- Access
ToUnion 🔒Field Requires Unsafe - Access
ToUnion 🔒Field Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - AdtDefined
Here 🔒 - Already
Borrowed 🔒 - Already
MutBorrowed 🔒 - Bindings
With 🔒Variant Name - Borrow
OfLayout 🔒Constrained Field Requires Unsafe - Borrow
OfLayout 🔒Constrained Field Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Borrow
OfMoved 🔒Value - Call
ToDeprecated 🔒Safe FnRequires Unsafe - Call
ToDeprecated 🔒Safe FnRequires Unsafe Sub - Call
ToFunction 🔒With Requires Unsafe - Call
ToFunction 🔒With Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Call
ToUnsafe 🔒Function Requires Unsafe - Call
ToUnsafe 🔒Function Requires Unsafe Nameless - Call
ToUnsafe 🔒Function Requires Unsafe Nameless Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Call
ToUnsafe 🔒Function Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Const
Param 🔒InPattern - Const
Pattern 🔒Depends OnGeneric Parameter - Could
NotEval 🔒Const Pattern - Deref
OfRaw 🔒Pointer Requires Unsafe - Deref
OfRaw 🔒Pointer Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Inform 🔒
- Initializing
Type 🔒With Requires Unsafe - Initializing
Type 🔒With Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Initializing
Type 🔒With Unsafe Field Requires Unsafe - Initializing
Type 🔒With Unsafe Field Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Interpreted
AsConst 🔒 - Invalid
Pattern 🔒 - Irrefutable
LetPatterns 🔒IfLet - Irrefutable
LetPatterns 🔒IfLet Guard - Irrefutable
LetPatterns 🔒LetElse - Irrefutable
LetPatterns 🔒While Let - Leading
Irrefutable 🔒LetPatterns - Literal
OutOf 🔒Range - Lower
Range 🔒Bound Must BeLess Than OrEqual ToUpper - Lower
Range 🔒Bound Must BeLess Than Upper - MCDC
Exceeds 🔒Condition Limit - Moved
While 🔒Borrowed - Multiple
MutBorrows 🔒 - Mutation
OfLayout 🔒Constrained Field Requires Unsafe - Mutation
OfLayout 🔒Constrained Field Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - NaNPattern 🔒
- NonConst
Path 🔒 - NonEmpty
Never 🔒Pattern - NonExhaustive
Match 🔒AllArms Guarded - NonExhaustive
Patterns 🔒Type NotEmpty - Pattern
NotCovered 🔒 - Pointer
Pattern 🔒 - Rust2024
Incompatible 🔒Pat - Rust2024
Incompatible 🔒PatSugg - Static
InPattern 🔒 - Trailing
Irrefutable 🔒LetPatterns - Type
NotPartial 🔒Eq - Type
NotStructural 🔒 - Union
Pattern 🔒 - Unreachable
Pattern 🔒 - Unsafe
Binder 🔒Cast Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
Binder 🔒Cast Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Unsafe
NotInherited 🔒Lint Note - Unsafe
NotInherited 🔒Note - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnAccess ToUnion Field Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnBorrow OfLayout Constrained Field Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnCall ToFunction With Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnCall ToUnsafe Function Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnCall ToUnsafe Function Requires Unsafe Nameless - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnDeref OfRaw Pointer Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnInitializing Type With Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnInitializing Type With Unsafe Field Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnMutation OfLayout Constrained Field Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnUnsafe Binder Cast Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnUse OfExtern Static Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnUse OfInline Assembly Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnUse OfMutable Static Requires Unsafe - Unsafe
OpIn 🔒Unsafe FnUse OfUnsafe Field Requires Unsafe - Unsized
Pattern 🔒 - Unused
Unsafe 🔒 - UseOf
Extern 🔒Static Requires Unsafe - UseOf
Extern 🔒Static Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - UseOf
Inline 🔒Assembly Requires Unsafe - UseOf
Inline 🔒Assembly Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - UseOf
Mutable 🔒Static Requires Unsafe - UseOf
Mutable 🔒Static Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - UseOf
Unsafe 🔒Field Requires Unsafe - UseOf
Unsafe 🔒Field Requires Unsafe Unsafe OpIn Unsafe FnAllowed - Variant 🔒
- Wanted
Constant 🔒