pub use self::dependency::Dependency;
pub use self::dependency::SerializedDependency;
pub use self::features::CliUnstable;
pub use self::features::Edition;
pub use self::features::Feature;
pub use self::features::Features;
pub use self::manifest::EitherManifest;
pub use self::manifest::VirtualManifest;
pub use self::manifest::Manifest;
pub use self::manifest::Target;
pub use self::manifest::TargetKind;
pub use self::package::Package;
pub use self::package::PackageSet;
pub use self::package_id::PackageId;
pub use self::registry::Registry;
pub use self::resolver::Resolve;
pub use self::resolver::ResolveVersion;
pub use self::shell::Shell;
pub use self::shell::Verbosity;
pub use self::summary::FeatureMap;
pub use self::summary::FeatureValue;
pub use self::summary::Summary;
- Interact with the compiler
- Support for nightly features in Cargo itself.
- Support for garbage collecting unused files from downloaded files or artifacts from the target directory.
- Support for tracking the last time files were used to assist with cleaning up those files if they haven’t been used in a while.
- Handles built-in and customizable compiler flag presets.
- Types that hold source information for a group of packages.
- Resolution of the entire dependency graph for a crate.
- Some or all of the data required to identify a package:
- Unique identifier for a source of packages.
- The core abstraction in Cargo for working with a workspace of crates.
- Intermediate configuration of a workspace root in a manifest.
- Information to find a specific commit in a Git repository.
- The possible kinds of code source.
- Configuration of a workspace in a manifest.
- Finds the path of the root of the workspace.