Module builder

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This module used to be named build, but that was causing GitHub’s “Go to file” feature to silently ignore all files in the module, probably because it assumes that “build” is a build-output directory. See


block 🔒
cfg 🔒
Routines for manipulating the control-flow graph.
coverageinfo 🔒
custom 🔒
Provides the implementation of the custom_mir attribute.
expr 🔒
Builds MIR from expressions. As a caller into this module, you have many options, but the first thing you have to decide is whether you are evaluating this expression for its value, its location, or as a constant.
matches 🔒
Code related to match expressions. These are sufficiently complex to warrant their own module and submodules. :) This main module includes the high-level algorithm, the submodules contain the details.
misc 🔒
Miscellaneous builder routines that are not specific to building any particular kind of thing.
scope 🔒
Managing the scope stack. The scopes are tied to lexical scopes, so as we descend the THIR, we push a scope on the stack, build its contents, and then pop it off. Every scope is named by a region::Scope.


unpack 🔒
Update a block pointer and return the value. Use it like let x = unpack!(block =, foo)).


BlockAnd 🔒
The BlockAnd “monad” packages up the new basic block along with a produced value (sometimes just unit, of course). The unpack! macro (and methods below) makes working with BlockAnd much more convenient.
BlockContext 🔒
Builder 🔒
Capture 🔒
GuardFrame 🔒
GuardFrameLocal 🔒
ScopeId 🔒


BlockFrame 🔒
ForGuard 🔒
ForGuard indicates whether we are talking about:
LocalsForNode 🔒
NeedsTemporary 🔒


BlockAndExtension 🔒


Create the MIR for a given DefId, including unreachable code. Do not call this directly; instead use the cached version via mir_built.
closure_saved_names_of_captured_variables 🔒
construct_const 🔒
construct_error 🔒
Construct MIR for an item that has had errors in type checking.
construct_fn 🔒
the main entry point for building MIR for a function
parse_float_into_constval 🔒
parse_float_into_scalar 🔒

Type Aliases§

CaptureMap 🔒