- Introduction
- 1. Notation
- 2. Lexical structure
- 2.1. Input format
- 2.2. Keywords
- 2.3. Identifiers
- 2.5. Whitespace
- 2.6. Tokens
- 3. Macros
- 3.1. Macros By Example
- 3.2. Procedural Macros
- 4. Crates and source files
- 5. Conditional compilation
- 6. Items
- 6.1. Modules
- 6.2. Extern crates
- 6.3. Use declarations
- 6.4. Functions
- 6.5. Type aliases
- 6.6. Structs
- 6.7. Enumerations
- 6.8. Unions
- 6.9. Constant items
- 6.10. Static items
- 6.11. Traits
- 6.12. Implementations
- 6.13. External blocks
- 6.14. Generic parameters
- 6.15. Associated Items
- 7. Attributes
- 7.1. Testing
- 7.2. Derive
- 7.3. Diagnostics
- 7.4. Code generation
- 7.5. Limits
- 7.6. Type System
- 7.7. Debugger
- 8. Statements and expressions
- 8.1. Statements
- 8.2. Expressions
- 8.2.1. Literal expressions
- 8.2.2. Path expressions
- 8.2.3. Block expressions
- 8.2.4. Operator expressions
- 8.2.5. Grouped expressions
- 8.2.6. Array and index expressions
- 8.2.7. Tuple and index expressions
- 8.2.8. Struct expressions
- 8.2.9. Call expressions
- 8.2.10. Method call expressions
- 8.2.11. Field access expressions
- 8.2.12. Closure expressions
- 8.2.13. Loop expressions
- 8.2.14. Range expressions
- 8.2.15. If and if let expressions
- 8.2.16. Match expressions
- 8.2.17. Return expressions
- 8.2.18. Await expressions
- 8.2.19. Underscore expressions
- 9. Patterns
- 10. Type system
- 10.1. Types
- 10.1.1. Boolean type
- 10.1.2. Numeric types
- 10.1.3. Textual types
- 10.1.4. Never type
- 10.1.5. Tuple types
- 10.1.6. Array types
- 10.1.7. Slice types
- 10.1.8. Struct types
- 10.1.9. Enumerated types
- 10.1.10. Union types
- 10.1.11. Function item types
- 10.1.12. Closure types
- 10.1.13. Pointer types
- 10.1.14. Function pointer types
- 10.1.15. Trait object types
- 10.1.16. Impl trait type
- 10.1.17. Type parameters
- 10.1.18. Inferred type
- 10.2. Dynamically Sized Types
- 10.3. Type layout
- 10.4. Interior mutability
- 10.5. Subtyping and Variance
- 10.6. Trait and lifetime bounds
- 10.7. Type coercions
- 10.8. Destructors
- 10.9. Lifetime elision
- 11. Special types and traits
- 12. Names
- 12.1. Namespaces
- 12.2. Scopes
- 12.3. Preludes
- 12.4. Paths
- 12.5. Name resolution
- 12.6. Visibility and privacy
- 13. Memory model
- 13.1. Memory allocation and lifetime
- 13.2. Variables
- 14. Panic
- 15. Linkage
- 16. Inline assembly
- 17. Unsafety
- 17.1. The unsafe keyword
- 17.2. Behavior considered undefined
- 17.3. Behavior not considered unsafe
- 18. Constant Evaluation
- 19. Application Binary Interface
- 20. The Rust runtime
- 21. Appendices
- 21.1. Macro Follow-Set Ambiguity Formal Specification
- 21.2. Influences
- 21.3. Test summary
- 21.4. Glossary