Module check_match



MatchVisitor 🔒


LetSource 🔒
RefutableFlag 🔒


check_borrow_conflicts_in_at_patterns 🔒
Check if a by-value binding is by-value. That is, check if the binding’s type is not Copy. Check that there are no borrow or move conflicts in binding @ subpat patterns.
check_for_bindings_named_same_as_variants 🔒
check_match 🔒
check_never_pattern 🔒
Check that never patterns are only used on inhabited types.
collect_special_tys 🔒
Collect types that require specific explanations when they show up in witnesses.
find_fallback_pattern_typo 🔒
Detect typos that were meant to be a const but were interpreted as a new pattern binding.
joined_uncovered_patterns 🔒
maybe_point_at_variant 🔒
pat_is_catchall 🔒
Checks for common cases of “catchall” patterns that may not be intended as such.
report_adt_defined_here 🔒
report_arm_reachability 🔒
Report unreachable arms, if any.
report_irrefutable_let_patterns 🔒
report_non_exhaustive_match 🔒
Report that a match is not exhaustive.
report_unreachable_pattern 🔒
Report unreachable arms, if any.