
Module std::any

Traits for dynamic typing of any type (through runtime reflection)

This module implements the Any trait, which enables dynamic typing of any type, through runtime reflection.

Any itself can be used to get a TypeId, and has more features when used as a trait object. As &Any (a borrowed trait object), it has the is and as_ref methods, to test if the contained value is of a given type, and to get a reference to the inner value as a type. As &mut Any, there is also the as_mut method, for getting a mutable reference to the inner value. ~Any adds the move method, which will unwrap a ~T from the object. See the extension traits (*Ext) for the full details.


A type with no inhabitants


The Any trait is implemented by all types, and can be used as a trait object for dynamic typing


Extension methods for a mutable referenced Any trait object


Extension methods for an owning Any trait object


Extension methods for a referenced Any trait object