macro_rules! item_template {
struct $name:ident<'a, 'cx> {
cx: &'a Context<'cx>,
it: &'a clean::Item,
$($field_name:ident: $field_ty:ty),*,
methods = [$($methods:tt),* $(,)?]
) => { ... };
Expand description
Generates a Rinja template struct for rendering items with common methods.
#[template(path = "<template.html>", /* additional values */)]
/* additional meta items */
struct MyItem<'a, 'cx> {
cx: RefCell<&'a mut Context<'cx>>,
it: &'a clean::Item,
/* additional fields */
methods = [ /* method names (comma separated; refer to macro definition of `item_template_methods!()`) */ ]
NOTE: ensure that the generic lifetimes ('a
, 'cx
) and
required fields (cx
, it
) are identical (in terms of order and definition).