Crate compiletest Copy item path
Summary Source common compute_diff debuggers 🔒 errors header json 🔒 These structs are a subset of the ones found in rustc_errors::json
. raise_fd_limit 🔒 read2 🔒 runtest util Stamp 🔒 The maximum of a set of file-modified timestamps. TestCollector 🔒 Mutable state used during test collection. TestCollectorCx 🔒 Read-only context data used during test collection. check_for_overlapping_test_paths 🔒 Checks that test discovery didn’t find any tests whose name stem is a prefix
of some other tests’s name. collect_and_make_tests Creates libtest structures for every test/revision in the test suite directory. collect_tests_from_dir 🔒 Recursively scans a directory to find test files and create test structures
that will be handed over to libtest. common_inputs_stamp 🔒 Returns the most recent last-modified timestamp from among the input files
that are considered relevant to all tests (e.g. the compiler, std, and
compiletest itself). files_related_to_test 🔒 Returns a list of files that, if modified, would cause this test to no
longer be up-to-date. is_test Returns true if file_name
looks like a proper test file name. is_up_to_date 🔒 Checks whether a particular test/revision is “up-to-date”, meaning that no
relevant files/settings have changed since the last time the test succeeded. log_config make_test 🔒 For a single test file, creates one or more test structures (one per revision)
that can be handed over to libtest to run, possibly in parallel. make_test_closure 🔒 Creates a callback for this test/revision that libtest will call when it
decides to actually run the underlying test. make_test_name 🔒 Creates a name for this test/revision that can be handed over to libtest. modified_tests 🔒 Returns a list of modified/untracked test files that should be run when
the --only-modified
flag is in use. opt_str opt_str2 parse_config Creates the Config
instance for this invocation of compiletest. run_tests Called by main
after the config has been parsed. stamp_file_path 🔒 The path of the stamp
file that gets created or updated whenever a
particular test completes successfully. test_opts