Struct GlobalContext

pub struct GlobalContext {
Show 38 fields home_path: Filesystem, shell: RefCell<Shell>, values: LazyCell<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>, credential_values: LazyCell<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>, cli_config: Option<Vec<String>>, cwd: PathBuf, search_stop_path: Option<PathBuf>, cargo_exe: LazyCell<PathBuf>, rustdoc: LazyCell<PathBuf>, extra_verbose: bool, frozen: bool, locked: bool, offline: bool, jobserver: Option<Client>, unstable_flags: CliUnstable, unstable_flags_cli: Option<Vec<String>>, easy: LazyCell<RefCell<Easy>>, crates_io_source_id: LazyCell<SourceId>, cache_rustc_info: bool, creation_time: Instant, target_dir: Option<Filesystem>, env: Env, updated_sources: LazyCell<RefCell<HashSet<SourceId>>>, credential_cache: LazyCell<RefCell<HashMap<CanonicalUrl, CredentialCacheValue>>>, registry_config: LazyCell<RefCell<HashMap<SourceId, Option<RegistryConfig>>>>, package_cache_lock: CacheLocker, http_config: LazyCell<CargoHttpConfig>, future_incompat_config: LazyCell<CargoFutureIncompatConfig>, net_config: LazyCell<CargoNetConfig>, build_config: LazyCell<CargoBuildConfig>, target_cfgs: LazyCell<Vec<(String, TargetCfgConfig)>>, doc_extern_map: LazyCell<RustdocExternMap>, progress_config: ProgressConfig, env_config: LazyCell<Arc<HashMap<String, OsString>>>, pub nightly_features_allowed: bool, pub ws_roots: RefCell<HashMap<PathBuf, WorkspaceRootConfig>>, global_cache_tracker: LazyCell<RefCell<GlobalCacheTracker>>, deferred_global_last_use: LazyCell<RefCell<DeferredGlobalLastUse>>,
Expand description

Configuration information for cargo. This is not specific to a build, it is information relating to cargo itself.


§home_path: Filesystem

The location of the user’s Cargo home directory. OS-dependent.

§shell: RefCell<Shell>

Information about how to write messages to the shell

§values: LazyCell<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

A collection of configuration options

§credential_values: LazyCell<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

A collection of configuration options from the credentials file

§cli_config: Option<Vec<String>>

CLI config values, passed in via configure.

§cwd: PathBuf

The current working directory of cargo

§search_stop_path: Option<PathBuf>

Directory where config file searching should stop (inclusive).

§cargo_exe: LazyCell<PathBuf>

The location of the cargo executable (path to current process)

§rustdoc: LazyCell<PathBuf>

The location of the rustdoc executable

§extra_verbose: bool

Whether we are printing extra verbose messages

§frozen: bool

frozen is the same as locked, but additionally will not access the network to determine if the lock file is out-of-date.

§locked: bool

locked is set if we should not update lock files. If the lock file is missing, or needs to be updated, an error is produced.

§offline: bool

offline is set if we should never access the network, but otherwise continue operating if possible.

§jobserver: Option<Client>

A global static IPC control mechanism (used for managing parallel builds)

§unstable_flags: CliUnstable

Cli flags of the form “-Z something” merged with config file values

§unstable_flags_cli: Option<Vec<String>>

Cli flags of the form “-Z something”

§easy: LazyCell<RefCell<Easy>>

A handle on curl easy mode for http calls

§crates_io_source_id: LazyCell<SourceId>

Cache of the SourceId for

§cache_rustc_info: bool

If false, don’t cache rustc --version --verbose invocations

§creation_time: Instant

Creation time of this config, used to output the total build time

§target_dir: Option<Filesystem>

Target Directory via resolved Cli parameter

§env: Env

Environment variable snapshot.

§updated_sources: LazyCell<RefCell<HashSet<SourceId>>>

Tracks which sources have been updated to avoid multiple updates.

§credential_cache: LazyCell<RefCell<HashMap<CanonicalUrl, CredentialCacheValue>>>

Cache of credentials from configuration or credential providers. Maps from url to credential value.

§registry_config: LazyCell<RefCell<HashMap<SourceId, Option<RegistryConfig>>>>

Cache of registry config from the [registries] table.

§package_cache_lock: CacheLocker

Locks on the package and index caches.

§http_config: LazyCell<CargoHttpConfig>

Cached configuration parsed by Cargo

§future_incompat_config: LazyCell<CargoFutureIncompatConfig>§net_config: LazyCell<CargoNetConfig>§build_config: LazyCell<CargoBuildConfig>§target_cfgs: LazyCell<Vec<(String, TargetCfgConfig)>>§doc_extern_map: LazyCell<RustdocExternMap>§progress_config: ProgressConfig§env_config: LazyCell<Arc<HashMap<String, OsString>>>§nightly_features_allowed: bool

This should be false if:

  • this is an artifact of the rustc distribution process for “stable” or for “beta”
  • this is an #[test] that does not opt in with enable_nightly_features
  • this is an integration test that uses ProcessBuilder that does not opt in with masquerade_as_nightly_cargo This should be true if:
  • this is an artifact of the rustc distribution process for “nightly”
  • this is being used in the rustc distribution process internally
  • this is a cargo executable that was built from source
  • this is an #[test] that called enable_nightly_features
  • this is an integration test that uses ProcessBuilder that called masquerade_as_nightly_cargo It’s public to allow tests use nightly features. NOTE: this should be set before configure(). If calling this from an integration test, consider using ConfigBuilder::enable_nightly_features instead.
§ws_roots: RefCell<HashMap<PathBuf, WorkspaceRootConfig>>

WorkspaceRootConfigs that have been found

§global_cache_tracker: LazyCell<RefCell<GlobalCacheTracker>>

The global cache tracker is a database used to track disk cache usage.

§deferred_global_last_use: LazyCell<RefCell<DeferredGlobalLastUse>>

A cache of modifications to make to GlobalContext::global_cache_tracker, saved to disk in a batch to improve performance.



impl GlobalContext


pub fn new(shell: Shell, cwd: PathBuf, homedir: PathBuf) -> GlobalContext

Creates a new config instance.

This is typically used for tests or other special cases. default is preferred otherwise.

This does only minimal initialization. In particular, it does not load any config files from disk. Those will be loaded lazily as-needed.


pub fn default() -> CargoResult<GlobalContext>

Creates a new instance, with all default settings.

This does only minimal initialization. In particular, it does not load any config files from disk. Those will be loaded lazily as-needed.


pub fn home(&self) -> &Filesystem

Gets the user’s Cargo home directory (OS-dependent).


pub fn diagnostic_home_config(&self) -> String

Returns a path to display to the user with the location of their home config file (to only be used for displaying a diagnostics suggestion, such as recommending where to add a config value).


pub fn git_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the Cargo Git directory (<cargo_home>/git).


pub fn git_checkouts_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the directory of code sources Cargo checkouts from Git bare repos (<cargo_home>/git/checkouts).


pub fn git_db_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the directory for all Git bare repos Cargo clones (<cargo_home>/git/db).


pub fn registry_base_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the Cargo base directory for all registry information (<cargo_home>/registry).


pub fn registry_index_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the Cargo registry index directory (<cargo_home>/registry/index).


pub fn registry_cache_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the Cargo registry cache directory (<cargo_home>/registry/cache).


pub fn registry_source_path(&self) -> Filesystem

Gets the Cargo registry source directory (<cargo_home>/registry/src).


pub fn default_registry(&self) -> CargoResult<Option<String>>

Gets the default Cargo registry.


pub fn shell(&self) -> RefMut<'_, Shell>

Gets a reference to the shell, e.g., for writing error messages.


pub fn rustdoc(&self) -> CargoResult<&Path>

Gets the path to the rustdoc executable.


pub fn load_global_rustc( &self, ws: Option<&Workspace<'_>>, ) -> CargoResult<Rustc>

Gets the path to the rustc executable.


pub fn cargo_exe(&self) -> CargoResult<&Path>

Gets the path to the cargo executable.


pub fn updated_sources(&self) -> RefMut<'_, HashSet<SourceId>>

Which package sources have been updated, used to ensure it is only done once.


pub fn credential_cache( &self, ) -> RefMut<'_, HashMap<CanonicalUrl, CredentialCacheValue>>

Cached credentials from credential providers or configuration.


pub(crate) fn registry_config( &self, ) -> RefMut<'_, HashMap<SourceId, Option<RegistryConfig>>>

Cache of already parsed registries from the [registries] table.


pub fn values(&self) -> CargoResult<&HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

Gets all config values from disk.

This will lazy-load the values as necessary. Callers are responsible for checking environment variables. Callers outside of the config module should avoid using this.


pub fn values_mut(&mut self) -> CargoResult<&mut HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

Gets a mutable copy of the on-disk config values.

This requires the config values to already have been loaded. This currently only exists for cargo vendor to remove the source entries. This doesn’t respect environment variables. You should avoid using this if possible.


pub fn set_values( &self, values: HashMap<String, ConfigValue>, ) -> CargoResult<()>


pub fn set_search_stop_path<P: Into<PathBuf>>(&mut self, path: P)

Sets the path where ancestor config file searching will stop. The given path is included, but its ancestors are not.


pub fn reload_cwd(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()>

Switches the working directory to std::env::current_dir

There is not a need to also call Self::reload_rooted_at.


pub fn reload_rooted_at<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> CargoResult<()>

Reloads on-disk configuration values, starting at the given path and walking up its ancestors.


pub fn cwd(&self) -> &Path

The current working directory.


pub fn target_dir(&self) -> CargoResult<Option<Filesystem>>

The target output directory to use.

Returns None if the user has not chosen an explicit directory.

Callers should prefer Workspace::target_dir instead.


fn get_cv(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> CargoResult<Option<ConfigValue>>

Get a configuration value by key.

This does NOT look at environment variables. See get_cv_with_env for a variant that supports environment variables.


fn get_cv_helper( &self, key: &ConfigKey, vals: &HashMap<String, ConfigValue>, ) -> CargoResult<Option<ConfigValue>>


pub(crate) fn get_cv_with_env(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> CargoResult<Option<CV>>

This is a helper for getting a CV from a file or env var.


pub fn set_env(&mut self, env: HashMap<String, String>)

Helper primarily for testing.


pub(crate) fn env(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &str)>

Returns all environment variables as an iterator, keeping only entries where both the key and value are valid UTF-8.


fn env_keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str>

Returns all environment variable keys, filtering out keys that are not valid UTF-8.


fn get_config_env<T>(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<T>, ConfigError>
where T: FromStr, <T as FromStr>::Err: Display,


pub fn get_env(&self, key: impl AsRef<OsStr>) -> CargoResult<&str>

Get the value of environment variable key through the snapshot in GlobalContext.

This can be used similarly to std::env::var.


pub fn get_env_os(&self, key: impl AsRef<OsStr>) -> Option<&OsStr>

Get the value of environment variable key through the snapshot in GlobalContext.

This can be used similarly to std::env::var_os.


fn has_key(&self, key: &ConfigKey, env_prefix_ok: bool) -> CargoResult<bool>

Check if the GlobalContext contains a given ConfigKey.

See ConfigMapAccess for a description of env_prefix_ok.


fn check_environment_key_case_mismatch(&self, key: &ConfigKey)


pub fn get_string(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<String>>

Get a string config value.

See get for more details.


pub fn get_path(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<OptValue<PathBuf>>

Get a config value that is expected to be a path.

This returns a relative path if the value does not contain any directory separators. See ConfigRelativePath::resolve_program for more details.


fn string_to_path(&self, value: &str, definition: &Definition) -> PathBuf


pub fn get_list( &self, key: &str, ) -> CargoResult<OptValue<Vec<(String, Definition)>>>

Get a list of strings.

DO NOT USE outside of the config module. pub will be removed in the future.

NOTE: this does not support environment variables. Use get instead if you want that.


fn _get_list( &self, key: &ConfigKey, ) -> CargoResult<OptValue<Vec<(String, Definition)>>>


fn get_list_or_string( &self, key: &ConfigKey, ) -> CargoResult<Vec<(String, Definition)>>

Helper for StringList type to get something that is a string or list.


fn get_env_list( &self, key: &ConfigKey, output: &mut Vec<(String, Definition)>, ) -> CargoResult<()>

Internal method for getting an environment variable as a list. If the key is a non-mergable list and a value is found in the environment, existing values are cleared.


fn get_table( &self, key: &ConfigKey, ) -> CargoResult<OptValue<HashMap<String, CV>>>

Low-level method for getting a config value as an OptValue<HashMap<String, CV>>.

NOTE: This does not read from env. The caller is responsible for that.


fn get_integer(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<i64>, ConfigError>

Low-level private method for getting a config value as an OptValue.


fn get_bool(&self, key: &ConfigKey) -> Result<OptValue<bool>, ConfigError>

Low-level private method for getting a config value as an OptValue.


fn get_string_priv( &self, key: &ConfigKey, ) -> Result<OptValue<String>, ConfigError>

Low-level private method for getting a config value as an OptValue.


fn expected<T>(&self, ty: &str, key: &ConfigKey, val: &CV) -> CargoResult<T>

Generate an error when the given value is the wrong type.


pub fn configure( &mut self, verbose: u32, quiet: bool, color: Option<&str>, frozen: bool, locked: bool, offline: bool, target_dir: &Option<PathBuf>, unstable_flags: &[String], cli_config: &[String], ) -> CargoResult<()>

Update the instance based on settings typically passed in on the command-line.

This may also load the config from disk if it hasn’t already been loaded.


fn load_unstable_flags_from_config(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()>


pub fn cli_unstable(&self) -> &CliUnstable


pub fn extra_verbose(&self) -> bool


pub fn network_allowed(&self) -> bool


pub fn offline(&self) -> bool


pub fn frozen(&self) -> bool


pub fn locked(&self) -> bool


pub fn set_locked(&mut self, locked: bool)


pub fn lock_update_allowed(&self) -> bool


pub fn load_values(&self) -> CargoResult<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

Loads configuration from the filesystem.


pub(crate) fn load_values_unmerged(&self) -> CargoResult<Vec<ConfigValue>>

Like load_values but without merging config values.

This is primarily crafted for cargo config command.


fn load_unmerged_include( &self, cv: &mut CV, seen: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>, output: &mut Vec<CV>, ) -> CargoResult<()>

Like load_includes but without merging config values.

This is primarily crafted for cargo config command.


fn load_values_from( &self, path: &Path, ) -> CargoResult<HashMap<String, ConfigValue>>

Start a config file discovery from a path and merges all config values found.


fn load_file(&self, path: &Path) -> CargoResult<ConfigValue>

Loads a config value from a path.

This is used during config file discovery.


fn _load_file( &self, path: &Path, seen: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>, includes: bool, why_load: WhyLoad, ) -> CargoResult<ConfigValue>

Loads a config value from a path with options.

This is actual implementation of loading a config value from a path.

  • includes determines whether to load configs from config-include.
  • seen is used to check for cyclic includes.
  • why_load tells why a config is being loaded.

fn load_includes( &self, value: CV, seen: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>, why_load: WhyLoad, ) -> CargoResult<CV>

Load any include files listed in the given value.

Returns value with the given include files merged into it.

  • seen is used to check for cyclic includes.
  • why_load tells why a config is being loaded.

fn include_paths( &self, cv: &mut CV, remove: bool, ) -> CargoResult<Vec<(String, PathBuf, Definition)>>

Converts the include config value to a list of absolute paths.


pub(crate) fn cli_args_as_table(&self) -> CargoResult<ConfigValue>

Parses the CLI config args and returns them as a table.


fn merge_cli_args(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()>

Add config arguments passed on the command line.


fn get_file_path( &self, dir: &Path, filename_without_extension: &str, warn: bool, ) -> CargoResult<Option<PathBuf>>

The purpose of this function is to aid in the transition to using .toml extensions on Cargo’s config files, which were historically not used. Both ‘config.toml’ and ‘credentials.toml’ should be valid with or without extension. When both exist, we want to prefer the one without an extension for backwards compatibility, but warn the user appropriately.


fn walk_tree<F>(&self, pwd: &Path, home: &Path, walk: F) -> CargoResult<()>
where F: FnMut(&Path) -> CargoResult<()>,


pub fn get_registry_index(&self, registry: &str) -> CargoResult<Url>

Gets the index for a registry.


pub fn check_registry_index_not_set(&self) -> CargoResult<()>

Returns an error if registry.index is set.


fn resolve_registry_index(&self, index: &Value<String>) -> CargoResult<Url>


pub fn load_credentials(&self) -> CargoResult<()>

Loads credentials config from the credentials file, if present.

The credentials are loaded into a separate field to enable them to be lazy-loaded after the main configuration has been loaded, without requiring mut access to the GlobalContext.

If the credentials are already loaded, this function does nothing.


fn maybe_get_tool( &self, tool: &str, from_config: &Option<ConfigRelativePath>, ) -> Option<PathBuf>

Looks for a path for tool in an environment variable or the given config, and returns None if it’s not present.


fn get_tool( &self, tool: Tool, from_config: &Option<ConfigRelativePath>, ) -> PathBuf

Returns the path for the given tool.

This will look for the tool in the following order:

  1. From an environment variable matching the tool name (such as RUSTC).
  2. From the given config value (which is usually something like build.rustc).
  3. Finds the tool in the PATH environment variable.

This is intended for tools that are rustup proxies. If you need to get a tool that is not a rustup proxy, use maybe_get_tool instead.


pub fn jobserver_from_env(&self) -> Option<&Client>


pub fn http(&self) -> CargoResult<&RefCell<Easy>>


pub fn http_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoHttpConfig>


pub fn future_incompat_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoFutureIncompatConfig>


pub fn net_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoNetConfig>


pub fn build_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&CargoBuildConfig>


pub fn progress_config(&self) -> &ProgressConfig


pub fn env_config(&self) -> CargoResult<&Arc<HashMap<String, OsString>>>

Get the env vars from the config [env] table which are force = true or don’t exist in the env snapshot GlobalContext::get_env.


pub fn validate_term_config(&self) -> CargoResult<()>

This is used to validate the term table has valid syntax.

This is necessary because loading the term settings happens very early, and in some situations (like cargo version) we don’t want to fail if there are problems with the config file.


pub fn target_cfgs(&self) -> CargoResult<&Vec<(String, TargetCfgConfig)>>

Returns a list of [target.‘cfg()’] tables.

The list is sorted by the table name.


pub fn doc_extern_map(&self) -> CargoResult<&RustdocExternMap>


pub fn target_applies_to_host(&self) -> CargoResult<bool>

Returns true if the [target] table should be applied to host targets.


pub fn host_cfg_triple(&self, target: &str) -> CargoResult<TargetConfig>

Returns the [host] table definition for the given target triple.


pub fn target_cfg_triple(&self, target: &str) -> CargoResult<TargetConfig>

Returns the [target] table definition for the given target triple.


pub fn crates_io_source_id(&self) -> CargoResult<SourceId>

Returns the cached SourceId corresponding to the main repository.

This is the main cargo registry by default, but it can be overridden in a .cargo/config.toml.


pub fn creation_time(&self) -> Instant


pub fn get<'de, T: Deserialize<'de>>(&self, key: &str) -> CargoResult<T>

Retrieves a config variable.

This supports most serde Deserialize types. Examples:

let v: Option<u32> = config.get("some.nested.key")?;
let v: Option<MyStruct> = config.get("some.key")?;
let v: Option<HashMap<String, MyStruct>> = config.get("foo")?;

The key may be a dotted key, but this does NOT support TOML key quoting. Avoid key components that may have dots. For example, foo.'a.b'.bar" does not work if you try to fetch foo.‘a.b’“. You can fetch foo if it is a map, though.


pub fn assert_package_cache_locked<'a>( &self, mode: CacheLockMode, f: &'a Filesystem, ) -> &'a Path

Obtain a Path from a Filesystem, verifying that the appropriate lock is already currently held.

Locks are usually acquired via GlobalContext::acquire_package_cache_lock or GlobalContext::try_acquire_package_cache_lock.


pub fn acquire_package_cache_lock( &self, mode: CacheLockMode, ) -> CargoResult<CacheLock<'_>>

Acquires a lock on the global “package cache”, blocking if another cargo holds the lock.

See crate::util::cache_lock for an in-depth discussion of locking and lock modes.


pub fn try_acquire_package_cache_lock( &self, mode: CacheLockMode, ) -> CargoResult<Option<CacheLock<'_>>>

Acquires a lock on the global “package cache”, returning None if another cargo holds the lock.

See crate::util::cache_lock for an in-depth discussion of locking and lock modes.


pub fn global_cache_tracker( &self, ) -> CargoResult<RefMut<'_, GlobalCacheTracker>>

Returns a reference to the shared GlobalCacheTracker.

The package cache lock must be held to call this function (and to use it in general).


pub fn deferred_global_last_use( &self, ) -> CargoResult<RefMut<'_, DeferredGlobalLastUse>>

Returns a reference to the shared DeferredGlobalLastUse.


pub fn warning_handling(&self) -> CargoResult<WarningHandling>

Get the global WarningHandling configuration.

Trait Implementations§


impl Debug for GlobalContext


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T


Note: Most layout information is completely unstable and may even differ between compilations. The only exception is types with certain repr(...) attributes. Please see the Rust Reference's “Type Layout” chapter for details on type layout guarantees.

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