
Module std::io

I/O, including files, networking, timers, and processes

std::io provides Rust's basic I/O types, for reading and writing to files, TCP, UDP, and other types of sockets and pipes, manipulating the file system, spawning processes and signal handling.


Some examples of obvious things you might want to do

Error Handling

I/O is an area where nearly every operation can result in unexpected errors. Errors should be painfully visible when they happen, and handling them should be easy to work with. It should be convenient to handle specific I/O errors, and it should also be convenient to not deal with I/O errors.

Rust's I/O employs a combination of techniques to reduce boilerplate while still providing feedback about errors. The basic strategy:

These features combine in the API to allow for expressions like File::create(&Path::new("diary.txt")).write(bytes!("Met a girl.\n")) without having to worry about whether "diary.txt" exists or whether the write succeeds. As written, if either new or write_line encounters an error then the result of the entire expression will be an error.

If you wanted to handle the error though you might write:

use std::io::File;

match File::create(&Path::new("diary.txt")).write(bytes!("Met a girl.\n")) {
    Ok(()) => (), // succeeded
    Err(e) => println!("failed to write to my diary: {}", e),

So what actually happens if create encounters an error? It's important to know that what new returns is not a File but an IoResult<File>. If the file does not open, then new will simply return Err(..). Because there is an implementation of Writer (the trait required ultimately required for types to implement write_line) there is no need to inspect or unwrap the IoResult<File> and we simply call write_line on it. If new returned an Err(..) then the followup call to write_line will also return an error.

Explicit pattern matching on IoResults can get quite verbose, especially when performing many I/O operations. Some examples (like those above) are alleviated with extra methods implemented on IoResult, but others have more complex interdependencies among each I/O operation.

The try! macro from std::macros is provided as a method of early-return inside Result-returning functions. It expands to an early-return on Err and otherwise unwraps the contained Ok value.

If you wanted to read several u32s from a file and return their product:

use std::io::{File, IoResult};

fn file_product(p: &Path) -> IoResult<u32> {
    let mut f = File::open(p);
    let x1 = try!(f.read_le_u32());
    let x2 = try!(f.read_le_u32());

    Ok(x1 * x2)

match file_product(&Path::new("numbers.bin")) {
    Ok(x) => println!("{}", x),
    Err(e) => println!("Failed to read numbers!")

With try! in file_product, each read_le_u32 need not be directly concerned with error handling; instead its caller is responsible for responding to errors that may occur while attempting to read the numbers.

pub use self::stdio::stdin;
pub use self::stdio::stdout;
pub use self::stdio::stderr;
pub use self::stdio::print;
pub use self::stdio::println;
pub use self::fs::File;
pub use self::timer::Timer;
pub use self::net::ip::IpAddr;
pub use self::net::tcp::TcpListener;
pub use self::net::tcp::TcpStream;
pub use self::net::udp::UdpStream;
pub use self::pipe::PipeStream;
pub use self::process::{Process, ProcessConfig};

Utility mixins that apply to all Readers and Writers


Synchronous File I/O


Networking I/O


Synchronous, in-memory pipes.


Bindings for executing child processes


Signal handling


Non-blocking access to stdin, stdout, and stderr.


Various utility functions useful for writing I/O tests


Synchronous Timers


Utility implementations of Reader and Writer


Reads from a fixed-size byte slice


Writes to a fixed-size byte slice


Wraps a Reader and buffers input from it


Wraps a Stream and buffers input and output to and from it.


Wraps a Writer and buffers output to it


Allows reading from a rx.


Allows writing to a tx.


An iterator that reads a utf8-encoded character on each iteration, until .read_char() encounters EndOfFile.


A structure used to describe metadata information about a file. This structure is created through the stat method on a Path.


An infinite iterator over incoming connection attempts. Calling next will block the task until a connection is attempted.


The type passed to I/O condition handlers to indicate error


Wraps a Writer and buffers output to it, flushing whenever a newline (0x0a, '\n') is detected.


An iterator that reads a line on each iteration, until .read_line() encounters EndOfFile.


Reads from an owned byte vector


Writes to an owned, growable byte vector


A RefReader is a struct implementing Reader which contains a reference to another reader. This is often useful when composing streams.


A RefWriter is a struct implementing Writer which contains a reference to another writer. This is often useful when composing streams.


A wrapper for a path to temporary directory implementing automatic scope-based deletion.


This structure represents all of the possible information which can be returned from a stat syscall which is not contained in the FileStat structure. This information is not necessarily platform independent, and may have different meanings or no meaning at all on some platforms.


Access permissions with which the file should be opened. Files opened with Read will return an error if written to.


A mode specifies how a file should be opened or created. These modes are passed to File::open_mode and are used to control where the file is positioned when it is initially opened.


Different kinds of files which can be identified by a call to stat


A list specifying general categories of I/O error.


When seeking, the resulting cursor is offset from a base by the offset given to the seek function. The base used is specified by this enumeration.

pub static AllPermissions: FilePermission = 0x1ff

A mask for all possible permission bits

pub static GroupExecute: FilePermission = 0x008  
pub static GroupRWX: FilePermission = GroupRead | GroupWrite | GroupExecute  
pub static GroupRead: FilePermission = 0x020  
pub static GroupWrite: FilePermission = 0x010  
pub static OtherExecute: FilePermission = 0x001  
pub static OtherRWX: FilePermission = OtherRead | OtherWrite | OtherExecute  
pub static OtherRead: FilePermission = 0x004  
pub static OtherWrite: FilePermission = 0x002  
pub static UserDir: FilePermission =
UserRWX | GroupRead | GroupExecute |
                                     OtherRead | OtherExecute

A set of permissions for user owned directories, this is equivalent to 0755 on unix-like systems.

pub static UserExec: FilePermission = UserDir

A set of permissions for user owned executables, this is equivalent to 0755 on unix-like systems.

pub static UserExecute: FilePermission = 0x040  
pub static UserFile: FilePermission = UserRead | UserWrite | GroupRead | OtherRead

A set of permissions for user owned files, this is equivalent to 0644 on unix-like systems.

pub static UserRWX: FilePermission = UserRead | UserWrite | UserExecute  
pub static UserRead: FilePermission = 0x100  
pub static UserWrite: FilePermission = 0x080  

An acceptor is a value that presents incoming connections


A Buffer is a type of reader which has some form of internal buffering to allow certain kinds of reading operations to be more optimized than others. This type extends the Reader trait with a few methods that are not possible to reasonably implement with purely a read interface.


A listener is a value that can consume itself to start listening for connections.


A trait for objects which are byte-oriented streams. Readers are defined by one method, read. This function will block until data is available, filling in the provided buffer with any data read.


An object implementing Seek internally has some form of cursor which can be moved within a stream of bytes. The stream typically has a fixed size, allowing seeking relative to either end.


A Stream is a readable and a writable object. Data written is typically received by the object which reads receive data from.


A trait for objects which are byte-oriented streams. Writers are defined by one method, write. This function will block until the provided buffer of bytes has been entirely written, and it will return any failurs which occur.


Creates a standard error for a commonly used flavor of error. The detail field of the returned error will always be None.


A set of permissions for a file or directory is represented by a set of flags which are or'd together.


A convenient typedef of the return value of any I/O action.