Expand description
Helpers to gather the VCS information for cargo package
- GitVcs
Info - Represents the Git VCS information when packaging.
- VcsInfo
- Represents the VCS information when packaging.
- check_
repo_ state - Checks if the package source is in a git DVCS repository.
- collect_
statuses 🔒 - Helper to collect dirty statuses for a single repo.
- dirty_
files_ 🔒outside_ pkg_ root - Checks whether “included” source files outside package root have been modified.
- git 🔒
- The real git status check starts from here.
- relative_
pathspec 🔒 - Use pathspec so git only matches a certain path prefix
- status_
submodules 🔒 - Helper to collect dirty statuses while recursing into submodules.
- warn_
symlink_ 🔒checked_ out_ as_ plain_ text_ file - Warns if any symlinks were checked out as plain text files.