Module format



MacroInput 🔒


PositionUsedAs 🔒


expand_format_args 🔒
expand_format_args_impl 🔒
expand_format_args_nl 🔒
invalid_placeholder_type_error 🔒
make_format_args 🔒
parse_args 🔒
Parses the arguments from the given list of tokens, returning the diagnostic if there’s a parse error so we can continue parsing other format! expressions.
report_invalid_references 🔒
Handle invalid references to positional arguments. Output different errors for the case where all arguments are positional and for when there are named arguments or numbered positional arguments in the format string.
report_missing_placeholders 🔒
report_redundant_format_arguments 🔒
This function detects and reports unused format!() arguments that are redundant due to implicit captures (e.g. format!("{x}", x)).