macro_rules! declare_passes {
$vis:vis mod $mod_name:ident : $($pass_name:ident $( { $($ident:ident),* } )?),+ $(,)?;
) => { ... };
Expand description
We import passes via this macro so that we can have a static list of pass names (used to verify CLI arguments). It takes a list of modules, followed by the passes declared within them.
declare_passes! {
// Declare a single pass from the module `abort_unwinding_calls`
mod abort_unwinding_calls : AbortUnwindingCalls;
// When passes are grouped together as an enum, declare the two constituent passes
mod add_call_guards : AddCallGuards {
// Declares multiple pass groups, each containing their own constituent passes
mod simplify : SimplifyCfg {
/* omitted */
}, SimplifyLocals {
/* omitted */