Module v1

1.0.0 · Source
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The first version of the prelude of The Rust Standard Library.

See the module-level documentation for more.


pub use crate::marker::Send;
pub use crate::marker::Sized;
pub use crate::marker::Sync;
pub use crate::marker::Unpin;
pub use crate::ops::Drop;
pub use crate::ops::Fn;
pub use crate::ops::FnMut;
pub use crate::ops::FnOnce;
pub use crate::ops::AsyncFn;
pub use crate::ops::AsyncFnMut;
pub use crate::ops::AsyncFnOnce;
pub use crate::mem::drop;
pub use crate::mem::align_of;
pub use crate::mem::align_of_val;
pub use crate::mem::size_of;
pub use crate::mem::size_of_val;
pub use crate::convert::AsMut;
pub use crate::convert::AsRef;
pub use crate::convert::From;
pub use crate::convert::Into;
pub use crate::iter::DoubleEndedIterator;
pub use crate::iter::ExactSizeIterator;
pub use crate::iter::Extend;
pub use crate::iter::IntoIterator;
pub use crate::iter::Iterator;
pub use crate::option::Option;
pub use crate::option::Option::None;
pub use crate::option::Option::Some;
pub use crate::result::Result;
pub use crate::result::Result::Err;
pub use crate::result::Result::Ok;
pub use core::prelude::v1::assert;
pub use core::prelude::v1::cfg;
pub use core::prelude::v1::column;
pub use core::prelude::v1::compile_error;
pub use core::prelude::v1::concat;
pub use core::prelude::v1::concat_idents;Experimental
pub use core::prelude::v1::env;
pub use core::prelude::v1::file;
pub use core::prelude::v1::format_args;
pub use core::prelude::v1::format_args_nl;Experimental
pub use core::prelude::v1::include;
pub use core::prelude::v1::include_bytes;
pub use core::prelude::v1::include_str;
pub use core::prelude::v1::line;
pub use core::prelude::v1::log_syntax;Experimental
pub use core::prelude::v1::module_path;
pub use core::prelude::v1::option_env;
pub use core::prelude::v1::stringify;
pub use core::prelude::v1::trace_macros;Experimental
pub use core::prelude::v1::Clone;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Clone;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Copy;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Copy;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Debug;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Default;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Default;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Eq;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Eq;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Hash;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Ord;
pub use core::prelude::v1::Ord;
pub use core::prelude::v1::PartialEq;
pub use core::prelude::v1::PartialEq;
pub use core::prelude::v1::PartialOrd;
pub use core::prelude::v1::PartialOrd;
pub use crate::borrow::ToOwned;
pub use crate::boxed::Box;
pub use crate::string::String;
pub use crate::string::ToString;
pub use crate::vec::Vec;
pub use core::prelude::v1::concat_bytes;Experimental


Unstable placeholder for deref patterns.
Unstable placeholder for type ascription.

Attribute Macros§

Attribute macro used to apply derive macros.
Attribute macro applied to a static to register it as a global allocator.
Attribute macro applied to a function to turn it into a unit test.
Attribute macro applied to a function to register it as a handler for allocation failure.
Attribute macro applied to a function to turn it into a benchmark test.
Keeps the item it’s applied to if the passed path is accessible, and removes it otherwise.
Expands all #[cfg] and #[cfg_attr] attributes in the code fragment it’s applied to.
Provide a list of type aliases and other opaque-type-containing type definitions. This list will be used in the body of the item it is applied to define opaque types’ hidden types. Can only be applied to things that have bodies.
Attribute macro used to apply derive macros for implementing traits in a const context.
An implementation detail of the #[test] and #[bench] macros.