Module test

Expand description

The expansion from a test function to the appropriate test struct for libtest Ideally, this code would be in libtest but for efficiency and error messages it lives here.


ShouldPanic 🔒
TestType 🔒


check_bench_signature 🔒
check_test_signature 🔒
expand_bench 🔒
expand_test 🔒
expand_test_case 🔒
#test_case is used by custom test authors to mark tests When building for test, it needs to make the item public and gensym the name Otherwise, we’ll omit the item. This behavior means that any item annotated with #test_case is never addressable.
expand_test_or_bench 🔒
get_location_info 🔒
item_path 🔒
not_testable_error 🔒
should_ignore 🔒
should_ignore_message 🔒
should_panic 🔒
test_type 🔒
Attempts to determine the type of test. Since doctests are created without macro expanding, only possible variants here are UnitTest, IntegrationTest or Unknown.