Module enums



cpp_like 🔒
native 🔒


DiscrResult 🔒


build_c_style_enum_di_node 🔒
Build the debuginfo node for a C-style enum, i.e. an enum the variants of which have no fields.
build_coroutine_di_node 🔒
build_coroutine_variant_struct_type_di_node 🔒
Build the struct type for describing a single coroutine state. See build_coroutine_variant_struct_type_di_node.
build_enum_type_di_node 🔒
build_enum_variant_struct_type_di_node 🔒
Build the debuginfo node for the struct type describing a single variant of an enum.
build_enumeration_type_di_node 🔒
Build a DW_TAG_enumeration_type debuginfo node, with the given base type and variants. This is a helper function and does not register anything in the type map by itself.
compute_discriminant_value 🔒
Returns the discriminant value corresponding to the variant index.