Module pat

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As explained in crate::usefulness, values and patterns are made from constructors applied to fields. This file defines types that represent patterns in this way.


Values and patterns can be represented as a constructor applied to some fields. This represents a pattern in this form. A DeconstructedPat will almost always come from user input; the only exception are some Wildcards introduced during pattern lowering.
A pattern with an index denoting which field it corresponds to.
PatId 🔒
A globally unique id to distinguish patterns.
Same idea as DeconstructedPat, except this is a fictitious pattern built up for diagnostics purposes. As such they don’t use interning and can be cloned.


PatOrWild 🔒
Represents either a pattern obtained from user input or a wildcard constructed during the algorithm. Do not use Wild to represent a wildcard pattern comping from user input.