_defs: ItemLocalMap<Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>>

Resolved definitions for <T>::X associated paths and method calls, including those of overloaded operators.

§field_indices: ItemLocalMap<FieldIdx>

Resolved field indices for field accesses in expressions (S { field }, obj.field) or patterns (S { field }). The index is often useful by itself, but to learn more about the field you also need definition of the variant to which the field belongs, but it may not exist if it’s a tuple field (tuple.0).

§node_types: ItemLocalMap<Ty<'tcx>>

Stores the types for various nodes in the AST. Note that this table is not guaranteed to be populated outside inference. See typeck::check::fn_ctxt for details.

§node_args: ItemLocalMap<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>

Stores the type parameters which were substituted to obtain the type of this node. This only applies to nodes that refer to entities parameterized by type parameters, such as generic fns, types, or other items.

§user_provided_types: ItemLocalMap<CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>

This will either store the canonicalized types provided by the user or the substitutions that the user explicitly gave (if any) attached to id. These will not include any inferred values. The canonical form is used to capture things like _ or other unspecified values.

For example, if the user wrote foo.collect::<Vec<_>>(), then the canonical substitutions would include only for<X> { Vec<X> }.

See also AscribeUserType statement in MIR.

§user_provided_sigs: LocalDefIdMap<CanonicalPolyFnSig<'tcx>>

Stores the canonicalized types provided by the user. See also AscribeUserType statement in MIR.

§adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>>§pat_binding_modes: ItemLocalMap<BindingMode>

Stores the actual binding mode for all instances of hir::BindingAnnotation.

§pat_adjustments: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>

Stores the types which were implicitly dereferenced in pattern binding modes for later usage in THIR lowering. For example,

match &&Some(5i32) {
    Some(n) => {},
    _ => {},

leads to a vec![&&Option<i32>, &Option<i32>]. Empty vectors are not stored.


§closure_kind_origins: ItemLocalMap<(Span, Place<'tcx>)>

Records the reasons that we picked the kind of each closure; not all closures are present in the map.

§liberated_fn_sigs: ItemLocalMap<FnSig<'tcx>>

For each fn, records the “liberated” types of its arguments and return type. Liberated means that all bound regions (including late-bound regions) are replaced with free equivalents. This table is not used in codegen (since regions are erased there) and hence is not serialized to metadata.

This table also contains the “revealed” values for any impl Trait that appear in the signature and whose values are being inferred by this function.


fn foo(x: &u32) -> impl Debug { *x }

The function signature here would be:

for<'a> fn(&'a u32) -> Foo

where Foo is an opaque type created for this function.

The liberated form of this would be

fn(&'a u32) -> u32

Note that 'a is not bound (it would be an ReLateParam) and that the Foo opaque type is replaced by its hidden type.

§fru_field_types: ItemLocalMap<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>

For each FRU expression, record the normalized types of the fields of the struct - this is needed because it is non-trivial to normalize while preserving regions. This table is used only in MIR construction and hence is not serialized to metadata.

§coercion_casts: ItemLocalSet

For every coercion cast we add the HIR node ID of the cast expression to this set.

§used_trait_imports: UnordSet<LocalDefId>

Set of trait imports actually used in the method resolution. This is used for warning unused imports. During type checking, this Lrc should not be cloned: it must have a ref-count of 1 so that we can insert things into the set mutably.

§tainted_by_errors: Option<ErrorGuaranteed>

If any errors occurred while type-checking this body, this field will be set to Some(ErrorGuaranteed).

§concrete_opaque_types: FxIndexMap<OpaqueTypeKey<'tcx>, OpaqueHiddenType<'tcx>>

All the opaque types that have hidden types set by this function. We also store the type here, so that the compiler can use it as a hint for figuring out hidden types, even if they are only set in dead code (which doesn’t show up in MIR).

§closure_min_captures: MinCaptureInformationMap<'tcx>

Tracks the minimum captures required for a closure; see MinCaptureInformationMap for more details.

§closure_fake_reads: LocalDefIdMap<Vec<(Place<'tcx>, FakeReadCause, HirId)>>

Tracks the fake reads required for a closure and the reason for the fake read. When performing pattern matching for closures, there are times we don’t end up reading places that are mentioned in a closure (because of _ patterns). However, to ensure the places are initialized, we introduce fake reads. Consider these two examples:

let x: u8;
let c = || match x { _ => () };

In this example, we don’t need to actually read/borrow x in c, and so we don’t want to capture it. However, we do still want an error here, because x should have to be initialized at the point where c is created. Therefore, we add a “fake read” instead.

let c = || {
    let (t1, t2) = t;

In the second example, we capture the disjoint fields of t (t.0 & t.1), but we never capture t. This becomes an issue when we build MIR as we require information on t in order to create place t.0 and t.1. We can solve this issue by fake reading t.

§rvalue_scopes: RvalueScopes

Tracks the rvalue scoping rules which defines finer scoping for rvalue expressions by applying extended parameter rules. Details may be find in rustc_hir_analysis::check::rvalue_scopes.

§coroutine_interior_predicates: LocalDefIdMap<Vec<(Predicate<'tcx>, ObligationCause<'tcx>)>>

Stores the predicates that apply on coroutine witness types. formatting modified file tests/ui/coroutine/

§treat_byte_string_as_slice: ItemLocalSet

We sometimes treat byte string literals (which are of type &[u8; N]) as &[u8], depending on the pattern in which they are used. This hashset records all instances where we behave like this to allow const_to_pat to reliably handle this situation.

§closure_size_eval: LocalDefIdMap<ClosureSizeProfileData<'tcx>>

Contains the data for evaluating the effect of feature capture_disjoint_fields on closure size.

§offset_of_data: ItemLocalMap<(Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)>

Container types and field indices of offset_of! expressions



impl<'tcx> TypeckResults<'tcx>


pub fn new(hir_owner: OwnerId) -> TypeckResults<'tcx>


pub fn qpath_res(&self, qpath: &QPath<'_>, id: HirId) -> Res

Returns the final resolution of a QPath in an Expr or Pat node.


pub fn type_dependent_defs( &self ) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn type_dependent_def(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<(DefKind, DefId)>


pub fn type_dependent_def_id(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<DefId>


pub fn type_dependent_defs_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn field_indices(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, FieldIdx>


pub fn field_indices_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, FieldIdx>


pub fn field_index(&self, id: HirId) -> FieldIdx


pub fn opt_field_index(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<FieldIdx>


pub fn user_provided_types( &self ) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>


pub fn user_provided_types_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, CanonicalUserType<'tcx>>


pub fn node_types(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn node_types_mut(&mut self) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn node_type(&self, id: HirId) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub fn node_type_opt(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn node_args_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>


pub fn node_args(&self, id: HirId) -> GenericArgsRef<'tcx>


pub fn node_args_opt(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>


pub fn pat_ty(&self, pat: &Pat<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Returns the type of a pattern as a monotype. Like expr_ty, this function doesn’t provide type parameter substitutions.


pub fn expr_ty(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Returns the type of an expression as a monotype.

NB (1): This is the PRE-ADJUSTMENT TYPE for the expression. That is, in some cases, we insert Adjustment annotations such as auto-deref or auto-ref. The type returned by this function does not consider such adjustments. See expr_ty_adjusted() instead.

NB (2): This type doesn’t provide type parameter substitutions; e.g., if you ask for the type of id in id(3), it will return fn(&isize) -> isize instead of fn(ty) -> T with T = isize.


pub fn expr_ty_opt(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn adjustments(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>>


pub fn adjustments_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>>


pub fn expr_adjustments(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> &[Adjustment<'tcx>]


pub fn expr_ty_adjusted(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Returns the type of expr, considering any Adjustment entry recorded for that expression.


pub fn expr_ty_adjusted_opt(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn is_method_call(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool


pub fn extract_binding_mode( &self, s: &Session, id: HirId, sp: Span ) -> Option<BindingMode>


pub fn pat_binding_modes(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, BindingMode>


pub fn pat_binding_modes_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, BindingMode>


pub fn pat_adjustments(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>


pub fn pat_adjustments_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>


pub fn closure_min_captures_flattened( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &CapturedPlace<'tcx>>

For a given closure, returns the iterator of ty::CapturedPlaces that are captured by the closure.


pub fn closure_kind_origins( &self ) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, (Span, HirPlace<'tcx>)>


pub fn closure_kind_origins_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, (Span, HirPlace<'tcx>)>


pub fn liberated_fn_sigs(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, FnSig<'tcx>>


pub fn liberated_fn_sigs_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, FnSig<'tcx>>


pub fn fru_field_types(&self) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>


pub fn fru_field_types_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>


pub fn is_coercion_cast(&self, hir_id: HirId) -> bool


pub fn set_coercion_cast(&mut self, id: ItemLocalId)


pub fn coercion_casts(&self) -> &ItemLocalSet


pub fn offset_of_data( &self ) -> LocalTableInContext<'_, (Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)>


pub fn offset_of_data_mut( &mut self ) -> LocalTableInContextMut<'_, (Ty<'tcx>, Vec<(VariantIdx, FieldIdx)>)>

Trait Implementations§


impl<'tcx> ArenaAllocatable<'tcx> for TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn allocate_on<'a>(self, arena: &'a Arena<'tcx>) -> &'a mut Self


fn allocate_from_iter<'a>( arena: &'a Arena<'tcx>, iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = Self> ) -> &'a mut [Self]


impl<'tcx> Debug for TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'tcx, D: TyDecoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> Decodable<D> for &'tcx TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn decode(decoder: &mut D) -> Self


impl<'tcx, __D: TyDecoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> Decodable<__D> for TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn decode(__decoder: &mut __D) -> Self


impl<'tcx, __E: TyEncoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> Encodable<__E> for TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn encode(&self, __encoder: &mut __E)


impl<'tcx, '__ctx> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'__ctx>> for TypeckResults<'tcx>


fn hash_stable( &self, __hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'__ctx>, __hasher: &mut StableHasher )


impl<'tcx, D: TyDecoder<I = TyCtxt<'tcx>>> RefDecodable<'tcx, D> for TypeckResults<'tcx>

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'tcx> !RefUnwindSafe for TypeckResults<'tcx>


impl<'tcx> !Send for TypeckResults<'tcx>


impl<'tcx> !Sync for TypeckResults<'tcx>


impl<'tcx> Unpin for TypeckResults<'tcx>


impl<'tcx> !UnwindSafe for TypeckResults<'tcx>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Aligned for T


const ALIGN: Alignment = _

Alignment of Self.

impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T, R> CollectAndApply<T, R> for T


fn collect_and_apply<I, F>(iter: I, f: F) -> R
where I: Iterator<Item = T>, F: FnOnce(&[T]) -> R,

Equivalent to f(&iter.collect::<Vec<_>>()).


type Output = R


impl<Tcx, T> DepNodeParams<Tcx> for T
where Tcx: DepContext, T: for<'a> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'a>> + Debug,


default fn fingerprint_style() -> FingerprintStyle


default fn to_fingerprint(&self, tcx: Tcx) -> Fingerprint

This method turns the parameters of a DepNodeConstructor into an opaque Fingerprint to be used in DepNode. Not all DepNodeParams support being turned into a Fingerprint (they don’t need to if the corresponding DepNode is anonymous).

default fn to_debug_str(&self, _: Tcx) -> String


default fn recover(_: Tcx, _: &DepNode) -> Option<T>

This method tries to recover the query key from the given DepNode, something which is needed when forcing DepNodes during red-green evaluation. The query system will only call this method if fingerprint_style() is not FingerprintStyle::Opaque. It is always valid to return None here, in which case incremental compilation will treat the query as having changed instead of forcing it.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<P> IntoQueryParam<P> for P


impl<T> MaybeResult<T> for T


type Error = !


fn from(_: Result<T, <T as MaybeResult<T>>::Error>) -> T


fn to_result(self) -> Result<T, <T as MaybeResult<T>>::Error>


impl<'tcx, T> ToPredicate<'tcx, T> for T


fn to_predicate(self, _tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> T


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<Tcx, T> Value<Tcx> for T
where Tcx: DepContext,


default fn from_cycle_error( tcx: Tcx, cycle_error: &CycleError, _guar: ErrorGuaranteed ) -> T


Note: Most layout information is completely unstable and may even differ between compilations. The only exception is types with certain repr(...) attributes. Please see the Rust Reference's “Type Layout” chapter for details on type layout guarantees.

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