Rust 2024

🚧 The 2024 Edition has not yet been released and hence this section is still "under construction".

Release version1.85.0 (anticipated)

The Rust 2024 Edition is scheduled to be frozen on 2024-10-17, stabilized on nightly on 2024-11-28, and released as stable with Rust 1.85.0 on 2025-02-20. In more detail, the currently anticipated release schedule is:

DateVersionEdition stage
2024-10-11Branch v1.83Go / no go on all items
2024-10-17Release v1.82Rust 2024 nightly beta
2024-11-22Branch v1.84Prepare to stabilize...
2024-11-28Release v1.83Stabilize Rust 2024 on master
2025-01-03Branch v1.85Cut Rust 2024 to beta
2025-01-09Release v1.84Announce Rust 2024 is pending!
2025-02-20Release v1.85Release Rust 2024

Our motivating priorities for this edition are to:

  • Make this edition a success.
  • Do so without requiring heroics from anyone.
    • ...or stressing anyone or everyone out.

Consequently, it's possible that things could change if needed so as to better adhere to those guiding priorities. This is a project run by volunteers.

However, at the moment, the edition is on track.