
Module std::io::process

Bindings for executing child processes


Representation of a running or exited child process.


This configuration describes how a new process should be spawned. A blank configuration can be created with ProcessConfig::new(). It is also recommented to use a functional struct update pattern when creating process configuration:


The output of a finished process.


Describes the result of a process after it has terminated. Note that Windows have no signals, so the result is usually ExitStatus.


Describes what to do with a standard io stream for a child process.

pub static MustDieSignal: int = libc::SIGKILL as int

Signal a process to exit immediately, forcibly killing it. Corresponds to SIGKILL on unix platforms.

pub static PleaseExitSignal: int = libc::SIGTERM as int

Signal a process to exit, without forcibly killing it. Corresponds to SIGTERM on unix platforms.