Module node_flow

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For each node in a control-flow graph, determines whether that node should have a physical counter, or a counter expression that is derived from the physical counters of other nodes.

Based on the algorithm given in “Optimal measurement points for program frequency counts” (Knuth & Stevenson, 1973).


CounterTerm 🔒
Part of a node’s counter expression, which is a sum of counter terms.
NodeCounters 🔒
End result of allocating physical counters and counter expressions for the nodes of a graph.
NodeFlowData 🔒
Data representing a view of some underlying graph, in which each node’s successors have been merged into a single “supernode”.
SpantreeBuilder 🔒
SpantreeEdge 🔒


make_node_counters 🔒
Uses the graph information in node_flow_data, together with a given permutation of all nodes in the graph, to create physical counters and counter expressions for each node in the underlying graph.
node_flow_data_for_balanced_graph 🔒
Creates a “merged” view of an underlying graph.