Module stability

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A pass that annotates every item and method with its stability level, propagating default levels lexically from parent to children ast nodes.


Annotator πŸ”’
A private tree-walker for producing an Index.
CheckTraitImplStable πŸ”’
Checker πŸ”’
MissingStabilityAnnotations πŸ”’


AnnotationKind πŸ”’
InheritConstStability πŸ”’
Whether to inherit const stability flags for nested items. In most cases, we do not want to inherit const stability: just because an enclosing fn is const-stable does not mean all extern imports declared in it should be const-stable! However, trait methods inherit const stability attributes from their parent and do not have their own.
InheritDeprecation πŸ”’
Whether to inherit deprecation flags for nested items. In most cases, we do want to inherit deprecation, because nested items rarely have individual deprecation attributes, and so should be treated as deprecated if their parent is. However, default generic parameters have separate deprecation attributes from their parents, so we do not wish to inherit deprecation in this case. For example, inheriting deprecation for T in Foo<T> would cause a duplicate warning arising from both Foo and T being deprecated.
InheritStability πŸ”’


check_mod_unstable_api_usage πŸ”’
Cross-references the feature names of unstable APIs with enabled features and possibly prints errors.
Given the list of enabled features that were not language features (i.e., that were expected to be library features), and the list of features used from libraries, identify activated features that don’t exist and error about them.
is_unstable_reexport πŸ”’
Check whether a path is a use item that has been marked as unstable.
provide πŸ”’
stability_index πŸ”’
unnecessary_partially_stable_feature_lint πŸ”’
unnecessary_stable_feature_lint πŸ”’