Module predicates_of



assert_only_contains_predicates_from 🔒
compute_bidirectional_outlives_predicates 🔒
Opaques have duplicated lifetimes and we need to compute bidirectional outlives predicates to enforce that these lifetimes stay in sync.
const_conditions 🔒
Compute the conditions that need to hold for a conditionally-const item to be const. That is, compute the set of ~const where clauses for a given item.
const_evaluatable_predicates_of 🔒
explicit_implied_const_bounds 🔒
explicit_implied_predicates_of 🔒
explicit_predicates_of 🔒
explicit_super_predicates_of 🔒
Ensures that the super-predicates of the trait with a DefId of trait_def_id are lowered and stored. This also ensures that the transitive super-predicates are lowered.
explicit_supertraits_containing_assoc_item 🔒
gather_explicit_predicates_of 🔒
Returns a list of user-specified type predicates for the definition with ID def_id. N.B., this does not include any implied/inferred constraints.
implied_predicates_with_filter 🔒
Ensures that the super-predicates of the trait with a DefId of trait_def_id are lowered and stored. This also ensures that the transitive super-predicates are lowered.
predicates_of 🔒
Returns a list of all type predicates (explicit and implicit) for the definition with ID def_id. This includes all predicates returned by explicit_predicates_of, plus inferred constraints concerning which regions outlive other regions.
trait_explicit_predicates_and_bounds 🔒
type_param_predicates 🔒
Returns the predicates defined on item_def_id of the form X: Foo where X is the type parameter def_id.