Module rustc_errors::diagnostic

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  • with_fn 🔒
    Diag impls many &mut self -> &mut Self methods. Each one modifies an existing diagnostic, either in a standalone fashion, e.g. err.code(code);, or in a chained fashion to make multiple modifications, e.g. err.code(code).span(span);.


  • Marker type which enables implementation of create_bug and emit_bug functions for bug diagnostics.
  • Used for emitting structured error messages and other diagnostic information. Wraps a DiagInner, adding some useful things.
  • The main part of a diagnostic. Note that Diag, which wraps this type, is used for most operations, and should be used instead whenever possible. This type should only be used when Diag’s lifetime causes difficulties, e.g. when storing diagnostics within DiagCtxt.
  • Marker type which enables implementation of create_fatal and emit_fatal functions for fatal diagnostics.
  • A “sub”-diagnostic attached to a parent diagnostic. For example, a note attached to an error.
  • Error type for DiagInner’s suggestions field, indicating that .disable_suggestions() was called on the DiagInner.


  • Simplified version of FluentValue that can implement Encodable and Decodable. Converted to a FluentValue by the emitter to be used in diagnostic translation.


  • Trait implemented by error types. This is rarely implemented manually. Instead, use #[derive(Diagnostic)] – see rustc_macros::Diagnostic.
  • Trait for types that Diag::emit can return as a “guarantee” (or “proof”) token that the emission happened.
  • Converts a value of a type into a DiagArg (typically a field of an Diag struct). Implemented as a custom trait rather than From so that it is implemented on the type being converted rather than on DiagArgValue, which enables types from other rustc_* crates to implement this.
  • Trait implemented by lint types. This should not be implemented manually. Instead, use #[derive(LintDiagnostic)] – see rustc_macros::LintDiagnostic.
  • Trait implemented by error types. This should not be implemented manually. Instead, use #[derive(Subdiagnostic)] – see rustc_macros::Subdiagnostic.

Type Aliases§

  • Simplified version of FluentArg that can implement Encodable and Decodable. Collection of DiagArg are converted to FluentArgs (consuming the collection) at the start of diagnostic emission.
  • Name of a diagnostic argument.

Trait Aliases§