- Extracted
HirInfo ๐ - Function information extracted from HIR by the coverage instrumentor.
- Instrument
Coverage ๐ - Inserts
statements that either instrument the binary with injected counters, via intrinsicllvm.instrprof.increment
, and/or inject metadata used during codegen to construct the coverage map.
- create_
mappings ๐ - For each coverage span extracted from MIR, create a corresponding mapping.
- extract_
hir_ ๐info - extract_
hole_ ๐spans_ from_ hir - hash_
mir_ ๐source - inject_
coverage_ ๐statements - Inject any necessary coverage statements into MIR, so that they influence codegen.
- inject_
mcdc_ ๐statements - For each conditions inject statements to update condition bitmap after it has been evaluated. For each decision inject statements to update test vector bitmap after it has been evaluated.
- inject_
statement ๐ - instrument_
function_ ๐for_ coverage