Module resolve

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High-level APIs for executing the resolver.

This module provides functions for running the resolver given a workspace, including loading the Cargo.lock file and checkinf if it needs updating.

There are roughly 3 main functions:

  • resolve_ws: A simple, high-level function with no options.
  • resolve_ws_with_opts: A medium-level function with options like user-provided features. This is the most appropriate function to use in most cases.
  • resolve_with_previous: A low-level function for running the resolver, providing the most power and flexibility.

§Data Structures

  • Workspace: Usually created by crate::util::command_prelude::ArgMatchesExt::workspace which discovers the root of the workspace, and loads all the workspace members as a Package object
    • Package Corresponds with Cargo.toml manifest (deserialized as Manifest) and its associated files.
      • Targets are crates such as the library, binaries, integration test, or examples. They are what is actually compiled by rustc. Each Target defines a crate root, like src/ or examples/
      • PackageId — A unique identifier for a package.
  • PackageRegistry: The primary interface for how the dependency resolver finds packages. It contains the SourceMap, and handles things like the [patch] table. The dependency resolver sends a query to the PackageRegistry to “get me all packages that match this dependency declaration”. The Registry trait provides a generic interface to the PackageRegistry, but this is only used for providing an alternate implementation of the PackageRegistry for testing.
  • SourceMap: Map of all available sources.
    • Source: An abstraction for something that can fetch packages (a remote registry, a git repo, the local filesystem, etc.). Check out the source implementations for all the details about registries, indexes, git dependencies, etc.
      • SourceId: A unique identifier for a source.
    • Summary: A of a Manifest, and is essentially the information that can be found in a registry index. Queries against the PackageRegistry yields a Summary. The resolver uses the summary information to build the dependency graph.
  • PackageSet — Contains all of the Package objects. This works with the Downloads struct to coordinate downloading packages. It has a reference to the SourceMap to get the Source objects which tell the Downloads struct which URLs to fetch.


Result for resolve_ws_with_opts.




Read the paths configuration variable to discover all path overrides that have been configured.
emit_warnings_of_unused_patches 🔒
Emits warnings of unused patches case by case.
lock_replacements 🔒
Locks each [replace] entry to a specific Package ID if the lockfile contains any corresponding previous replacement.
master_branch_git_source 🔒
register_patch_entries 🔒
Informs registry and version_pref that [patch] entries are available and preferable for the dependency resolution.
register_previous_locks 🔒
In this function we’re responsible for informing the registry of all locked dependencies from the previous lock file we had, resolve.
Resolves all dependencies for a package using an optional previous instance of resolve to guide the resolution process.
resolve_with_registry 🔒
Resolves all dependencies for the workspace using the previous lock file as a guide if present.
Resolves dependencies for some packages of the workspace, taking into account paths overrides and activated features.

Type Aliases§

Keep 🔒
Filter for keep using Package ID from previous lockfile.