Crate rustc_driver

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  • Runs a closure and catches unwinds triggered by fatal errors.
  • Variant of catch_fatal_errors for the interface::Result return type that also computes the exit code.
  • Show help for flag categories shared between rustdoc and rustc.
  • Write to stdout lint command options, together with a list of all available lints
  • Process command line options. Emits messages as appropriate. If compilation should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args, otherwise returns None.
  • This allows tools to enable rust logging without having to magically match rustc’s tracing crate version. In contrast to init_rustc_env_logger it allows you to choose the values directly rather than having to set an environment variable.
  • This allows tools to enable rust logging without having to magically match rustc’s tracing crate version.
  • Install our usual ctrlc handler, which sets rustc_const_eval::CTRL_C_RECEIVED. Making this handler optional lets tools can install a different handler, if they wish.
  • Installs a panic hook that will print the ICE message on unexpected panics.