- AddAs
NonDerive 🔒 - Added
Macro 🔒Use - Ancestor
Only 🔒 - Anonymous
Livetime 🔒NonGat Report Error - Arguments
Macro 🔒UseNot Allowed - Associated
Const 🔒With Similar Name Exists - Associated
FnWith 🔒Similar Name Exists - Associated
Type 🔒With Similar Name Exists - Attempt
ToDefine 🔒Builtin Macro Twice - Attempt
ToUse 🔒NonConstant Value InConstant - Attempt
ToUse 🔒NonConstant Value InConstant Label With Suggestion - Attempt
ToUse 🔒NonConstant Value InConstant With Suggestion - Attempt
ToUse 🔒NonConstant Value InConstant Without Suggestion - Attributes
Starting 🔒With Rustc AreReserved - BadMacro
Import 🔒 - Binding
InNever 🔒Pattern - Binding
Shadows 🔒Something Unacceptable - Binding
Shadows 🔒Something Unacceptable Suggestion - Cannot
BeReexported 🔒Crate Public - Cannot
BeReexported 🔒Crate PublicNS - Cannot
BeReexported 🔒Private - Cannot
BeReexported 🔒PrivateNS - Cannot
Capture 🔒Dynamic Environment InFn Item - Cannot
Determine 🔒Import Resolution - Cannot
Determine 🔒Macro Resolution - Cannot
Find 🔒Builtin Macro With Name - Cannot
Find 🔒Ident InThis Scope - Cannot
Glob 🔒Import AllCrates - Cannot
UseThrough 🔒AnImport - CfgAccessible
Unsure 🔒 - Change
Import 🔒Binding - Change
Import 🔒Binding Suggestion - Consider
AddingA 🔒Derive - Consider
Adding 🔒Macro Export - Consider
Making 🔒TheField Public - Consider
Marking 🔒AsPub - Const
NotMember 🔒OfTrait - Constructor
Private 🔒IfAny Field Private - Crate
Imported 🔒 - Elided
Anonymous 🔒Livetime Report Error - Elided
Anonymous 🔒Livetime Report Error Suggestion - Expected
Module 🔒Found - Explicit
Anonymous 🔒Livetime Report Error - Explicit
Unsafe 🔒Traits - Extern
Crate 🔒Loading Macro NotAt Crate Root - Extern
Crate 🔒Self Requires Renaming - Forward
Declared 🔒Generic Param - Found
Item 🔒Configure Out - Generic
Arguments 🔒InMacro Path - Generic
Params 🔒From Outer Item - Generic
Params 🔒From Outer Item Sugg - Ident
Importer 🔒Here ButIt IsDesc - Ident
InScope 🔒ButIt IsDesc - Identifier
Bound 🔒More Than Once InParameter List - Identifier
Bound 🔒More Than Once InSame Pattern - Implicit
Elided 🔒Lifetime NotAllowed Here - Imported
Macro 🔒NotFound - Imports
Cannot 🔒Refer To - Indeterminate 🔒
- Invalid
AsmSym 🔒 - IsNot
Directly 🔒Importable - IsPrivate 🔒
- Item
WasBehind 🔒Feature - Item
WasCfg 🔒Out - Items
InTraits 🔒AreNot Importable - Label
With 🔒Similar Name Reachable - Lending
Iterator 🔒Report Error - Lowercase
Self 🔒 - Macro
Defined 🔒Later - Macro
Expanded 🔒Extern Crate Cannot Shadow Extern Arguments - Macro
Expected 🔒Found - Macro
Extern 🔒Deprecated - Macro
Sugg 🔒Move Position - Macro
UseExtern 🔒Crate Self - Macro
UseName 🔒Already InUse - Maybe
Missing 🔒Macro Rules Name - Method
NotMember 🔒OfTrait - Module
Only 🔒 - Name
Already 🔒Used InParameter List - Name
Defined 🔒Multiple Time - Name
Reserved 🔒InAttribute Namespace - Note
AndRefers 🔒ToThe Item Defined Here - Outer
Ident 🔒IsNot Publicly Reexported - Param
InEnum 🔒Discriminant - Param
InNon 🔒Trivial Anon Const - Param
InNon 🔒Trivial Anon Const Help - Param
InTy 🔒OfConst Param - Pattern
Doesnt 🔒Bind Name - Proc
Macro 🔒Same Crate - Relative2018 🔒
- Remove
Surrounding 🔒Derive - Remove
Unnecessary 🔒Import - Self
Import 🔒CanOnly Appear Once InThe List - Self
Import 🔒Only InImport List With NonEmpty Prefix - Self
Imports 🔒Only Allowed Within - Self
Imports 🔒Only Allowed Within Multipart Suggestion - Self
Imports 🔒Only Allowed Within Suggestion - Self
InGeneric 🔒Param Default - Static
Lifetime 🔒IsReserved - Tool
Module 🔒Imported - Tool
Only 🔒Accepts Identifiers - Tool
Only 🔒Remove Unnecessary Import - Tool
WasAlready 🔒Registered - Trait
Impl 🔒Duplicate - Trait
Impl 🔒Mismatch - TryUsing
Similarly 🔒Named Label - Type
NotMember 🔒OfTrait - Undeclared
Label 🔒 - Underscore
Lifetime 🔒IsReserved - Unexpected
ResChange 🔒TyTo Const Param Sugg - Unexpected
ResUse 🔒AtOp InSlice PatWith Range Sugg - Unnamed
Crate 🔒Root Import - Unreachable
Label 🔒 - Unreachable
Label 🔒SubLabel - Unreachable
Label 🔒SubLabel Unreachable - Unreachable
Label 🔒SubSuggestion - Unreachable
Label 🔒With Similar Name Exists - Variable
Bound 🔒With Different Mode - Variable
IsNot 🔒Bound InAll Patterns - Variable
NotIn 🔒AllPatterns