Module epoll



Epoll 🔒
An Epoll file descriptor connects file handles and epoll events
EpollEventInstance contains information that will be returned by epoll_wait.
EpollEventInterest registers the file description information to an epoll instance during a successful epoll_ctl call. It also stores additional information needed to check and update readiness state for epoll_wait.
The table of all EpollEventInterest. The BTreeMap key is the FdId of an active file description registered with any epoll instance. The value is a list of EpollEventInterest associated with that file description.
EpollReadyEvents reflects the readiness of a file description.
ReadyList 🔒




check_and_update_one_event_interest 🔒
This helper function checks whether an epoll notification should be triggered for a specific epoll_interest and, if necessary, triggers the notification, and returns whether the notification was added/updated. Unlike check_and_update_readiness, this function sends a notification to only one epoll instance.
ready_list_next 🔒
This function takes in ready list and returns EpollEventInstance with file description that is not closed.
return_ready_list 🔒
Stores the ready list of the epfd epoll instance into events (which must be an array), and the number of returned events into dest.